Chapter 6

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The morning sun shone upon Sammy's fur, warming it up. The young kitten shook his pelt, relieving himself of some of his nerves. But they came back as soon as they left. His anxiety was bouncing all over the place. Oh dear, he was so nervous!

"You know, you don't have to do this," Amaya's voice whimpered. Sammy looked back over his shoulder. Sitting beside her brother, the white she kitten went on, "We have everything we could ever want here." Tears were already brimming in her blue eyes. Gently draping his tail over her shoulders, Sammy meowed quietly, "I understand that. But I truly believe there is more for me beyond this life. I'm meant for something greater."

"Well, I guess I don't have to ask whether or not you're coming," Woodfeather rumbled, his voice startling the youngsters. The siblings jumped and turned to the source. Stepping out from the bushes, the big red tabby padded up to the two kittens. Gazing down at Sammy, Woodfeather tilted his head to the side curiously and asked, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes sir!" Sammy exclaimed, jumping to his paws. He would've run right into the forest if not for his sister waiting there beside him. The kitten looked back. Amaya was still sitting there, a sad expression painted on her face. Trotting over to her, he gently nuzzled her cheek as he murmured, "You can come too if you would like."

"No, no I can't. I have to stay here," Amaya whimpered. Nuzzling her brother back, she mumbled, "I'll miss you." Licking her forehead kindly, Sammy vowed, "I'll come visit when I get a chance, I promise." Backing away, he smiled softly at his sister. Returning the smile, Amaya wiped her eyes with her paw before she turned around and jumped up onto the fence. A moment later, she jumped down on the other side.

"Come on little one," Woodfeather rasped, "Let's head to camp." Still feeling emotional from the goodbye with his sister, Sammy could only nod his head. Head butting the youngster, the older feline pointed out, "I know, it's hard to say goodbye to our siblings. I still remember the day my brother and I parted ways like it was yesterday. But they're always with us and we get the chance to see them again."

"Th... thank you..." Sammy stuttered, touched by the advice. Woodfeather simply dipped his head in response. With a flick of his fluffy tail, he trotted off towards the woods. Not wanting to be left behind, Sammy quickly ran after the big red tabby. It was a struggle, with how big the other cat was. But the kitten did his best. And his efforts were rewarded when Woodfeather declared, "Watch yourself now, we're almost there."

"We are- woah!" Sammy squeaked, his paws slipping under him. He almost fell off the rotten log and into the water below. Thankfully, Woodfeather was quick and caught him before he fell in. "Thank you," Sammy mumbled, a nervous grin on his face. Carrying the kitten across the log, Woodfeather meowed, "Don't feel bad, every apprentice does that on their first day. Wetpaw literally did so yesterday!"

"He did? Wait, where are we?" Sammy asked, looking around. By the looks of it, they were on an island. Nearby was a thick and heavy layer of ferns and bushes, like they were trying to hide something. Padding over to an opening in the undergrowth, Woodfeather replied, "Follow me and you'll see." Without hesitation, Sammy followed. His eyes widened when he saw what waited for him on the other side.

Chuckling softly, Woodfeather remarked, "Welcome to the MinnowClan camp."

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