Chapter 7

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Sammy was amazed by everything he could see. Restrained by the confines of the island, the camp surprisingly didn't appear to be small. There were dens here and there with a huge rock on the other side of the clearing. Most importantly though, there were many cats. All were different colors but all also had sleek fur and a slender build. This was MinnowClan.

"Woodfeather! You're back!" someone called out. Sammy and Woodfeather turned to the right to see a gray and white tabby she cat bounding over. A purr rumbling in his throat, the big red tabby went to greet the she cat. The pair nuzzled each other lovingly before the female glanced over at Sammy. Frowning, she asked, "Woodfeather, who's that?"

"Don't worry Mistystorm, I will explain everything soon," Pikestar meowed as he trotted up. Sammy sighed in relief when he saw the older tom. Draping his tail over the youngster's shoulders, the elder murmured, "Come, follow me Sammy." Following the leader, Sammy asked, "Where are we going?"

"Well I have to announce your arrival, don't I?" Pikestar teased, purring in amusement. Sammy chuckled a little. As he followed the old cat towards the huge rock across the clearing, the young kit could feel eyes burning into his pelt. The other cats were watching, staring at him. Suddenly nervous, Sammy felt hot under his fur while he clambered up the rock and sat down behind Pikestar. Clearing his throat, Pikestar yowled, "Cats of MinnowClan old enough to swim in the rapids, gather around the River Boulder for a clan meeting!"

"What in SpiritClan- who is that behind you Pikestar?" a golden tabby she cat yelled from the crowd. Spotting her, Sammy shuddered when he met her narrowed green eyes. Pikestar wasn't bothered though as he spoke, "Calm down Fernheart, I'm getting there." Facing the rest of the clan as cats young and old crept forth, the gray and ginger tortoiseshell continued, "Everyone, I'd like you all to meet Sammy. I met this young cat while out on patrol last night and he has volunteered to join our clan."

"Wait, where did you find him?" a gray tom asked. Noticing him, Sammy noted that he looked like a younger and lighter version of Sootbreeze. Perhaps they were related? Next to the gray tom was a young black tom his age with amber eyes. Said eyes were narrowed, as if studying the young kit. Letting out a loud gasp, the black tom jumped to his feet screeching, "It's a kittypet!" Gasps broke out amongst the crowd as the youngster went on, "Kittypets have no place in any of the clans! He should leave now!"

"Sammy," Pikestar whispered. Pulling his gaze away from the young black tom kit, Sammy looked up at the MinnowClan leader. He hated to admit it but he was scared. He didn't like how everyone was staring at him and bullying him. Flicking his white tipped tail, Pikestar rasped in a quiet voice, "Don't let them get to you, that's what they want. You need to show them how strong you are."

Courage began to blossom in Sammy's chest. What Pikestar had said was encouraging him. The white and golden tom kit looked back at the crowd. The black tom was still complaining at length to anyone who would listen. Completely distracted. Hearing everything the youngster was yowling, it felt like something snapped inside of Sammy. Unsheathing his claws, he crouched before suddenly lunging forward.

The young black tom had no idea what had hit him until it was too late. Pinning the other youngster to the dusty floor, Sammy practically shoved his opponent's face into the dirt. Growling, the black cat quickly rolled over, squashing Sammy underneath him. Getting off, he whirled around with outstretched claws. Thinking fast, Sammy lashed out first.

A loud howl of pain echoed throughout the clearing. The black tom backed away with a paw over his eye. Scrambling to get on his feet, Sammy kept his distance as he and everyone else watched. Panting heavily, the other young cat lowered his paw, revealing a long bloody cut running over his left eye. His ears flattened against his head, Sammy whimpered, "I'm sorry."

"You'll pay for that!" the black tom spat. With an angry hissed, he bowled Sammy over and lunged for his throat. Sammy froze in horror, expecting sharp teeth to sink into his neck. However, he felt something tugging against his neck. He suddenly realized it was his collar. The other cat pulled and pulled. Choking, Sammy pulled in the other direction. He had to get free, just a little further and he would be-


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