Chapter one : the dream

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Key woke up from her sleep the sunlight that went through the cracks in the window blinds stung her eyes She shook herself awake and yawned before getting up to her paws.

". "Another day" she thought as she stretched, The sent of her food made her paws take her straight to the kitchen she poked her head through a crack in the the door.
and a twoleg kit pouring milk into a food bowl with pebbles in it.
The twoleg saw key and meowed "hello Key" unlike most cats key knew how to understand twoleg talk . Key meowed a greeting and went into the kitchen and the twoleg grabbed a different bowl and poured her cat food in it then she placed it next to key.

Key looked at the fish shaped pebbles that she always loved eating then she sat down to start eating. " I never want to leave, it's so cozy here and I don't have to work for anything" she thought. A loud voice startled her and she jumped when a bigger twoleg came in the room . It looked like the twoleg was tired and it started yelling at the twoleg kit ,then the kit started yelling and Key couldn't take the noise so she went into her napping room where she had woken up . She curled up in her nest but did not go to sleep until the twoleg stopped yelling and it was quiet then she drifted off to sleep. She woke up in a dream, she was in a forest hiking with her twolegs when all of a sudden her twolegs disappeared and her collar was gone she was hit with a shock of fear of being alone in the dangourous forest without anyone.then darkness surrounded her and she collapsed on cold nothingness. She was afraid and felt unable to move until the sky lit up and she was in a place where four great oaks met . There was a tall rock and stars surrounded her. The sight was beautiful to Key , then the stars around her transformed into the silloetes of cats. She was stunned and confused but she felt as if she wanted to stay in this beautiful land but she also wanted to leave and go to her twolegs .

". Key" said one of the starry cats "you must leave your twolegs and come into what is unknown to you , you must become a warrior." Key was shocked she didn't know what to say or do or what a warrior was. "W...what? I don't even know what your talking about ." All of a sudden all the other cats disappeared and only one was left in with Key. "You want venture into the forest , and save the clans." Key was confused and felt a chill run through her " I...I don't understand please explain this to me I don't know what your saying I.... I." But it was to late the starry cat was disappearing . "N...No you can't leave me..............please

Hey guys I hope you liked the first chapter of The wild ones witch is also my first book! Anyways leave some of names of your own characters and how they look and act in the comments and You could have a chance to have your cats in the story!

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