Training begins

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            "Time for training!" Blackpaw cheered."What kind if training?" Icepaw asked as she looked at the entrance of the den."Well I just started training a few days ago so we will probably be going over the stuff I have already learned so you can learn them." He replied as he started grooming himself.All of a sudden Icepaw's stomach growled in a hunger that she had never felt because she had always been well fed by her twolegs." So what do you guys eat?" She asked." I'll show you before we go out to train." Blackpaw replied as he got up and raced to the entrance of the den.Icepaw got up and did the same as him.When she got out of the shadey bush the bright leaf fall sun stung her eyes and she felt as if it were right in front of her.When her vision cleared she saw Blackpaw sitting in a pile of soft leaves with a rabbit right next to him.As she trotted over to him Icepaw noticed a pile of mice,voles,fish, and all sorts of dead prey.When she sat down next to Blackpaw he nudged the rabbit closer to her." We eat prey." He meowed."Try it,its really tastey." Icepaw looked down at the white rabbit witch had a long claw mark on it showing that a cat killed it with its sharp claws.

             Icepaw gulped nervously as she bent down and bit into the leg of the rabbit.After a while she swallowed it and all glanced over at Blackpaw." It tastes delicious!" She exclaimed and bent down to take another bite." I'm glad you like it." Blackpaw meowed as he also took a bite.As they ate Sunstripe came over to them with another young cat by her side.The cat was a brown Tom with a scar on his eye and three huge scratches on his back." Icepaw." Sunstripe meowed
To her."This is you mentor,Dustnose.He will train you to become a warrior." Icepaw looked up into his soft gaze."Hello  there Icepaw." He said." I saw your fight with Rainclaw yesterday." He flicked histail amusingly as he spoke." He seemed very angry after that.I think you should stay away from him or else you will be crow food." After  Blackpaw finished off the rabbit he got up and headed for the exit of the camp." See you at the training hollow." He meowed behind his back as he leaped into the entrance log."Let's go." Sunstripe meowed as she got up to her paws."

As they trotted through the forest Dustnose and Sunstripe led the way to a steep and rocky slope that also had trees,bushes, and much more.It felt like a wall to Icepaw as she stared up at it, her white fur swaying in the wind.As soon as Icepaw opened her mouth to speak She saw Blackpaw at the top of the slope his head was high with pride as he looked down at them." I did it Sunstripe! I climbed the ravine all by myself!" Sunstripe looked at him with pride and she bounded up the rocks toward him,catching her grip by holding on to clutches and dents in the rocky slope.Her movement seemed so smooth and flawless that Icepaw thought she had flew up there with wings like a bird." Did you do it that smoothly." Sunstripe asked with a hint of amusement in her voice." Show off." Blackpaw grunted as he stared down at the two other cats.Dustnose turned to Icepaw." This is the ravine, it goes all around the forest to the other clans.After you climb this you will see the forest." Icepaw looked up at the ravine once more and studied the rocks and bushes to find the easiest way up." Over here." Icepaw padded to a hill of boulders and rocks with dents and clutches in it.It looked steep but Icepaw knew it must be the easiest way.She leaped at the first boulder,unshething her claws to steady herself.She tried to gain good footing but her leg slipped off the rock making her unbalanced and fall back onto the hard ground." Are you ok?" Dustnose asked as he raced over to her."Y-ya, I'm ok." Icepaw coughed as a dusty cloud surrounded her and stung her eyes."Let's try again but this time I will show you how to climb it." Dustnose insisted as Icepaw got up.

       She watched him grab his footing inside a clutch of rock and he pulled himself up by getting his claws hold inside a dent and at the top of the boulder where it was bumpy in some areas.When he got up onto the first boulder he flicked his tail,signaling for Icepaw to try.She gulped nervously as she leaped onto the rock and got his footing.Trying her best not to slip and disappoint her mentor she pulled herself up but almost slipped off again.When she reached the top her legs felt tiered, she painted and sat down looking up hopefully at her mentor.Dustnose's eyes glittered with satisfaction and pride." You did well for your first try." He meowed." Now let's climb the next rock." The next rock was tilted and had a Large sharp point at its left side,but the right side of the point was a smooth area of rock.Dustnose took no time to study the huge pointy rock and instantly leaped at it on its smooth side of the point.He got his grip and pulled himself up a couple  of times before reaching the top of the point.Without touching the point he simply stepped onto the top of the next boulder and stared down at Icepaw." Your turn.Keep your back steady and your grip strong." Icepaw did as he said and when she got to the next boulder they were almost at the top.Dustnose nodded in approval and then he simply hopped up the next couple of small boulders all the way to the top where Sunstripe and Blackpaw were waiting.She was just behind him and when she got to the top she felt bigger then ever.

   "Great job." Sunstripe praised her."Now we will go over to the borders.That is where's our will learn where not to go and where your hunting space is limited." As they bonded away from the ravine Icepaw noticed how she hadn't felt so alive in her life.The wind in her snowy white fur, her paws racing,the roaring scent of the forest,It was all her new home.And she would spent the rest of her life here and never turn back to a life of where there is no life, There was no wind in her fur when she was a kittypet.There were  no roaring scents, she left all of that behind every bit of it.And she hoped that she would never turn back to it....................................No matter the cost.


Hello there ppl I hope u enjoyed this chapter of the wild ones.I know there isn't really any action in this chapter but I tried.I want to save the action for next chapter witch will probably come out in a few weeks considering that school is starting and I already have a packed schedule AND I have to write OTHER stories! So sos if it comes out a little later then expected.Anyways don't forget to follow me because only my followers get notifications on my stuff and btw thx so much for 11 followers!  Anyways that's all for this chapter don't forget to vote,comment,and follow me.Bye :3

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