Chapter4: the trial

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        As they padded through the forest Blackpaw and Key ran into a hunting patrol of three cats with the mentor of Blackpaw as the head of the patrol.

             "Blackpaw, where have you been? And...........who is this?" Said a golden striped shecat. "W-well I-um." Blackpaw studded not knowing how to explain Key's presence.The shecat's eyes clouded with disappointment and furiousness "Didn't I tell you not to go out on your own?" She said with disappointment in her voice. "Y-yes I'm sorry." Blackpaw meowed looking down at his paws."and now your bringing an outsider through our territory without telling anyone where you were going?" The golden cat said more feriously."N-no. It's not like that,listen I will explain on the way to camp. I'm sure you will understand Sunstripe." Blackpaw meowed staring into the shecat's bright blue eyes."But how do we know Your not tricking us into having a spy come through our territory?"a blue-gray tom growled unleashing his claws.Sunstripe flicked her tan tail,signaling for him to keep calm." I want to hear what Blackpaw has to say, He is my apprentice so I will deal with him." Sunstripe said glaring into the angry green eyes of the blue-gray tom.

       "I guess Dawnstar will decide what to do with her." The tom said flicking his tail towards Key."Oh her, she,s a kittypet. And-" " A KITTYPET," the tom yelled in suprise and let our a huge meow of laughter that cut Blackpaw off.Blackpaw rolled his eyes as if it were no surprise the tom was acting this way."Ya we should definitely let him explain why he brought just another soft mouth to feed all the way here." The tom said only narrowing his eyes at Blackpaw aggressively. "what a great mentor you are . You trained your apprentice to betray the clan by making it hunt for another soft kit. And a kit can't be any help during leafbare." The tom said only laughing harder and harder within each insult."RAINCLAW YOU WILL BE QUIET THIS INSTANT." Sunstripe growled loudly with every hair on her back bristling and her claws showing. Rainclaw flinched but wasn't afraid to stand up to her."And what are you going to do about it Sunstripe? I get it that your older then me but that doesn't mean that you can silence me whenever you want." Rainclaw meowed licking a paw looking proud to stand up to her in a very sassy way.

     At that moment Sunstripe's last scrap of patience for the warrior flew away quicker then a feather flying through a storm and she leaped and landed on the warrior's sleek back."H-HEY I JUST GOT MYSELF GROOMED!" Rainclaw hissed fiercely as Sunstripe's claws went through his skin.The third warrior who was a ginger shecat was the only one carrying prey and she dropped it as soon as the two strong warriors started clawing at each other and she leaped forward to start pulling Sunstripe of the blue-gray tom.Blackpaw quickly scrambled to his paws to help her and they both worked together to grab the tan shecat's hind legs and tug her away from Rainclaw.As soon as she was off him Rainclaw ran to his paws witch were covered in glistening blood and ran through a thick bush to escape from Sunstripe. As soon as she calmed down and licked off most of the blood on her pelt she started forcing Blackpaw to explain why Key was here.

     As he explained Key noticed that the shecat's eyes gleamed with understanding and of joy when Key explained her dream that brought her here."We will see what Dawnstar says about this." Sunstripe meowed as they got up to their paws."Who is Dawnstar?" Key asked wiping confusion into her expression."" He is the leader of our clan!" Black star meowed in an exited  tone." And tonight's the gathering!i might go if Dawnstar chooses me to go with the rest of the clanmates he chooses.""What's a gathering?" Key asked only wiping more confusion and and a bit of curiosity over her expression. As Blackpaw explained to her about gatherings and the clans Key felt introduced to a new world where the clans would be peaceful and live together in the forest and share the life they lived in peace.and though she would see blood be shed and have to do so much to earn the trust of all the cats she met she would find out that there was not not much peace in the forest."This is the entrance to the camp." Blackpaw said when they reached a hollow log lined with moss and frost for the upcoming winter.The log formed a tunnel like entrance to the clan camp.As they entered the log Key noticed the smell and voices of other cats both young and elderly.

When they exited the log the bright sunlight stung her eyes but even so she could see many cats sitting besides each other or eating mice and squirrels.As she appeared into the sandy clearing every cat started coming closerto look at Key. "It's ok Key you have no reason to be scared of them, they aren't going to claw your fur off as far as I'm aware."Sunstripe meowed padding towards a den under the base of a giant rock just like the one in her dream. So this is the clan he thought about how it would be here as more cats started to pile up around her. " Let all cats of join under the high rock for a clan meeting." Called a voice from the rock. When Key whipped around to see witch cat it was she saw a unfamiliar brown cat with stripes of the colors of dawn."Come on." Blackpaw meowed racing toward the rock. Key followed him slowly, trying to get the ticks out of her fur and groom herself at the same time. When she had gotten to the rock the last tick witch was on her back was unreadable and annoyed Key as she groomed her messy forest ragged pelt.just as she finished grooming herself she heard the voice from the rock call out again." Sunstripe has told me that Blackpaw has brung another cat here to join us in the clan." The cat on the top glanced down at Key and she felt her fur grow hot with embarrassment." We need more warriors for the coming leafbare so I will give this cat a chance in trial to join the clan." The cat announced flicking his tail to Key to step forward as yowled of both agreement and a protest broke out in the crowd of cats.

"Go on." Blackpaw mowed encouragingly.As she padded forward to the base of the rock where the leader could see her a voice from the crowd yowled a familiar voice that Key could barley remember until it hit her, Rainclaw." Look at her collar, she is a kittypet! She won't be any use to us, she can't hunt or fight, she will just be another soft mouth to feed. And we definitely don't want that in leafbare."Rainclaw yowled stepping up to look eye to eye at Dawnstar. Key felt anger swell up inside her and she unleashed her claws only to find her sharpening them on the hard earth and deciding whether or not to attack Rainclaw by surprise.But just as murmuring and whispers shot up among the cats Key felt herself freeze through not only Rainclaw's words but also Dawnstar's.Rainclaw meowed in his sassy little voice that he used when he was arguing with Sunstripe in the forest "All she will do is moan and groan about everything she will complain about the food the bedding and everything so I say that she should just-" Rainclaw was cut short by Dawnstar's hard cold gaze. " Have you not heard of the story of a kittypet saving the forest?" He growled angrily.Rainclaw laughed mockingly " You actually believe that story? Only a kit would think that a kittypet could save the forest." A kittypet like me saved the forest?Key wondered in surprised shock struggling to keep herself calm but wondered if she should leap at the sassy cat.

" Dawnstar's, please, this cat wouldn't like it here with the way she is used to things. So please, let her go so we can have strong warriors not a soft kittypet that can't do anything." Rainclaw said more calmly but his eyes and expression only told Key that he was urging Dawnstar to let her be here.Just as Dawnstar was about to speak Key realized that her last scrap of patience were gone and she couldn't let this cat pick on her in such a rude way. She leaped at the blue-gray Tom and landed on his back only to get a good grip and hiss fiercely at the cat.He growled in shock but Key could see that he wasn't afraid to fight back. All of a sudden she felt unbelievable pain strike her neck and she only found Rainclaw's sharp claws stuck in her " Your going to have to try harder then that kittypet." Rainclaw spat as Key yowled in pain.Though she knew that Rainclaw was stronger then her she didn't back down, instead Key shook and twisted her neck free and leaped onto Rainclaw's head only to find him loose his balance and fall, busting his nose into the ground as he flinched in pain.

She saw her chance when he got up and his underbelly was revealed and she thrust herself forward only to find herself pinning Rainclaw down any raking  her claws across his bristling underbelly." STOP RIGHT NOW" Dawnstar yowled from the high rock.Key looked up only to find his eyes blazing with so many emotions." Key" He meowed on top of the rock." You have shown that you have warrior instincts and can fight well with other cats. I only want to know what brought you here in the first place." "Tell him the dream Key."meowed a voice from the crowd. Key whipped around to see Sunstripe poking her head through two cats witch looked at her weirdly.Key nodded and looked back up at Dawnstar." A-a dream brought me here." She stuttered." I was in a place where four trees were lined around a tall rock in the middle like borders. There were stars all around me and then the stars turned into cats."

Key met Dawnstar's gaze only to see wonder and amazement in his eyes before continuing." They told me to leave my twolegs and go into the forest.they also said that some kind of danger is coming. Then my dream ended." Dawnstar'seyes glowed with amazement and wonder as Key wondered if he would let her into the clan."Starry cats,a vision of four trees, this dream must be given to Key by starclan. We can't ignore it." Dawnstar meowed loudly looking down at the crowd of cats." Key,.......before I decide your faith you need to get rid of your collar. It is the chain of your twolegs, showing that you are a kittypet will not make the other clans think good of us. They will think we are soft in letting a kittypet in the clan."Key didn't know how to break her collar she didn't even think that a collar could break. All of a sudden Key felt sharp claws sink into her neck and she collapsed onto the ground only to look up and see yet again,Rainclaw.

He grabbed onto her collar with his teeth and tugged at it chocking Key. She yowled in pain but no one seemed to bother when she heard a slight snap and her neck felt bare with pain as the claws in her neck retracted and her neck was free at last.She winsced at the pain before looking down to see her purple collar in pieces. Rainclaw looked down at the collar in astonishment as he padded back to his spot only to cloud his eyes in iced hatred." Key.............Welcome to the clan." Dawnstar announced from the rock looking down at Key. " from now on you will be known as..................Icepaw." " Icepaw Icepaw!" Chanted the crowd. " icepaw." Key thought of her new name. " Icepaw will be trained just as evenly as any other apprentice. I will decide her mentor in the morning." Dawnstar meowed." Congratulations Icepaw!" Blackpaw meowed giving her a lick on the shoulder. I'm finally part of the clan Icepaw thought proudly. I'm finally wild.

Key guys :3 I hope you liked this chapter I have been working on it for a while. The last chapter only has 5 views at the time I'm writing this so I'm kinda releasing this chapter early.Anyways there isn't much to say except plz leave your oc in the comments and plz vote and follow me. Anyways boi :3

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