Chapter3: to the wild side!

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Key started trotting through the forest, unlike most kitty pet collars her collar didn't have a bell that made tingling sounds. Key started to get worried when she started getting deeper into the forest. Every so often she would hear rustling noises and she sniffed the wind only to find it carrying unfamiliar scents witch made her alert for anything,and she kept her eyes on every bush she saw before passing by. Her heart beat faster and faster every second and she wondered if she should have just stayed in twoleg place. I feel so lost she thought I wish I never did this.

After what felt like a moon of walking to could feel a tick on her tail and on her shoulder her ungroomed fur soon became a nuisance to her and her tired legs told her that she should rest. After a while she found a small bracken wall with a hole just big enough to squeeze through. She went through the hole witch had moss and a little bit of frost clinging to it, witch transferred onto her fur witch was already messy enough. When she decided to sniff the air to see if she could smell anything new she smelled other cats. Lots and lots of cats, her alarm and excitement made her feet give way and she tumbled down a giant downward slope. Witch brung dust, dirt, and another tick cling to her fur and she wondered if she would even survive.

When she landed down the slope she felt hungry, hurt,and she wanted to sleep for a moon. Right when she was about to get up to her paws she noticed that the place where she was looked similar to place she was in her dream. Four tall great oaks were surrounding the area like a border and there was a tall great rock in the center. She breathed a calmly feeling comforted by surroundings that were somewhat familiar to her. At that very moment the thought of her dream reminded her of how tired she was and she just decided to drift off to sleep right then and there.

While she slept she had a dream, she was in the forest following another cat's scent when a dark brown tom leaped at her its claws were unleashed and it was covered in scars then she woke.what is with these dreams. Key thought. All of a sudden Key scented another cat drawing near and she heard rustling from the moss covered bushes and she unleashed her claws."S....Stand back." P..Please I.......I." Key was interrupted when a black cat shot out at her launching key across the clearing. Key's heart thumped faster as she stared at the bloody scar on her shoulder. Feeling dizzy she launched herself at her apponent feeling as if she had no choice but to fight.She timed herself just right and was able to land on the black cat,s back the cat hissed fiercely as she fastened her claws into the cat,s black sleek pelt.

The cat shook and shook trying to get Key off its back finally Key dared to bite down on her opponent's neck and the black cat yowled in pain before finally being able to shake Key off its back. He sent Key flying into the tall rock in the center of the clearing witch gave Key a big bloody bruise."the black cat shook himself before speaking," Wow you put up quite a fight for a loner." "A loner?" Key said twitching her tail in confusion." Ya unless your a rouge I'm pretty sure your a loner." Said the black cat looking at Key.He stopped observing her when he looked at her neck. "A collar! Your a kittypet!" "So?" Key said licking the dust off one paw. "Kittypets don't usually go this far into the forest. " the black at meowed. "Anyways what's your name?" Key asked. "My name is blackpaw how about yours." Blackpaw said. Blackpaw? That's a very strange name.Ket thought. "M...My name is Key." She said.
Hey do you want to come with me to the clan?" Blackpaw asked politely.

"Clan? What's a clan?" Key asked. "You don't know? Shurrly you've heard of the clans of wildcats the rule the forest." Blackpaw asked. " Wait so there are more cats?"Key said flicking her tail in astonishment."Yup and maybe our clan leader will accept you into the clan. You can be one of us!" Blackpaw said exietment filled his eyes."Ok that sounds nice." Key said as she thought I can finally be wild.I can finally feel like I belong.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and btw I'm ready to  another update on silver paws so I hope you guys will enjoy that when it's realesed anyways I hope you enjoyed. Remember to leave your oc in the comments and I'm really sorry if I didn't,t add enough detail  or if I put in some spelling mistakes .

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