Chapter One

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Amberblaze was in the forest with Startail. "What do you mean the prophecy's been fulfilled?" She asked, confused. "I told you, I don't know how. Shadowfur, a StarClan cat, told me that it was fulfilled, but I don't know how, I just trust her. She's a StarClan cat. They don't lie." Startail explained. Amberblaze nodded. "I know. We barely did anything so it's hard to believe." Amberblaze meowed. Then her ears pricked up. "Unless you misheard what Shadowfur said and thought she meant the prophecy had been fulfilled." Startail shook her head. "No, that's not it. I know Shadowfur said that. I'm certain." Amberblaze rubbed her paw in the grass. "But how do you know Shadowfur got the right information from StarClan?" She asked. "I'm leaving." Startail meowed. "This is getting stupid." She got up and padded out of the forest toward BlueClan camp. "What is getting stupid about this?" Amberblaze meowed as Startail left. But Startail was gone. Amberblaze sighed. She had never meant to upset Startail. "This is her first talk with StarClan and she is a young cat. I can't be so hard on her." Amberblaze meowed to herself. Then she added, "Wait. Most cats never talk with StarClan so it must be very, very exciting for her. She's not even Clanborn!" Then, Foxtail, BlueClan's Deputy, came out of the camp. He had Snowstorm with him. "Amberblaze!" He yowled. "Duskstar wants you!"

"Okay!" Amberblaze yowled back.

I hope I'm not in trouble! Amberblaze thought nervously. I've been in trouble with Duskstar before!

When she reached Duskstar's den, he looked happy to see her. "Amberblaze." He greeted her with a nod. "Can you please lead a patrol to the Twolegplace? Kittypets have been wandering around BlueClan territory for a while. I'd like to take care of them once and for all." Amberblaze nodded. "Sure, Duskstar." She turned around and left. 

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