Chapter Two

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Stormtail, Lightningfang, and Burnfur were in the forest. "How long have we been walking in here?" Lightningfang asked. Stormtail honestly didn't know. The three of them had been trekking for a long time. "I don't know." Stormtail told his comrades. The three of them, Stormtail, Lightningfang, and Burnfur, were all identical. They all had white and ginger tabby fur. They were also all toms. They were warriors of GreenClan. Their leader- Pantherstar- had sent them to find BlueClan and RedClan to tell them they were still around. GreenClan had moved to the countryside after being pushed out of the forest by BlueClan and RedClan all those moons ago. YellowClan had also been pushed out. They had gone their own way. No one knew what happened to YellowClan. These days, no kit got out of the nursery without hearing the story about how BlueClan and RedClan pushed out GreenClan and YellowClan. Every cat knew the story from their time in the nursery. Even Pantherstar! The story had been passed down from generation to generation. "I'm a fox-length from giving up." Burnfur meowed. "We've been on our quest for moons and the only sign of BlueClan or RedClan was the blue collar we found in the forest. Lightningfang nodded. "And I don't even think BlueClan or RedClan wears any collars." "Right," Stormtail meowed. They were chosen for this quest as a last chance to prove their loyalty to GreenClan. They had always failed to protect their clan and hunt for their clan. They broke the Warrior Code often. "We are only on this quest as a punishment." Stormtail reminded the group. "If we give up and go home, Pantherstar will definitely drive us out of GreenClan for good." Burnfur nodded. "True, but this is impossible. We have wasted moons trying to find BlueClan and RedClan and we have found nothing. No prey scraps, no cats, no dens, no scent. Nothing." Lightningfang flicked his tail. "Yes. The only other cats we've seen since we left are Kittypets and Loners. The only scents we've smelled were Kittypets, Loners, Foxes, Dogs, and Badger scents. The only dens we've found were Fox dens and Badger sets. The only prey scraps we've found were Loner and Fox's prey scraps." Burnfur turned to Stormtail. "And remember this is 99% your fault. You are the one who messes up all the time. You are the one that Pantherstar hates. You are the one..." Stormtail lashed his tail. "Enough!" He hissed at Burnfur. "I have no interest in hearing about the reason we are on this quest!" Burnfur cowered. "Oh. S-sorry! It won't happen again! It won't happen again!" He ran back to Lightningfang to talk with him. We will find BlueClan and RedClan. Stormtail silently promised the other two. I know it.

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