Chapter 4 - Pranking the Newbie

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"Whitepaw! Whitepaw!"

Not a whole hour within the territory, and the kit was already an apprentice. Snowy- now Whitepaw- jumped with delight, grateful to have been accepted.

"Wow!" A group of apprentices made their way up to the new cat, sniffing her curiously. "So, how's Riverclan so far, Snowy- I mean, Whitepaw?"

"I dunno! The place seems nice. I haven't necessarily been here for too long, so I wouldn't know." As the new apprentices and group conversed, the devious Hawkkit- now Hawkpaw- was with his siblings, devising a plan.

"Are you sure Crookedstar's gonna approve of this?" A tom, slightly smaller and grayer than Hawkpaw mewed, his voice slightly muffled.

"Of course he is! Well, as long as he doesn't figure out, yeah, he will." Hawkpaw puffed out his chest. Icepaw shook her head, turning away when Hawkpaw looked to her. Now, it was obvious to the whole clan that Icepaw liked Hawkpaw; she stuck out like a thorn when she was around him. Hawkpaw sighed. "Alright, here's the plan.

"When Whitepaw comes back from exploring the territory tomorrow, we, obviously, will have been training- hopefully in battle strategies. When she comes into the den, we'll ambush her! We'll give her a shock and show her what Riverclan REALLY is!"

"So, scare her into liking the clan?" Icepaw blinked. "... Thats the best idea I've ever heard of!"

"Its only good because Hawkpaw made it, mouse-brain!" A blue she-cat hissed. Icepaw glared at her. "Oh, shut your trap!"


Day one. Whitepaw had joined a clan, became an apprentice, and already found a few friends. And here, now, the cat had her own place to sleep. Wonderful!

"How was your first day?" An apprentice asked, his tail twitching. His ginger tabby pelt slightly shone under the moonlight, as his emerald eyes gazed at the nest that was next to his. "It was good," Whitepaw replied. "Er... Blazenpaw, is it?"

"Blazepaw." He corrected her. "Its okay, I'd expect that-"
"From a kittypet," Hawkpaw interrupted, his brown tail tip twitching. His yellow eyes flickered like flames in the darkness, as his pelt seemed like furry wood. Whitepaw stared blankly at Hawkpaw, then returned her gaze to Blazepaw, her ears twitching. "Kittypet. I've been hearing that since I came here." She leaned closer to the ginger tom, muttering, "What does it mean?"

"It's a cat that lives with twolegs."

"And what are twolegs?"

".. Those things that walk on two legs."

"Oh! You mean humans?"

"... Yeah. Sure. Humans." Blazepaw only stared at her, before laying his head on his paws. "... Anyways, you better get all the rest you can. You're gonna need it tomorrow."


"For TRAINING." Hawkpaw retorted. "Now clam it, we need to sleep."

"I SEA what you did there."

"COD, stop making puns!"

"... Haha. Cod."

"Shut it."


Lel. Puns.

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