Riverclan - Chapter 3

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(Casually tries to make this one longer-)

The reeds rustled as the two cats walked into camp. The small bell attached to the bright blue collar jingled quietly as the attention was now turned to the two cats. There was a deadly silence, as cats stared at the newcomer. The tom - the rather larger cat - swished his tail, as if giving a command. The cats immediately stopped staring, and continued to mind their own business, occasionally glancing back to see what would happen.
"Crookedstar," the tom mewed. "We had a trespasser come onto Sunningrocks."

The silver tabby turned his head, his crooked jaw gaping. His ear twitched as he stared at the she-kit, his tail flicking. "Well," he mewed, half-expecting the kit to flinch at the sight of his jaw. However, she did nothing but stare.

"... I see you've found yourself in Riverclan territory. What brings you here?" The silver tom asked, his muscles rippling under his fur as he straightened his posture, sitting more comfortably on his nest.

"Well, I lost something. I went to go grab it, but.." She paused, the words caught on her tongue. That wasn't an excuse! She literally waltzed through the forest, looking for what- a BALL!?

She snapped back into reality. "Well, yeah- I did lose something. But, I guess I got curious- and... Well, I came here." She bit her tongue. "Well, er- HE found me." She flicked her tiny tail towards the dark grey tom. He seemed to hold back a purr of amusement.

"... I see." 'Crookedstar' mewed. Then, he asked a question - it seemed to come out of nowhere. "Would you like to join Riverclan?"

"... What?"

"Would you like to join?"

".... Wait wait wait, so... You're just gonna accept me right off the bat-"

"Crookedst-" A mew sounded behind the cats, followed by a growl. "A KITTYPET!"

"Hawkkit-" Crookedstar hissed. "Fadinggaze, could you PLEASE bring Hawkkit back to the nursery? Maybe when he becomes an apprentice tomorrow, his first assignment might be picking off ticks in the elders den."

The tom, 'Fadinggaze,' nodded, standing and turning toward the entrance. "Come on, Hawkkit. If you listen, I might persuade Crookedstar to make you my apprentice tomorrow."

"Really!?" The kit mewed, his yellow eyes shining. "Suh-weet! I'm gonna be the deputy's apprentice~" He quickly scampered after the deputy. Crookedstar shook his head.

"What is your name?" He asked, glancing at the collar.

"I'm Snowy." The white-furred kit replied, pausing. "So, about the offer to join the clan... Your just going to accept me right off the bat?"

"... Somewhat. You'll need your collar taken off," he pointed out. "Will you still want to join?"

"Sure, I don't see why not. This collar is KILLING me!" The leader blinked, worry in his eyes.

"... Its just an expression. Sorry." Snowy stifled a purr, glancing at the ground nervously. Did she already screw up her chances of joining Riverclan? She hoped not.

"Here, let me get your collar off. It should be fairly easy, since its quite small." Crookedstar bent his head over the back of her fluffy neck, nipping at the collar. His lower jaw began to make its way under the collar, getting it to a position where it could be broken off.

"Hold still," he mewed.





The collar fell to the ground, the bell jingling as it hit the earth.

"There you go." He mewed. "Here, come with me. I don't see why we can't do a ceremony a day early!"


Sup, my little wolf army.

I finally decided to update this~ if anything, I may create another chapter today!~

And, also, a small update.

A friend of mine passed away Wednesday. It was due to sudden medical complications.

May Starclan light your path, friend. May you be the brightest star up there.

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