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(Cat above is Cinderfern, drawn by me)

"How are you holding up?" Wolfpaw called over his shoulder.

Behind him, Jaypaw was bounding through the trees. That morning Rainfeather had made the announcement that Jaypaw was fit to go back to her apprentice duties. Wolfpaw had been ecstatic to learn that he would be able to train alongside her again. Even though he already had two wonderful siblings, Wolfpaw had always considered Jaypaw like another sister to him. Jaypaw had grown up without her siblings. They had died shortly after they were born. Jaypaw had often told him that he was like a brother to her.

"I'm good." Jaypaw called back.

Wolfpaw came to a halt and waited for her to catch up. Jaypaw gave a couple more bounds until she stood beside him.

"It feel so good to be out running in the forest again." Jaypaw mewed. "As much as I like Rainfeather and Pinepaw, I can't stand being cooped up in the medicine den."

"I don't think any cat can." Wolfpaw agreed. " Except for Rainfeather and Pinepaw."

Jaypaw let out a small laugh and the two apprentices carried on. As the two went about, hunting as prey came along, Jaypaw suddenly came to a stop, her ears pricked in alarm. Wolfpaw turned his ears to listen. Off in the distance, faint yowling was echoing through the trees.

"Do you hear that?" Jaypaw asked.

"Yeah. It sounds like Cinderfern." Wolfpaw mewed.

"Come on!" Jaypaw called as she descended into the bushes.

Wolfpaw quickly burred his catches and took off after her. As the two raced through the forest, the yowls became louder and louder. When Wolfpaw caught up to Jaypaw they had arrived at the border that separated ShadowClan from RiverClan.  Just as they had guessed, Cinderfern was there along with Poppynight, Moonswirl, and Greengaze. On the RiverClan side Wolfpaw recognized Pebbletail, Mossfoot, Talonleap, and Sorrelstep.

"What's going on?" Jaypaw asked.

"What's going on is ShadowClan apparently doesn't have enough prey in their own territory." hissed Mossfoot. "So, you've begun stealing RiverClan's."

"Why would steal prey we don't eat?" Greengaze inquired, his red brown tail lashing.

"Because that's how ShadowClan is." Pebbletail snarled.

Wolfpaw felt rage surged beneath his pelt. He stifled the urge to shred the gray tabby's fur. As the two patrols continued to glare, a familiar voice whispered in Wolfpaw's ear. It wasn't Stoneclaw, but the cat who had taught him the move he used on Toadpaw.

"Attack him."

"what?" Wolfpaw whispered back.

"Pebbletail. He insulted your clan."

Wolfpaw hesitated. "but-"

"Use the move you used on Toadpaw but this time pin him down by his neck." the voice instructed. "Cut off his air flow. It'll be hard for him to insult ShadowClan if he can't breathe."

"I don't know." Wolfpaw mumbled.

"You want to fight for your clan, right? Here's your chance."

Wolfpaw nodded. I'll fight for my clan. That's what true warriors do. Without thinking anymore, lunged at Pebbletail. Just as he did to Toadpaw, he landed behind the gray tabby. Before Pebbletail could look behind him, Wolfpaw swept his legs out from under him. Wolfpaw turned and used his back legs to push Pebbletail's body down. Finally, he pressed his unsheathed claws down on his throat. Pebbletail gasped for breath as Wolfpaw's claws began drawing blood. Suddenly teeth sank into Wolfpaw's shoulder and claws dug into his flank.

Cinderfern was dragging him off and back across the border. "Wolfpaw, stop it!" he yelled. "You were given no orders!"

Wolfpaw rolled his eyes. Not by you.

"A clan full of prey stealers and uncontrollable apprentices." Mossfoot sneered.

Cindefern's eyes fell to Wolfpaw. "Well, this one's usually well behave. He'll be receiving a proper punishment when we return to camp."

Pebbletail staggered to his paws. "Good." He turned to his patrol. "Let's go. We're done here."

The RiverClan patrol turned on their heels and left, hissing over their shoulders. Cinderfern nudged Wolfpaw to the front of his patrol. Wolfpaw kept his head bowed as the padded back to camp. When they slipped into camp, Antstar and Dewspark approached them.

"I'm guessing by your agitated looks, the patrol didn't go well." Antstar commented.

"RiverClan accused us of stealing prey." Cinderfern mewed.

"And it didn't help that Wolfpaw attacked Pebbletail when he was not told to." Greeengaze added.

Antstar's amber gaze turned to the dark gray and white apprentice. "Is that true?"

Wolfpaw nodded. Antstar turned to Dewspark and the two exchanged low mews before turning back to the patrol.

"We'll deal with RiverClan later. Wolfpaw, you know you have to be punished." Antstar meowed. "So, for the next three days there will be no training for you. You'll be tending to the elders' and queens' needs. Understood?"

"Yes, Antstar." Wolfpaw mumbled as he dispersed from the group and trudged to the apprentices' den.

That night as Wolfpaw drifted off to sleep, he opened his eyes and once again found himself in the strange, red forest. He rose to his paws and looked around, expecting to find Stoneclaw waiting for him. Instead he found a black tom with yellow eyes. Could this have been the other voice talking to him?

"Hello, Wolfpaw." the tome mewed. His voice was rich and dark, sending shivers through wolfpaw's fur.

"who are you?" Wolfpaw asked.

"I'm the one who's taken a particular liking to you." the tom answered. "My name is Darkstar. I was leader of ShadowClan seasons ago. Stoneclaw was my deputy."

Wolfpaw studied the cat in front of him. He had been the one who had taught him the move he used on Toadpaw. But why him? What was it about Wolfpaw the Darkstar liked?

"Why me?" Wolfpaw asked.

"Because I see potential in you. I see a strong, powerful warrior." Darkstar answered. "I want to make him better."

Darkstar began padding through the trees. He flicked his tail and Wolfpaw bounded after him. "What you did today was excellent."

"But I got punished." Wolfpaw objected.

"But you were right." Darkstar mewed. "Pebbletail insulted ShadowClan. He insulted us. Your clanmates are the ones who are wrong. Do you believe you were right?"

Wolfpaw nodded. "I guess so."

"Then with my help and my friends, we can show your clan that you are right. That ShadowClan is the strongest, most powerful clan." Darkstar sneered.

Wolfpaw smiled. He wanted to be strong. He wanted to show how marvelous ShadowClan was.

Darkstar and his friends can help me! ShadowClan will be better! I'll be better!

The forest won't know what hit them.

Once I'm a warrior.

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