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(Cat above is Toadpaw)

"Wolfpaw!" Neetlepaw's voice woke him. "Time for battle training!"

Wolfpaw struggled awake like a drowning cat fighting its way to the surface. Neetlepaw was standing over him, shaking his shoulder with a paw. A moon had passed since his first encounter with Stoneclaw. The dark gray tom had continued to visit him and instruct him. Wolfpaw still struggled to figure out what it was about him that caught the attention of Stoneclaw and his companions.

"Okay," Wolfpaw mewed. "I'm awake."

"We're doing battle training with Maplepaw and Toadpaw. They're already at the training hollow with Shadefur and Orangewhisker."

Wolfpaw shook Neetlepaw away and heaved himself to his paws. A fog filled his brain, and his body felt as though it was weighted down with boulders. He felt exhausted. Stoneclaw might be make stronger but he's also making me more tired than how Stormleap does.

"Our mentors want to show is some new battle moves."

Wolfpaw sighed.

"What's the matter?" Neeltpaw asked. "You nor- mally can't wait to learn new moves." His whiskers twitched. "Are you sick? Injured?"

"No." Wolfpaw answered. He felt fine. Nothings wrong. I'm okay.

He stumbled out of the den after Neetlepaw and blinked in the afternoon sun. It's the afternoon? How long have slept for? Frogleap and Stormleap were already waiting by the camp entrance. They nodded at Wolfpaw and headed out of canp.

As he followed Neetlepaw and the two mentors, Wolfpaw's mood started to lift. He hadn't learned a new battle move in a while. I wonder what they're going to teach us?  When they teached the training hollow, Wolfpaw spotted Toadpaw and Maplepaw along with their mentors.

"Alright let's get started." Orangewhisker mewed. "Toadpaw, I want you to act like your are defending out territory." She pointed with her tail. "Wolfpaw, act like you're trying to take out territory. Attack him."

Toadpaw dropped into a crouch, his eyes narrowed into two determined slits. Wolfpaw always felt a little nervous when battle training with the young apprentice. Toadpaw was only a moon younger but Wolfpaw was noticeably bigger that him.

Without thinking Wolfpaw rushed at the black and white tom, his still sleepy paws stumbling over the ground. He hurled himself at his denmate, forelegs splayed. Toadpaw reared up and caught him under the chin, flinging him backward. Wolfpaw hit the ground with a hard thud. Before he could roll out of the way, Toadpaw sprang on top of him. Wolfpaw struggled but the other apprentice's weight pinned him to the ground.

Toadpaw looked up triumphantly then leapt off his opponent. Wolfpaw rolled onto his stomach. "Are you alright?" Stormleap asked.

"Yes." Wolfpaw meowed. "I just woke up." He gave Toadpaw a playful nudge. "But don't worry. Toadpaw's weight woke me up."

Toadpaw let out a small laugh. "Whatever it takes to wake up a tired cat."

"Well now that you're more awake," Stormleap grinned. "how about you two go again?"

Toadpaw nodded and leapt back across the clearing to face Wolfpaw. Wolfpaw reared back on his haunches. He was about to leap when a pelt brushed his. He looked around to see who had nudged him. Wolfpaw stared in alarm. Two eyes burned against the background of the forest. A hazy outline moved like mist against the ferns.

The more Wolfpaw watched it, the more he realized it wasn't who he thought it was. Unlike Stoneclaw, this cat's outline showed that he had once been a pitch black tom cat. Wolfpaw glanced nervously toward his Clanmates. Can they see him?

"Only you can see me." The outline seemed to read his mind. "As far as they're concerned, I'm not here."

"Who are you?" Wolfpaw asked.

"Who I am isn't important right now." The tom's voice was much darker and richer than Stoneclaw's, yet it still sent shivers through Wolfpaw's pelt.

"Leap past Toadpaw. It'll confuse him. Then sweep his legs out from under him. Once he's down and before he can get up, stand on him. Put all your weight onto him and keep his head down with one of your paws." The voice instructed.

Wolfpaw stared back for a moment then nodded. He turned back to face Toadpaw. Without hesitation, he sprang and landed a couple of paw steps behind him. Before Toadpaw could process what he did, Wolfpaw hooked his hind leg around his and knocked them out from under him. Toadpaw fell to the ground, a look of dizziness in his eyes. As instructed, Wolfpaw quickly put his weight down and the younger tom, one forepaw placed on his head.

He looked up, quite proud of himself. The mentors stared at him with slight confusion but a hint of pride. Neetlepaw and Maplepaw looked back with excitement.

"That was an interesting move." Shadefur observed. "But it was quite impressive. Good job teaching that to him, Stormleap."

Stormleap shook his head. "I didn't teach it to him."

Wolfpaw swallowed nervously. "Go ahead. Take credit for it." The voice mewed in his ear.

"I taught it to myself." Wolfpaw explained, leaping off Toadpaw. "Did you like it?"

"It was excellent." Stormleap praised. "Let's continue."

They mentors and apprentices stayed for several more moments. When the started heading back to camp, Toadpaw fell in beside Wolfpaw. "That move you used on me was really good." He mewed.

"Yeah. You'll have to teach it to us one day." Maplepaw added, while Neetlepaw nodded in agreement.

"Alright, I will." Wolfpaw mewed.

Or that voice could. If Stoneclaw and his friends can make me a stronger warrior, then they could train my friends too.

We'll all be strong. Thank to them.

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