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(Cat above is Sandheart)

Wolfstorm was lying outside the warriors' den, his paws tucked underneath his chest. Moons had passed since RiverClan's attack. Since then, RiverClan had not spoken to or interfered with ShadowClan. Havenstar had tried to speak with Antstar but the black furred tom wouldn't allow it. As of the last few sunrises, they had not heard from or seen the black and white leader.

Despite the loss of Thornpaw and Sweetpaw, the clan had recoved well from the attack. Moonswirl had her first litter of kits with Antstar, Nightkit and Spikekit. Bristlepaw had earned her warrior name, Bristleshine and Mosskit was now an apprentice to Leaffall. Aspenlight had givern birth to Littletooth's son, Dawnkit and now Rosebush was in the nursery, expecting Beetlestep's kits. ShadowClan was growing and recovering well.

Wolfstorm gazed around the camp. Nettlesplash was outside the medicine den with Pinestripe and Hawkswoop. Maplefrost was sitting with her brother Flarewind by the fresh kill pile. Leaffall and Mosspaw were heading into the forest for training, and Owlfeater was sharing tongues with Toadleap. Wolfstorm had noticed that his sister and the young black and white tom were becomeing quite close. They started hunting together more often and shared tongues almost every day.

He better not let her slow him down. Darkstar's not done with us yet.

He forced his eyes away and spotted Dewspark padding up to him. "Will you join Leaffall's patrol?"

Going on patrol was tbe last thing on Wolfstorm's mind. He wanted to venture into the forest on his own, in hopes that Darkstar would visit him. But instead he gave a reluctant nod. "Sure, Dewspark."

The deputy gave him a curt nod before turning on his heels. Wolfstorm rose to his paws, letting out a drawn out sigh. He padded to the thorn tunnel where Leaffall was waiting with Mosspaw, Goldfish, and Orangewhisker. Once he joined the group, Leaffall beckoned with her tail and the patrol set out. Wolfstorm fell in beside Orangewhisker while Goldfish brought up the rear and Mosspaw trotted happily beside her mentor in the front.

"Where are we going?" the brown and black apprentice asked.

"By RiverClan's border." Leaffall answered. "Dewspark wants us to remark our side."

As the patrol carried on, Wolfstorm wrinkled his nose. They had arrived at the border and from across the way stood a RiverClan patrol. Among them he recognized Sandheart, Silkpelt, Salmonleap and Coldpetal. When they noticed the ShadowClan patrol, Wolfstorm expected hisses but instead Sandheart walk to the border and Leaffall went to meet him.

"Hello, Leaffall." The tan tom dipped his head. "How is ShadowClan?"

"We are well." Leaffall replied with a respectful nod. "Is all well with RiverClan?"

"We are recovering from a great loss." Sandheart explained. "A few sunrises ago, Havenstar went to join StarClan."

"I'm sorry to hear that. She was a great leader." Leaffall mewed.

Sandheart dipped his head in thanks. Coldpetal padded up to him and whispered something him. "We must be going. Take care, Leaffall." He meowed

"And you as well, Sandheart." Leaffall called after him.

With Sandheart in the lead, the RiverClan turned and descended back further into their territory. A low growl emanated from Wolfstorm's throat. How can Leaffall be so kind to him? Has my clan forgotten what RiverClan did?!

When the patrol returned, Wolfstorm made his way to the warriors' den. Just as he was about to pad inside, a golden she cat came bouncing up to him.

"Hi, Wolfstorm." Bristleshine beamed. "How was your patrol?"

"It was fine." Wolfstorm mewed. "We ran into a RiverClan patrol. They said Havenstar died not to long ago."

Bristleshine's ears dropped. "Really? Poor RiverClan. She was a good leader."

Wolfstorm starred at the golden cat. "Poor RiverClan? Have you forgotten what they did? Havenstar's was responsible for the ambush! They killed your kin!"

Bristleshine shrank back. "I know that but she was still a good leader. And I know I'll see Thornpaw and Sweetpaw again."

Wolfstorm turned away and the two sat in silence before Bristleshine was pulled away for a hunting patrol. With one last low growl and a hit to the ground, Wolfstorm sulked into the warriors' den. He collapsed on his nest, whiskers twitching irritably.

This clan is hopeless. I'll fix ShadowClan if it's the last thing I do.

The dark gray and white tom stayed there. He patrol already, his mood no long prompting him to want to do anymore of his duties. As the sun sank lower and lower behind the trees, more warriors filed into the den for the night. Bristleshine padded by and Wolfstorm noticed her smile, leading him to believe the young she cat hadn't given another thought about what he had said to her. Toadleap and Owlfeather came a moment later, nuzzling each other before proceeding to their separate nests.

Wolfstorm rolled his eyes, a very low growl rumbling in his throat. He wrapped his tail around himself and his amber eyes closed as he drifted off to sleep, his mind planning the future of his clan.

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