Ch. 16

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(Cat above is Cricketleap)

Sunlight filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor as Wolfstorm padded along, his gaze fixed on the ground ahead.Cricketleap was at the head of the patrol with Mossleaf and Dawnmoon following closely behind.

"How are you holding up back there?" Cricketleap called over his shoulder, a hint of sarcasm lacing his words, directed at the slightly lagging Wolfstorm.

Wolfstorm's ears flicked back in annoyance, his tail twitching with impatience. If he knows what's good for him, he'll get this patrol over with. I have somewhere to be.

He looked up at the sky. The sun was slowly drifting down, but not fast enough for Wolfstorm's liking. As they continued their patrol, their paws carrying them along the familiar paths, the scent of ThunderClan grew stronger with each step, indicating they had narrowly missed a neighboring patrol.

"Dawnmoon and I will take care of marking the borders," Cricketleap announced, his voice confident and commanding. "Wolfstorm and Mossleaf, you two can go hunt."

"On it!" Mossleaf responded eagerly, bounding off into the undergrowth, her tail held high.

Wolfstorm's eyes followed her, a flicker of disdain crossing his features. Enthusiasm was a quality he found tiresome, a trait he believed had secured Mossleaf a place on the patrol. But little did she know, her innocence and naivety would soon become tools in his twisted game.

He descended into the bushes, opposite of where Mossleaf had gone. He opened his mouth to taste the air and picked up the scent of some nearby prey. As he scoped the area, a shrew scurried out of the underbrush carrying a small seed in its paws. Wolfstorm crouched low to the ground and gently crept forward. The shrew looked up for a moment, it's attention alert, but it was to late as Wolfstorm leapt and clamped his oaws around the anall animal, killing it with a swift bite to the neck.

A surge of exhilaration coursed through his veins as he felt the shrew's life drain away beneath his grasp. He released his hold, allowing the limp body to fall to the forest floor. The taste of power mingled with the metallic tang of blood on his tongue, an intoxicating combination that fueled his growing hunger.

As he stared down at the shrewMs lifeless body, Wolfstorm heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. He tensed his muscles, ready to attack whatever was lurking in the underbrush. A low growl rumbled in his throat as he waited until Mossleaf emerged, who had returned with her own catch. Wolfstorm let his body relax and approached her, his expression carefully composed, and dropped the shrew at her paws.

"Nice catch," he meowed, attempting to sound nonchalant.

Mossleaf's eyes gleamed with pride as she flicked her tail in delight. "Thanks! Did you catch anything?"

Wolfstorm nodded, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Just a shrew. Let's head back."

Together, they made their way back to the rest of the patrol, Cricketleap and Dawnmoon patiently marking the border scents. Cricketleap's gaze shifted to the fresh prey dangling from Mossleaf's jaws, a glimmer of approval in his eyes. Then his attention turned to Wolfstorm, his gaze narrowing ever so slightly.

"Fine catches, both of you," Cricketleap praised, his voice a blend of authority and satisfaction.

Wolfstorm gave a low huff. Cricketleap put on more authority to himself than he had. He was not too much older that Wolfstorm but not to where he would be considered a senior warrior. Don't give me your praise. You're not my mentor.

As the patrol made their way back to ShadowClan's camp, a sense of restlessness gnawed at Wolfstorm's insides. He had been supposed to meet with Darkstar but he feared he may have been keeping his ghostly mentor waiting longer than he would've like.

As they approached the camp, they noticed some of their clanmates gathered in the clearing, their voices filled with urgency and concern. Wolfstorm's ears pricked up, and his eyes narrowed with curiosity. This was his chance, the perfect opportunity to slip away unnoticed and meet up with Darkstar.

Once Cricketleap dismissed the patrol, He seized the moment, his movements swift and calculated, as he slipped away into the shadows. The chaos of the camp concealed his departure, and soon he found himself venturing deeper into the forest, away from prying eyes.

The air grew heavy as he neared the outskirts of ShadowClan territory. A strange silence enveloped him, broken only by the soft whisper of leaves rustling in the wind. Wolfstorm's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of excitement and trepidation coursing through his veins.

Finally, he arrived at a secluded clearing, bathed in the warm glow of the sun. Wolfstorm sat for a moment to catch his breath.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to find us a place to meet."

Wolfstorm looked up as Darkstar's ghostly form appeared before him. "I'm sorry. Cricketleap was leading my patrol."

Darkstar nodded and began to walk around the clearing. "A mousebrained warrior. Good for hunting and battle but his leadership and intelligence is lacking. Another reason ShadowClan is failing."

Wolfstorm watched the shadowy cat. Though he didn't disagree with, he still saw some good qualities in his clanmate. Ones that conflicted Wolfstorm on if Cricketleap would make it through his plans.

"Why did you want to meet with me?" Wolfstorm asked. "Are we training?"

Darkstar continued walking around the clearing, he his transparent tail brushing the leaves. "The sun casts its light upon all, but it is the tallest mountain that first greets its rays. So too, a clan shines brightest when it has cats who rise above the rest, their strength illuminating the path for all."

Wolfstorm tilted his head. "I don't underst-"

"A strong cat makes a strong clan, Wolfstorm. Do you believe ShadowClan is being lead by a strong cat," Darkstar turned to face him, he glowing yellow eyes burning into Wolfstorm's. He got almost muzzle to muzzle with him. "or a weak cat?"

Wolfstorm pondered his words. Antstar had been leader for many moons and had clearly been chosen as deputy at one point for a reason. StarClan had grnated him nine lives so he was strong in their eyes. But not in mine.

"No," Wolfstorm replied, his voice firm and resolute. "Antstar is weak. He soft and a coward. RiverClan attack us and killed two apprentices in cood blood and he did nothing."

Darkstar's eyes glinted with satisfaction. "Then you do understand. Fallowdrift may be basking in the praise of the clans for now but soon you will have power he will never have."

A low growl rumbled deep in Wolfstorm's chest. Fallowdrift has been progressing much faster than he was. Leading patrol, being a mentor. What would be next?

"When?" He asked. "How much longer?"

"Soon." Darkstar mewed. "You must go. We will talk again."

Darkstar slowly vanished away, leaving Wolfstorm alone. The dar gray and white tom sat with his thoughts for a moment befriended he quickly made his way back to ShadowClan's camp, the sun slowly beginning to sink below the trees.

He slipped back in undetected and it looked as if no cat had noticed he was gone. He began to make his way to the warriors den, when he noticed Owlfeather, padding uo to him.

"There you are!" She exclaimed. "I have amazing news!"

Wolfstorm took at step back, a little surprised by his siters excitement. "What is it?"

"I'm expecting kits!"

Wolfstorm blinked a few times. "Oh, that's wonderful. Are they Toadleap's?"

Owlfeather nodded. "I found out today and he was so happy when I told him."

Wolfstorm smiled. "Well, congratulations. You'll be a wonderful mother."

Owlfeather stepped forward gently pressing her muzzle against his. "Thank you, Wolfstorm. I know you'll be a wonderful uncle to my kits."

Wolfstorm's smiled faded as he watched his sister walk off, looking for Toadleap. He was happy for the good news but he couldn't help but feel like the lives of every cat around him were moving foward while his felt like it was at a standstill.

Darkstar said soon. He told himself. Soon, I will get what I want.


A/N: Hello Everyone!!!! I'm back!!!! I took some time away to focus on school and honestly had a little bit of writer's block with this story but I have a new way I'm taking it and I'm gonna start uploading to it again now.

So here's chapter 16 and look forward to more Chapters of Wolfstar's Storm, it's gonna get good😉

Also the pic of Cricketleap was colored by me but the base is bu Werekatwolf. I just found it on Google.

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