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Third Person's POV:

It was a bumpy ride on the carriage. The wheels on the carriage pushed rocks into the dirt, the hooves of the horses dragging the carriage along stomping marks into the paths. The group of royals were crossing through the Apricot kingdom, now close to the edge of Greenland. They could see the island out in the distance, the place looking small from the groups position, but as they got closer, it slowly got bigger.

    Zak wondered what was even on the island. "Maybe it'll be candy land!" Ant exclaimed. "Don't be stupid. There's no way that island is Candy Land," Evelyn remarked. Ant frowned. "You couldn't have made that sentence a little nicer, Evelyn?" Velvet asked. Evelyn only looked away, her hand supporting her head. "Do you think there will be other kingdoms there?" Nikki asked. "Maybe, I mean we just found out that the island Greenland is on, has other kingdoms," Jack replied. "I feel like there's something more on that island, though. I don't think there are more kingdoms," Zak said.

    "What if Alba lives there?" Darryl commented. "When we saw Mrs. Windward summoned Alba, he came from the ground," Zak said. "Cedron, Ms. Stillberrys dragon, also did. What if there is a land of dragons deep underneath?" Darryl responded. "Maybe, I mean where would they have come from? It seems like they have to be summoned by witches though," Zak said. Nikki looked down, seeming to have changed moods. But why? "Nikki, what's wrong?" Jack asked. She looked up. "O—Oh! Nothing, nothing," she said, forcing a smile. "Whatever you say . . . ," Jack muttered.

    Soon, the group got to the edge of Greenland. They got onto a boat, which was waiting for them with some Clover kingdom guards. The boat sailed off, bubbles being made by its motor in the waters. At around dawn, they arrived at the unknown islands. It was surrounded by trees, mountains on it visible in the back. The group got onto the island and started to walk through the trees, the guards waiting at the boat. The place looked surprisingly pretty.

    It had flowing rivers with clear waters and tall bright green grass. A finch, a small fluffy light brown bird, chirped, gliding from tree to tree until it found one it liked. Darryl smiled. Jack pointed to a cave with hanging vines, the inside completely dark. "Woah, guys. What's in there?"


Word count: 407

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