19: he's dead

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Chapter Nineteen

hes dead  

3rd person pov

juno stared at the house in anger, she stared not because the house was gone but her brother was too.

"I have to get him, I have to" she remembered crying. she remembered seeing saylor get everyone out. she remembered the tears in his eyes and the way he knew what he was doing to himself. the way he stared her in the eye so she wouldn't cry. the way he told her that it was okay because he wanted her to believe it. he wanted her to believe that it was going to be okay and that nothing would change

"junebug" someone said and she looked at them. it was john b but he sounded so far away. he sounded gone and the only person who was gone was saylor. she remembered a dream she had like this before. she remembered the dream of the burning house and the fact that he was inside and she couldn't get him out

but in the dream, she laid beside him and pulled him close as the two of them went up in smoke but that wasn't this. this was real and even though it hurt her, even though it felt wrong and painful and she would never be the same. she didn't know what to do or say or feel. juno had been with saylor for so much of her life that she didn't know what to do.

"juno" someone else called and she looked around. she didn't know who was calling her name anymore. she had no idea and then she remembered something. she remembered seeing a jeep drive away. she remembered seeing the license and she remembered seeing the person who was driving it.

she stood up from the ground and they all stared at her. she looked dazed. she didn't know what she was going to do but she needed to do something. so she looked at them and then shook her head

"hes dead" she said and sarah cried

"my brother is dead and I know who the fuck did it" she said and jj looked at everyone.

"juno what are you talking about?" john b asked her as he stood up and grabbed her arms making her make eye contact with him.

"topper. it was topper" she exclaimed and they all looked at her

"you're sure?" pope asked and she looked at him

"I'm sure" she said and she ripped her arms away from john bs grip as she ran off. sure the girl was hurt and sad. her brother was dead and she wanted to save him. she wanted to run into a burning building. she wanted to hold him and cry because that's all she could do. it was either that or scream and the girl didn't want to be sad

so she ran and ran until she found topper and he turned to her

"juno, wait" he said and she scoffed

"my brother is dead because of you. because you thought with your dick instead of your mind and now my boyfriend has no home. my brother is dead and you're alive. you're a fucking kook and so you think you're going to go on with your life and act like nothing happened but no. I'm not letting that happen" she said and he laughed sadistically

"yeah? and whos going to make sure I don't get away with this?" he asked

"you cant get away with it when you're died" she said and she swung on him. she punched and punched. she kicked in his knee making it break before she did it to the other one and he fell to the ground. he stared up at her and she stared down at him

"have you ever felt like you were going to die and there was nothing you could do about it?" she asked and he shook his head

"well that's how you made my brother feel and now hes dead so I guess you get the same treatment" she said and she pulled the butterfly knife from her boot as she stabbed him in the stomach and he coughed up blood. they were in the middle of nowhere and no one was around. she could do what she wanted and it wouldn't have matter and at least the girl had gloves.

"fuck you topper" she said and she shoved the knife into his chest. he stopped breathing and she ripped the knife out before she looked around. the water was right there and she pushed him into it.

no body, no crime.

and with that, she ran. she ran as fast as she could. when she got home, she got a change of clothes as well as packed her things. she didn't care to grab her phone, she wasn't going to be calling anyone. she was running away because she couldn't stay.

not only did her brother die, she was now a murderer and she didn't care. she didn't care because she felt like she was going insane. she felt like nothing made sense because it didn't. her and saylor bled the same and now he was gone. she didn't want to cry but she broke that way.

so she packed up. she stole the truck and she drove away. she didn't say goodbye to anyone, she would be back. once she found herself.

there was only one thought on john bs mind

if she ran away, just come home

juno had run away and if she ever came back, they wouldn't know but they could only hope. john b could only hope that his

wasteland baby

would come back


juno will be back in s4 , I promise but when and where she will appear is up in the air right now. truthfully I've had the plan to kill saylor since the beginning and even thought it hurts, juno has never felt happy or at home in the obx and her running way might be the best possible option for her

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