7: dance with me

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Chapter Seven
dance with me

3rd Person POV

juno didnt know what to do but she knew that she had to be there for sarah, she just didn't know how to, so she did what she did best. be with john b and think everything through. she knew that sarah was with saylor and maybe that's what sarah needed.

it was dark out, the sun had been hidden for a while, almost like a small child scared to come out and see the world for what it truly was. juno remembered doing that, she wished that she still could. pretend that everything was fake and that none of this was real and it was all a dream , to do that would've been the one thing she wanted to do but she couldn't.

she sat there with john bs head in her lap as she watched pope and jj smile at each other and she smiled softly too. she knew that those two had something going on and it made her happy to finally see it happening. she felt her phone ring and she picked it up to see saylor calling.

"hey I have to go take this ill be right back" she said and john b lifted his head as he let her get up. she walked away and ran a hand through her hair as she held the phone to her ear.

"hey say, whats up?" she asked and then saylor sighed.

"is john b okay? are you okay?" saylor asked and juno turned to look at john b and the pogues together.

"yeah , is sarah?" juno asked and saylor turned to look at the girl who sat on his bed with tears in her eyes.

"she will be" he told her and she nodded.

"tell her that I'm here if she needs me say" she stated and he nodded

"yeah she knows. there's a bonfire after school tomorrow and I think that we should go. get our minds off of things, I think it'll be good for sarah and john b" he told her and she nodded.

"yo june-bug you coming to join us or what?" jj said as he handed her a beer and she nodded.

"I think its a good idea, ill talk to the others and we'll figure it out. i love you say-say" she said and he smiled

"I love you too junie b" he said and he ended the call, she put her phone back in her pocket and walked with jj and kiara down to the dock.

"having a good cry?" jj asked and john b laughed before they started talking

"I'm gonna do a backflip" john b said and they all laughed.

"no, you wont" juno said and he jumped into the water as they all cheered for him. a little while after, they all went home. juno woke up the next morning for school and she got on her bike as she rode to school and then she got off the bike. she walked into class and she sat down as she saw saylor walk in with john b, pope, jj and kiara.

"glad you could join us, just in time for your first quiz" the teacher said and john b turned his head towards juno who shook her head and began to work. she did the test as fast as she could and once she was done, she left the class with kiara and saylor. they separated from john b, jj and pope.

"meet back at the chateau later" juno said to saylor and he nodded before they went to the rest of their classes. they went to the chateau after school and pope read the diary to them and they all listened. he read it fastly enough for them to hear and understand but almost like a story.

"so it didn't go down off bermuda" jj exclaimed

"and it was a limbrey, stealing shit again" kiara said

"of fucking course it was, who else would it be?" juno said and they all shared a look

"this proves that the gold and the cross of santo domingo were on the royal merchant" pope said and juno groaned

"god this is too much to think about" she said and she leaned her head on john b who leaned his head on hers and they took a deep breathe together.

"okay well this is the bonfire tonight, so lets do that and get our mind off of everything. deal, sound good?" juno said and they all agreed. they got up and went to the twinkie, juno started to the car and they drove to the bonfire.

juno got of the twinkie with the others and they walked to the get the drinks. she grabbed a bottle of water as well as a drink for herself. she walked over to the boys and she handed one to jj and then john b. she saw kiara with a girl and she saw sarah with saylor, she smiled softly.

she sat down as she noticed someone was looking at her but she didn't care as she stared at the fire and then she felt john b grab her hand and she turned to him.

"dance with me" he said and she nodded as she got up and he spun her. she laughed as she danced with him and he danced with her. she continued to smile before john b bumped into someone and they turned to see kelce.

"watch it john b. you gonna get all mad and kill me like you killed sheriff peterkin" and john b turned and punched the boy. juno looked around and then she looked at sarah who got pushed to the ground and she scoffed

"no fucking way" she said and she turned and punched the girl in the face. she kept punching until the girl was knocked out.

"june-bug, we have to go , we gotta go" saylor said and he grabbed her hand as he led her away from the group.

she didn't know what had came over but she liked it.

she didn't want to like that feeling, what would happen if she kept feeling and thinking like that?


protective juno is my favorite juno

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