Horde attack and secret revealed

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the fright zone as we see Catra with Shadow Weaver.

Shadow Weaver: For the last time, where is Adora, Dimitri and Ashton?

Catra: For the last time, I don't know. You think I keep them on a leash?

Shadow Weaver: I know you're lying, you four are close they would never depart without telling you.

Catra: Then I guess you let us all down huh?

Shadow Weaver: Have it your way, I already know where they are. we've been tracking them.

Catra: Uh then why did you ask me?

Shadow Weaver: Because you are going to bring them back.

Catra: I don't think so.

She then started to walk away but was blocked by Shadow Weaver's shadows

Shadow Weaver: Your insolence will not protect them. You will do as I ask.

Catra: Oh yeah. Or what?

Shadow Weaver: Or you will suffer the consistency in their place.

We then see a village as Dimitri, Ashton and Adora looked at it and was brought to Glimmer.

Glimmer: Ok, the three of you need to put these clothes on.

Adora: Why?

Glimmer: Because if the villagers see horde soldiers they'll freak out. So we need to fix all this.

We then see Glimmer putting different clothes on them.

Adora: I feel ridiculous.

Bow: That's because you need something to tie it all together.

Bow then grabbed a flower and placed it in Adora's hair.

Adora: I don't like it.

Dimitri: I don't know, it makes you look cute.

Adora blushes at his comment.

Glimmer: And the point of this is, you three don't look like horde soldiers anymore just try to keep low profiles, we'll be in and out.

They then started to go through the village as Dimitri noticed a few people doing some things.

Dimitri: What's going on here?

Bow: It's a festival, it's like a big party. *looks at Dimitri* You three don't have parties in the fright zone?

Adora: Oh right, parties. I mean yeah, of course... we don't know what that is.

Bow: Aw.

Glimmer: Didn't you hear what I said Bow? In and out.

Bow: They've never been to a party before Glimmer. This is serious.

They went to a stand as bow handed the three some food

Ashton: What's this stuff?

Bow: It's food, try it.

They then took a bite of the food and then their eyes widened at the taste and then started to eat the food as they were seen at a table as Dimitri, Ashton and Adora were seen eating like crazy.

Ashton: The food back home never tasted this good!

Dimitri: Yeah.

They then saw a plate near glimmer as she then pushed it to them as they started to eat the food off of it. They then saw some kids hitting a piñata as Dimitri was handed the stick and was brought to the piñata as he then started to hit it very hard breaking it as the kids cheered as we then see a man doing a hand signal of a bird flying as Adora was seen watching in amazement as Dimitri was next to her and she started to blush as they were seen with Bow.

Bow: So seriously? no parties? What do you guys do on your birthdays?

Adora: Huh?

Bow: No birthdays?! How are your lives so sad?

Adora: *gasps and points* What is that?

Ashton: Is it more food?

Adora: No that.

They looked and saw a horse.

Bow: That would be a horse.

Adora: It's majestic.

Bow: You three wanna go meet it?

Ashton: I'd rather eat it.

Bow: Come on.

He then pushed the three to the horse.

Bow: See he likes you guys.

We then see Glimmer looking at them.

Bow: Come on, you know you like them.

Glimmer: The one with the silver hair is cute.

Dimitri: *sees smoke* Uh guys, what is that?

They then noticed the smoke and ran to where it was coming from and saw the village being attacked by the horde.

Glimmer: It's the horde!

They then ran and hid as vehicles passed by.

Bow: Why are they here? The people of Thaymore aren't a threat to them.

Dimitri: Wait, did you say "Thaymore"?

Ashton: This can't be Thaymore.

Glimmer: Did you three know something about this?

Adora: No, I mean yes but there's gotta be a mistake. Thaymore is supposed to be a heavily fortified rebel fortress, not a civilian town.

Ashton grabs his head and screams in pain

Dimitri: What's wrong dude?

Ashton: I see things, a palace made of ice and snow and me sitting on it's throne. But then darkness grabbed me and I'm in the fright zone.

Dimitri: We'll find out about that later, right now we gotta get them to stop. Bow, Glimmer get as many people out of here as possible, and don't let the horde see you.

Dimitri then ran as Adora and Ashton followed him.

Ashton: There's no way we're letting him get hurt.

Dimitri then ran as he saw a tank coming and ran in front of it.

Dimitri: Stop!

The tank stopped as Catra came out from it.

Catra: Dimitri?

Dimitri: Catra?

Ashton: Catra?

Adora: Catra?

Catra then ran to them

Catra: They let me drive a tank can you believe it?!

Dimitri: Catra what's going on?

Ashton: Why are you attacking innocent people?

Catra: We came looking for you.

Dimitri: Catra you need to get them to stop right now.

Catra: As soon as you guys get in the tank.

Dimitri: No you don't get it, everything the Horde told us about were all lies, I can't let this place get destroyed not like what Shadow Weaver did to Steel Wing.

Catra: Will you shut up about your stupid alien!

Ashton: Too far Catra. Too far.

Ashton grabbed Catra by the head and started to fight her

Catra: Look Ashton, I understand why Dimitri loved Steel Wing, but everyone was so annoyed by him using him over and over again we had to tell Shadow Weaver to make it all stop.

Ashton: So you betrayed him is that it? You couldn't let him have his favorite alien so you decided to kill it huh?

Catra: Well none of it would have happened if he chose something different!

Dimitri: So that's how it is.

Catra: Look I didn't mean-

Dimitri: *dials an alien* You want something different? I'LL SHOW YOU SOMETHING DIFFERENT!!!

Dimitri then slammed his watch as he then transformed into a large werewolf alien with a steel shoulder pad and in a green and black suit with the badge on his belt as he let out a roar.

Catra: WHAT IS THAT?!?!

Dimitri: This big guy? I think I'll call him...

He then slammed the ground making stones rise up as Catra saw Dimitri charging at her and grabbed her by the face.


He then started to slam Catra around the village.

Dimitri: Tell me something I don't know!

He then threw Catra as she then got up.

Catra: You're dead meat!

She then came at Dimitri to punch him as he raised his arms as metal appeared on his arms as she punched it which led to hurting her hand.

Catra: Ow! That was really cool!

Dimitri: I know right?!

He then punched Catra as she then picked up a large stick and started to swing it at Dimitri making him dodge it as he then opened his mouth as his teeth became metal and bit down on the stick and broke it.

Catra: Shield arms and metal teeth? How did you?

Dimitri: consider this payback for having Steel Wing destroyed!!!

Adora then ran to Dimitri.

Adora: Dimitri stop you're going out of control.

Dimitri: *takes a deep breath* WHO CARES?!?!?!

The shout caused everyone to be pushed back by the force and made a plate of meat fall as Catra saw Dimitri cornering her.

Dimitri: Now, your dog meat! *sniffs the air* Huh? *turns to a direction* Meat? *runs off* Meat!

Ashton: Ok, so he's kinda like Rath I guess. Only different abilities, and a dog. A really big dog with metal teeth and shield arms.

Ashton then noticed Glimmer and Bow being chased by Horde soldiers.

Ashton: Adora see if you can get Dimitri to help with Bow and Glimmer.

Adora: I'll try.

Adora then ran to Dimitri as he was seen biting on meat.

Adora: Dimitri come on, Bow and Glimmer need our help!

Dimitri looked at Adora.

Adora: I know you're still upset about losing Steel Wing, but stopping the horde will help relieve you of your anger. Plus you get to hit something. That means you can do something heroic.

Dimitri: But what about my revenge?

Ashton: You can do both!

Dimitri: *smiles sinisterly* Heroic revenge!

He then ran to where the horde soldiers were as Bow and Glimmer were cornered as Dimitri then grabbed the vehicle the soldiers were on and threw it.

Glimmer: Dimitri?

Dimitri: Ashton, get glimmer somewhere safe.

Ashton: On it. *takes the sword* Adora, you should take this.

Adora: Ok. *takes the sword*

Ashton: Let's change you to someone that is calm.

He then tapped the badge as Dimitri then transformed into an alien in a black and green suit as his body was made of pure energy as the badge was on his forehead.

Dimitri: Thanks, I'm uh super energy guy. Hmm probably needs a better name, Ultraviolet, Laserblast.

Ashton: You look like a neon light how about...

Dimitir and Ashton: Ion.

Dimitri then turned and saw Adora glow and transformed into She-Ra.

Dimitri: Let's go She-Ra.

Then Dimitri and Adora walked out to the soldiers as Adora then stabbed the ground making the ground shake and send electricity shutting the vehicles and bots down as Dimitri then started to fire energy beams at the horde soldiers as Adora grabbed a bot and threw it at some soldiers as Ashton and Bow watched.

Horde Soldier: Retreat!

Then the horde started to retreat as Dimitri and Adora looked at Catra as she then started to go with the horde as Dimitri then changed back as Adora changed back as she was on her knee.

Dimitri: Adora, I got you.

Adora: Thanks, I can't believe we turned on the horde. We turned on the horde.

Ashton: Oh god Dad's gonna kill me!

Dimitri: Huh, guess that makes us traitors.

Adora: We can't go back.

Dimitri: We can stay with Gimmer and Bow.

Ashton: Please?

Glimmer: Of course. Come on.

They then walked with Glimmer.

Bow: Best friend squad.

they then started to walk to Bright Moon as the horse followed them.

Dimitri: Say, whose horse is this?

Ashton: Who cares. He's ours now.

Dimitri: Ok, say Glimmer just asking, is your mom a woman with wings?

Glimmer: Yeah why?

Dimitri: Well it's gonna sound crazy but I had a vision of seeing her and I think she was holding me... as a baby.

Glimmer: Well you were right that does sound crazy

Bow: Could Glimmer's mom have something to do with you?

Ashton: Let's hope so. Cuz my head won't stop pounding.

Dimitri: Well the sooner we get to her the sooner we get our answers.

Ashton: Ok where's her throne room?

Glimmer: I'll take you to her, but she won't be happy with me.

Dimitri: Why?

Glimmer: I'm grounded.

We then see Glimmer, Dimitri and Ashton arriving to Bright moon on their horse

Ashton: Incredible.

Dimitri: You're mom must really do her job right.

???: Glimmer.

Dimitri: Oh and speaking of

Ashton: She's right behind you.

Dimitri and Glimmer looked and saw Angella.

Glimmer: Mom, I know I snuck out but I have great news Bow and I found some first ones tech and former horde soldiers that want to join the rebellion, and one of them is Hordak's son.

Dimitri: Yeah it's true.

Angella saw Dimitri as her eyes widen

Angella: It's you.

Dimitri: You know me?

Angella: You were only a baby, but a mother never forgets.

Ashton: Ma'am what are you talking about?

Angella: My son, you've come home.

Glimmer: Son? Wait are you're saying... He's my brother?

Angella: Yes your older brother.

Glimmer: How come I never knew I had a brother?

Angella: He was taken from us by a woman with a mask.

Ashton: That sounds like Shadow Weaver.

Dimitri: It does.

Angella: I'm so glad that you've returned. You look exactly like your father.

Dimitri: I do?

Angella: Yes, your father would be proud to see you.

Dimitri: Oh, and for me being prince, that would explain why I was able to do this. *creates an orb of blue light*

Angella: Yes, and like your sister you have incredible magical power but you however don't have to recharge your powers

Glimmer: What?! How is that even possible?!

Ashton: My best guess is that your dad had to charge every few weeks but maybe the recharging thing skipped Dimitri and it was passed to you

Dimitri: Must be. And mom... I'm sorry for everything the horde has caused, we believed what they were doing was right, but now we know that it's not true.

Ashton: We humbly ask to join the rebellion.

Angella looked at Dimitri as he was looking down as she made him look at her.

Angella: My son, you and your friends are welcomed to the rebellion.

Ashton: Thank you, your grace.

Dimitri: We will help protect Bright Moon and Etheria with She-Ra's help of course. We couldn't have escaped the horde without her.

Glimmer: Yeah I kinda forgot to mention that we found the princess of power too.

Adora walked in as She-Ra as Angella saw her.

Dimitri: This is She-Ra but I should let you know that her real self is Adora, a former horde soldier like us.

Adora changed back as she walked to Dimitri.

Adora: He's right, like him I've seen the truth of the horde.

Dimitri: Please give her a chance, Ashton and I can vouch for her.

Angella: Very well, I will allow it, my son.

Adora: Son?

Ashton: Long story.

Dimitri: Right now we have some things around here to do.

They then walked to the castle, at the fright zone we see Catra as she was in her room as she was crying and when she looked to see a picture of her, Adora, Dimitri, and Ashton she carves a heart around Dimitri's head and slashes the other two

Catra: Dimitri, I'm sorry. I should have helped you.

She then clutched onto the photo and continued to cry

Shadow Weaver: Catra.

Catra then quickly got up and wiped her tears away.

Catra: What?

Shadow Weaver: Where are Adora, Dimitri, and Ashton?

Catra: I couldn't get them. Why did you do it to Dimitri? Taking his favorite alien I mean?

Shadow Weaver: He needed to be taught a lesson. He can't rely on one transformation exclusively.

Catra: But that didn't give you the right to take it.


Catra: Maybe, so what if Dimitri loved Steel Wing, how would you feel having something you love get taken away?

Shadow Weaver: Maybe we should pay a visit to Lord Hordak himself for your insolence!

Catra: Wait i didn't mean-

Shadow Weaver grabbed Catra's arm and brought her to a room as a throne was seen there as they went to a part where machines were seen.

Shadow Weaver: Lord Hordak.

We see a large figure having armor placed on him

Lord Hordak: Where is my son?

Shadow Weaver: He has not been recovered yet, I gave Catra a simple mission to return Adora, Ashton and Dimitri to the fright zone, instead our  forces suffered a humiliating defeat.

Lord Hordak: Then you mean to tell me that your down three force captain hopefuls one of which being MY OWN SON!

Shadow Weaver: Yes my lord, but rest assured nothing will stop us from finding Adora, Dimitri and your son and bringing them back.

Lord Hordak: See that it is done and you will have Catra leading this mission.

Shadow Weaver: Catra has been nothing but a disappointment to me.

Lord Hordak: If you have failed to condition her properly you have no one but yourself to blame.

Shadow Weaver: But my lord.

Lord Hordak: Enough. Do as I say or I will destroy you myself.

Shadow Weaver: Yes my lord.

Lord Hordak: Good. You may leave now. Catra a word please.

Catra: Yes?

Lord Hordak: I want you to find them as soon as possible. Let none stand in your way, not even Shadow Weaver. Congratulations Force Captain Catra.

Catra then saw Hordak walk to her and held out a force captain badge and handed it to her.

Catra: Thank you sir, I won't let you down.

She then walked back to her room and looked at the photo and held it to her chest.

Catra: I'll find you guys and nothing will stop me.

And Done! Hey guys it's Ashtonmillman16 and Dimitron75 and we hope you enjoy this awesome new story.

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