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You probably remember He-Man and the planet he protects Eternia, but the planet this story takes place on is its neighbor Etheria and the hero who protects it is none other than She-Ra but this time she's going to have help from two young men who wield watches of incredible power. The camera zoom in on Etheria as we go to what's called the fright zone as we see three young people one girl and two boys as they were punching three separate punching bags as one of the boys went to his watch and it showed a hologram of a humanoid bird and pressed the faceplate as he then transformed into the creature on the watch

he flapped his wings making a powerful wind gust blowing the punching bags away.

Ashton: Not the bird again! Don't you ever get tired of that one?

Dimitri: No way dude, Steel Wing is awesome.

Ashton: But it's not a good idea to use the same alien multiple times.

Adora: Ashton's right, just because you can use Steel Wing all the time doesn't mean that you should only use him.

Dimitri: So what? I don't see any consequences of that.

Ashton: Fine. But don't come crying to us when you inevitably lose him forever.

Dimitri: I won't.

Dimitri then changed back as he walked out of the room as the pa system went off.

Dimitri: I wonder what's going on.

Dimitri went to the others as they were suiting up

Ashton: Training time so hurry and get dressed.

Dimitri: Alright.

They then suited up as other cadets showing leaving one space open

Ashton: *whispering* Psst Adora where's Catra?

Adora: I don't know.

Dimitri: Probably off somewhere slacking off.

Adora: Not again.

A blue administrator walks in and looks at the cadets.

Administrator: Attention cadets the simulation is about to begin, here's your scenario.

Then a screen appeared as they saw it.

Administrator: You'll be passing through the treacherous whispering woods to reach the heart of the rebel alliance and kill the princesses there. Oh and Dimitri no using Steel wing. This is supposed to be a team effort and using your aliens ruins the dynamic.

Dimitri: But why not? Steel wing can take the rebels out easily.

Ashton: Dude just stop or else you have to talk to her. *shudders*

Dimitri: Fine, I'll try.

Administrator: Ok the test begins in 3... 2... 1.

They then went in the room as they turned on the visors as they saw holograms of fanged people and got to punching and kicking them as they went through the room as one member got hit and was out.

Dimitri: Real smooth dude.

They then saw the holograms as they continued to go through the room until they tripped and fell in a hole

Dimitri: Don't say it Ashton.

Ashton: Well this sucks a WHOLE lot!

Then they looked and saw Catra.

Dimitri: Catra I should have known. This is just plain low, even for you.

Catra: Oh, you know nothing's too low for me.

Then a green flash was seen as Dimitri flew out as Steel Wing while carrying Adora and Ashton as he lands the simulation ends as a very creepy woman floats as Ashton stiffens

Ashton: Um, hi mom.

Dimitri: She's right behind us isn't she?

Ashton: Yep.

Shadow Weaver: How many times must you try and fail at following orders Dimitri?

Dimitri: We were in a hole, I was only trying to get us out.

Shadow Weaver: You must be taught a lesson. By losing your favorite transformation.

She then grabbed Dimitri by the badge as he screamed in pain as Dimitri was seen coming out of Steel Wing as he then looked to see Steel Wing crumble into dust

Dimitri: NOOOOO!!!!!!

Ashton: Mom was that really necessary?

Shadow Weaver: Dimitri had to be taught a lesson for his insubordination.

Ashton: Mom he is under my tutelage so he is my responsibility! I feel like you don't trust me!

Dimitri then left the room as Adora looked at the ash pile and saw a single black feather left in it

Ashton: Now I have to go find him thanks a lot.

Ashton then left the room as Adora picked the feather up and walked with Ashton as Dimitri was seen changing into his usal clothes as he then closed his locker and then let out a scream in anger and punched the locker door denting it as tears fell off his cheeks as Adora and Ashton saw him.

Adora: Dimitri?

Ashton: You alright?

Dimitri: No, she took away something I cherish most.

Adora: Well not all of him. *holds up the feather*

Dimitri: Steel Wing's feather?

Ashton: She got it from the ashes.

Adora: That way you have something to remember him.

Dimitri: *takes the feather* Thanks.

Catra then came into the room

Catra: Whoa did someone die?

Ashton: Shadow Weaver destroyed Steel Wing.

Catra: Yikes. What happened?

Dimitri: I got Adora and Ashton out of a hole in the simulation as Steel Wing when I was told not to use him.

Ashton: I tried to reason with my mom but does she listen no!

Catra: Oh, well you guys should have seen the looks on your faces earlier.

Dimitri just looked away.

Ashton: Not funny Catra.

Adora: Ashton is right, we're senior cadets now, and I can't believe your still pulling such childish immature *gasps* Is that a mouse?!

Catra: What?! Where!?

Ashton, Dimitri, and Adora started to laugh

Dimitri: How many times are you going to not fall for that?

Catra: I don't know, how many times are you guys gonna learn to let it go? It was only one time.

Ashton: Hey I just remembered. Wanna do something fun?

Adora: Yeah, maybe that can cheer Dimitri up.

Dimitri: Ok. What's on the agenda?

Ashton: First we...

We later see the group on a skiff

Dimitri: We steal a skiff!? Why?

Ashton: Because it sticks it to my mom and it's fun!

Dimitri: Are you sure she won't find out?

Catra: We just return the skiff and tell her we went out for a walk.

Dimitri: But if she finds one thing on the skiff that's out of place she's gonna kill us.

Ashton: No she won't. Despite what she says she can't live without us

Dimitri: Ok.

Dimitri then looked at the watch and began to dial through aliens as Adora looked at him.

Adora: Still miss Steel Wing?

Dimitri: Yeah.

Catra then noticed a hologram of a being made of both electricity and rock was on the watch.

Catra: What about that one? He looks pretty cool.

Dimitri then looked at the hologram

Dimitri: I guess.

Catra: Try it.

Ashton: No don't you'll destroy the skiff!

Dimitri then transformed into the alien as he saw he was made of blue electricity and was covered in stone armor.

Dimitri: Cool, well not as cool as Steel Wing but this guy is pretty cool. I'll call this one Shock Rock.

Ashton: Dimitri you're throwing the skiff off because you're too heavy!

Dimitri: Hold on let me try something.

He then tapped the badge and then became a black and green being with circuitry lines all over him as he then merged with the skiff making it into a boat.

Catra: Did he just upgrade the skiff?

Then Dimitri's head popped up in front of Catra

Dimitri: That has a nice ring to it, thanks. So where are we going?

Ashton: The Whispering Woods. Because we're about to crash into them!

Dimitir then turned to see they were heading for the whispering woods as Dimitir made a quick stop as Adora, Ashton and Catra were launched out

Dimitri: Guys! Hang on I'm coming!

Dimitri separated himself from the skiff as he then ran to them.

Dimitri: Are you guys ok?

Adora: *dust the dirt off her face* Yeah.

Ashton: Warn us before you-

Ashton noticed a shimmering surfboard made of silver as he then walked to it.

Dimitri: Dude? You there?

Ashton: The board it's talking to me. Telling me things that sound impossible.

Dimitri: That's nice but should we head back before Shadow Weaver finds out we're missing?

Adora: Guys look at that cool sword.

They looked to see a sword as roots were around it.

Dimitri: Let's see if I got someone for cutting.

Dimitri tapped the badge as he then transformed into a being made of metal like material as his limbs were floating as his face had the watch symbol as the badge was on his stomach.

Dimitri: *robotic voice* Whoa, who's this guy?

Dimitri then lifted his arm as his hand transformed into a blade.

Dimitri: Cool.

Dimitri and Adora then approached the sword as he sliced the roots off.

Dimitri: I'm gonna go find Catra. You guys stay here.

Dimitri then walked through the woods.

Dimitri: Catra! Where are you?! Holler if you can hear me!

Catra jumps on Dimitri's back, scaring the snot out of him.

Dimitri: Catra! What's wrong with you?!

Catra: What? It's funny.

Dimitri: Come on, we gotta go back to Ashton and Adora and head back before Shadow Weaver finds out we're missing.

They go back to where Ashton and Adora were seeing the sword and board were missing and Ashton and Adora were on their backs unconscious

Dimitri: Guys.

They both ran to Ashton and Adora as Dimitri slapped Ashton and Catra slapped Adora as Ashton woke up screaming and punched Catra in the face

Dimitri: Chill out dude, it's just us.

Ashton: Right, sorry.

Dimitri: We should better head back before Shadow Weaver finds out we were gone.

Ashton: Alright. *sees the board is gone* Hey where's my board?

Catra: Forget the board, let's go.

???: Hold it right there!

They turned and saw a curvy girl with sparkly pink hair and a dark skinned young man with a bow

Ashton: Catra run now.

Dimitri: We'll buy you some time. *changes to Shock Rock* Go!

Girl: What the?! A fulmini?!

Dimitri: You ain't seen nothing yet.

He then threw a blue ball of energy at them as the girl teleported as the man dodged the ball and started to fire arrows at them as Dimitri blasted the arrows.

Dimitri: We need to get the sword and board and get out.

Ashton: But where are they?

Ashton was hit by a silver streak blocking the arrows that Dimitri missed as Dimitri looked and saw the girl with the board and sword.

Dimitri: She's got them!

Ashton: Give me my board!

Girl: No! It's not yours!

Dimitri: Come on!

They then ran at the girl as the board flew out of her hands and to Ashton as Adora then grabbed her sword as it then glowed very brightly

Ashton: Gah! My eyes!

Dimitri then covered his eyes and then opened them again as he saw a vision as a baby sleeping in the arms of a woman with wings as the baby looked a lot like him as Dimitri collapsed to his knees and started to breathe heavily.

Dimitri: What the?

Ashton: What's wrong dude?

Dimitri: I saw a woman and she was holding... me as a baby.

Girl: Shut it Horde spies!

Dimitri: We're not spies.

Girl: How did you make it this far in the woods?

Ashton: We got launched from an out of control skiff.

Bow: Glimmer let me do the talking you kinda go off the rails.

Glimmer: Tie them up so we can interrogate them later.

She and Bow then walked a few feet away from them.

Glimmer: This is perfect, not only do we have the first one's tech for the rebellion but we also captured three horde spies. Mom is gonna be so impressed. Now come on! on your feet you three.

Ashton: What's the magic word?

Glimmer: Please?

Ashton: There we go. Meanness doesn't fit well with that pretty face of yours.

Glimmer: *blushes* Well... Flattery won't get you anywhere horde spy.

Ashton: Oh darn.

Glimmer: Now come on.

We then see them walking through the woods as Dimitri, Ashton and Adora's hands were tied together.

Ashton: So arrow guy what is your name?

Bow: It's Bow, and sorry about Glimmer, she's usually really nice.

Ashton: I should hope so. This has certainly been a breath of fresh air compared to the fright zone.

Adora: But how can you follow her? Princesses are a dangerous threat to Etheria.

Bow: But you guys are called the Evil Horde.

Dimitri: Who calls us that?

Bow: Everyone does.

Ashton: Sure we may look evil but we're trying to bring order and stability to Etheria.

Then they heard a shock gasp from glimmer and went to where she was and saw a village was destroyed.

Dimitri: What happened here?

Glimmer: Don't play dumb with me, I bet you three were part of the raiding party that did this.

Adora: What are you talking about? the horde didn't do this.

Dimitri: Uh, Adora you might wanna see this.

Adora looked to see Dimitri was next to a robot with the horde symbol on it.

Ashton: Oh my god. But Dad wouldn't just attack an innocent village.

Dimitri: But... what if all the things that Shadow Weaver and your dad told us were lies?

Adora: They wouldn't lie to us, would they?

Dimitri: Through my time being in the horde I started questioning if what we were doing was right.

Ashton: Same here and what happened with Steel Wing and this village clenches it. I want out of the horde.

Bow: Steel Wing?

Dimitri then started to look down.

Ashton: Steel Wing is an alien form Dimitri could turn into until Shadow Weaver took the form away and turned it to dust.

Bow: Oh.

Ashton: The only thing Dimitri has left of him is a single black feather

Dimitri: It's true, and now what she did to him makes me want to make her pay.

Then Glimmer was heard screaming and running out of the woods.

Glimmer: There's something out there. Something big.

Bow: How big?

Then the ground started to shake as a giant bug came out from it

Glimmer: That big.

The bug then started to come at them.

Dimitri: We need to leave.

Glimmer then started to throw spheres of light at the bug which did nothing as Bow shot an arrow that brought out goo on it's mouth but broke free as Dimitri, Adora, and Ashton noticed the sword and board on the ground as they picked them up and were about to leave but saw Glimmer and Bow were in trouble.

Dimitri: We gotta help them.

Ashton: But how?

Dimitri: Adora maybe you can do that flash of light thing again.

Adora: I don't know how.

They then saw the bug coming at them as it was about to crush them as Adora used the sword as the bug touched it it began to glow as Dimitri raised his hands up as dark blue sparkles shot out of his hands and hit the bug causing it to fall on it's back as Ashton turned and saw Adora but was in a different outfit and Ashton was covered in silver

as Bow and Glimmer were in shock.

Bow: Uh Glimmer?

Glimmer: Yeah, I see them.

Bow: Ok, just making sure that it wasn't just me.

Then Dimitri, Adora, and Ashton looked at each other

Ashton: What the?! I'm naked!

Adora then screamed and fell as she was back to her normal outfit as Glimmer then came and grabbed the sword.

Adora: What did you do to us?!

Glimmer: What do you mean what did I do to you?!

Adora: I didn't know being a princess was contagious!

Ashton: Fix us!

Bow then came to them.

Bow: Ok, ok, everyone calm down! Mind telling us how you three did that?

Adora: We didn't do anything. All I did was pick up the sword and whoosh I'm in a tiara!

Dimitri: All i did was raised up my hands and bang sparkle gun!

Ashton: I just got on this board and my clothes are gone!

Glimmer: It doesn't matter how they did it, we just have to make sure they don't do it again!

Glimmer then took the sword as the bug got back on it's legs and then came at them as they dodged it as Dimitir and Adora saw Glimmer and Bow hiding in a tree as the bug was charging at it as Bow took the sword and ran to Adora.

Bow: Do it again! Do it again!

Glimmer: Bow!

She then teleported to them.

Bow: Do what you did before!

Adora: I don't know what I did before!

Ashton: Uh guys?

They turned to see purple and white energy forming around Ashton's hands as the bug was charging at them he then raised his hand at the bug as an energy blast went straight through the bug killing it

Dimitri: Ok, purple and white energy equals a killer energy blast.

Glimmer then walked to Dimitri.

Glimmer: You, how do you have my powers?!

Dimitri: I don't know.

Bow: Guys that bug had some company!

Then they saw more bugs coming.

Dimitri: And they look pretty angry, run!

They then started to run with the bugs chasing them as they then stop at a drop but glimmer and bow made them fall down to a ruin and they saw it.

Dimitri: What is that?

Then they saw the bugs.

Bow: Whatever it is it's probably better in there than out here!

They then ran to the door as Bow tried to open it.

Bow: It's locked.

Ashton: Let me try.

He then walked to the door and spat on his hands and then aimed them at the door.

Ashton: Open Sesame! *sees the door is still closed* Well I did all I could.

Glimmer: Grab on, I'll get us in there.

Bow: But Glimmer, you never teleported five people.

Ashton: Teleportation? Awesome!

Adora: Guys there's something written on this door. looks like a password.

Bow: You can read that?

Adora: You can't?

Dimitri: Focus, what does it say.

Adora: Etheria.

then the door opened.

Glimmer: Oh come on!

They then went inside as the door closed Glimmer made a ball of light.

Bow: So horde soldier, have you always been able to read first one's writing

Glimmer: Want to tell us what exactly is going on here?

Adora: I told you I don't know, I just read the word on the door.

Glimmer: Right, you just read a word in a language that no one has spoken for a thousand years and the door just opened into a mysterious ancient ruin. Sure.

Adora: You think I did this on purpose? You think I wanted to be a princess? Princesses are monsters!

Glimmer: Monsters? You're the monsters!

Ashton: Ouch. Just because we're from the horde doesn't mean we don't have feelings.

Bow: He's right, they did save us.

Glimmer: I don't care, we can't trust them. Have you forgotten what the horde had done? the people we lost. We need to find an exit.

She then started to walk off trying to find a way out.

Bow: Hey guys, thanks for saving us.

Ashton: No problem.

Dimitri: Yeah, and... sorry for everything that is happening to you guys.

Bow: Thanks.

We then see Glimmer looking around and then looked at the sword.

Glimmer: *whispers* For the honor of Grayskull.

Bow: What are we doing?

Glimmer: Nothing! I mean look at these carvings, I think this might be a First one's ruin.

Dimitri: What's a First one?

Glimmer: You never heard of the first ones?

Bow: The first ones are the original settlers of Etheria.

Ashton: Really? Awesome!

Bow: Yeah, they disappeared a thousand years ago, but they left behind a bunch of ruins and technology like this place.

Adora: What happened to them?

Bow: No one knows they just disappeared. The horde didn't tell you three about that?

Dimitri: I think there's a lot the horde didn't tell us.

Glimmer: Ugh! How do we get out of here?

Bow: It'll take forever to get out of here. Hey Adora, you wanna turn on the lights?

Adora: I don't know how to do that?

Bow: Maybe there's a magic word? What's the first one's word for "lights"?

Adora: I don't know I'm not magic.

Dimitri: Maybe there's a panel around here somewhere. I'll go upgrade.

Bow: Upgrade? Did you make that up?

Dimitri: A friend of ours made it up.

Glimmer: Stand back.

Bow: Glimmer you should take it easy it's a long way from Bright moon. It'll be awhile until your powers recharge.

Glimmer: Bow!

Adora: You have to recharge your powers?

Ashton: Lame

Glimmer: Can we not talk about this in front of the horde soldiers? now stand back.

Bow then walked to the others as Glimmer then threw the orb up in the air as it then grew in size as they saw something on the wall.

Dimitri: Is that... Adora?

Adora: That's not me.

Dimitri: I mean the other you, the scary one in a cape. Hey Adora can you read the description?

She looked at the description.

Adora: It says... She-Ra.

Then the description started to glow as as the lights turned on and a hologram appeared

Dimitri: What is that thing?

Hologram: What is your query?

Bow: I think it's an ancient hologram.

Hologram: What is your query?

Bow: Uh hi, what is this place?

The hologram remained quiet.

Bow: How do we get out of here?

Hologram: What is your query?

Bow: Well she's broken.

Glimmer: She's old, I'm surprised this still works.

Hologram: Administrator not detected, initiating lockdown.

The doors started to close as some started to break making some of the ruin collapse.

Glimmer: I didn't do it!

Ashton: I have an idea. Everyone hold on to me!

They then grabbed on to Ashton as he dialed an alien that looked like a large brown dinosaur

Ashton: Hold on tight.

Ashton then ran towards a wall and smashed right through it as he was seen as the dinosaur alien.

Ashton: Humungousaur!

Dimitir then looked back at the ruins collapsing as he saw a key.

Dimitri: Hold on.

Dimitro then ran back into the ruin as he picked up the key as he looked at the faceplate of his watch opened up revealing a key slot as he then placed the key in as the watch then glowed and then changed it's design

he then saw the ruins coming down as the others saw the ruin collapse.

Ashton: Dimitri!

Then a flash was seen as Dimitri came out as a four armed alien but was in armor.

Adora: Ashton, did you know his watch can do that?

Ashton: No.

Dimitri then walked out of the rubble and changed back.

Dimitri: Sorry about that I saw s key in the ruins and had to get it. *shows his watch* And it was for my watch.

Ashton then noticed the design of Dimitri's watch was now different.

Ashton: That is definitely an improvement.

Glimmer: Come on, there's a village a few miles from here, maybe we can get a few horses and ride to bright moon.

Bow: If anyone can help you three it's Glimmer's mom.

Ashton: If she's anything like her daughter I bet she's going to be a knockout.

Glimmer: Come on.

We then see them walk to the village

and done!

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