In the shadows of Mystacor

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in the woods we see Dimitri, Ashton, Adora, Glimmer and Bow asleep as Adora was turning in her sleep along with Dimitri and Ashton.

Voice: Adora...

Adora then woke up as Dimitri did and looked at her.

Dimitri: What's wrong?

He and Adora both looked out in the woods

Adora: I thought I saw something.

Dimitri: Whatever it was, it's probably gone now.

Some grass was thrown at Dimitri's head

Dimitri: What the?

Ashton: Shut it I'm trying to sleep!

Dimitri gave him a deadpan look, later as morning came Bow woke up.

Bow: Good morning guys.

Glimmer: No, it's too early.

Ashton: Five more minutes.

Bow: But it's a beautiful morning.

Glimmer: Today's cancelled.

Ashton: Yeah, go back to bed.

Glimmer then looked at Bow.

Glimmer: I can feel you staring at me. Why is it that the one who snores is always the one to fall asleep.

Bow: I don't snore. Adora, Dimitri do I snore?

He then saw they weren't at their sleeping spots and saw they were near a tree, Glimmer then teleported Bow and Ashton to them which startled the two.

Dimitri: Guys!

Glimmer: Sorry, too early to teleport.

Bow then saw the two were looking at the woods.

Bow: What are we looking at?

Dimitri: Adora said she heard something and saw something in the woods last night.

Glimmer: Like a bunny? Maybe a butterfly?

Ashton: Ooh real scary. Ha!

Glimmer: Guys didn't you two get any sleep?

Adora: Well, someone had to stand guard.

Dimitri: And someone had to keep an eye on Adora.

Glimmer: Ok i know you both are on edge because of what happened with Entrapta's infected robots but it's all over now, you both can relax. Which is why we're going to Mystacor.

Ashton: What's Mystacor?

Glimmer: It's a secret floating kingdom which is home to all of Etheria's sorcerer's. It's got tranquil gardens, beautiful beaches, and healing springs, and our aunt Castaspella happens to be head sorceress there.

Dimitri: Aunt Castaspella?

Glimmer: Don't worry you'll love her.

Dimitri: Mystacor does sound like a place for a vacation, I definitely need time away from the palace.

Bow: Why?

Dimitri: After mom found out about the deal me and Adora made from the incident at Entrapta's, mom had all the guards watch mine and Adora's every move.

Ashton: That sucks.

Dimitri: Tell me about it. The deal was a pragmatic decision.

Bow: But why didn't you tell your mom about that?

Dimitri: I tried to tell her, but she wouldn't listen. She told me that they are to make sure me and Adora don't fool around.

Ashton: Well she was right to be concerned dude.

Dimitri: I can understand that, but she may be going a bit too far.

Ashton: I understand but look at it from her point of view in her eyes you are too young to be having kids. Add to that not being able to raise you as a baby and in your early childhood she was only trying to be a good mom.

Dimitri: I know

Ashton: Do you? I've never known my real family. All I had was Shadow Weaver and Hordak. And they were terrible! I would kill to have a mom like yours but I don't!

Dimitri: Calm down bud, I'm sure you'll find your family one day

as they were walking a shadow spy was seen following them in the fright zone we see Shadow Weaver as Catra came in.

Catra: Shadow Weaver, you wanted to see me?

Shadow Weaver: Ah, force captain, how kind of you to join me.

Catra: What's up with you? You're acting spookier than before.

Shadow Weaver: My shadow spies have found the three, they're on their way to Mystacor.

Catra: I'll go get Scorpia and Blackburn.

Shadow Weaver: The only place you'll be going is outside my door and stand guard. I'm going to use my magic to go after Dimitri, Ashton and Adora myself. You will see that I am not to be disturbed do you understand?

Catra: Ok.

Shadow Weaver then did a spell as all her shadow spies came together and merged into one. We go to the others as they were seen walking to a cliff.

Glimmer: We're here.

Dimitri: Sis, this is a cliff at a hundred feet.

Glimmer: Not for long.

Then Glimmer and Bow jumped off the cliff.

Dimitri: Guys!

Then they were seen on a floating rock.

Bow: Come on guys, jump!

They then ran and jumped as Dimitri then noticed a shadow moving towards the rock as he gasped in shock as they landed.

Ashton: What is it?

Dimitri: I thought i saw something following us

Ashton: What did it look like?

Dimitri: A shadow.

Ashton: Let's keep this between me and you. We don't want to upset the others

Dimitri: Ok.

We then see the rock go to a kingdom floating as a barrier was seen around it as they went in.

Glimmer: I know Castaspella can be a lot. But don't worry, I know how to handle her.

Castaspella: Is that my glimmer? And Micah? Oh my god Micah!

They looked to see a woman running to them.

Glimmer: Hi aunt Castaspella.

Castaspella: *hugs Glimmer* It's been so long. *sees Bow* And bow. *hugs Bow and sees Dimitri, Adora and Ashton* And who are they?

Glimmer: This is Adora, she sometimes turns into a 8 foot tall warrior named She-Ra. And that's Dimitri, my older brother and your nephew.

Castaspella: But Dimitri was only a baby.

Glimmer: Well news flash Dimitri's now grown up.

Ashton: Glimmer be nice she's only just met him after he's been missing for years.

Glimmer: Sorry.

Castaspella came to Dimitri and looked at him closely

Castaspella: You look just like your father.

Dimitri: That's what mom told me.

Ashton: *to Glimmer* Is it wrong that I think your aunt is kinda hot?

Glimmer: Ashton, you realize that it's my aunt you're talking about.

Castaspella: And who's this cutie?

She lifts Ashton in the air by his chin with a finger

Ashton: Um hi.

Glimmer: That's Ashton, he can turn into a being made of silver called the silver surfer and he's my boyfriend.

Castaspella: Glimmer you wouldn't mind sharing him would you?

Ashton: You know you aren't the first one besides Glimmer to like me like that.

Dimitri: there's the time Ashton got kissed by Mermista of Salineas.

Castaspella: So you have all the ladies after you huh?

Ashton: Yeah.

Dimitri: Glimmer thought we could visit you. And I could use this time to get away from Bright Moon and mom.

Castaspella: Oh no what did she do this time?

Dimitri: Had all the guards watch me and Adora's every move all because I made a pragmatic decision of me and Adora making a deal when she was infected.

Castaspella: Well that's dumb. Your mom was always a stick in the mud.

Dimitri: Oh, well I tried to explain to her but she didn't listen and told me that I am not to fool around while she is around.

Castaspella: Well so long as you don't break anything, you can fool around but not too much ok?

Dimitri: *Blushes* Um... Ok.

Adora: *blushes* Yeah.

Castaspella: So Glimmer you mind sharing your boyfriend with your dear old auntie do you?

Glimmer: *sighs* Ok, I'll share him with you. But first some ground rules!

Castaspella: Such as?

Glimmer: One, you can't have him whenever you want. Ask me first. And second if you want some alone time with him let me know.

Castaspella: Very well. What are your plans for staying in Mystacor?

Dimitri: Well we were thinking of going to the beach and-

Castaspella: That sounds lovely and I have just the thing for you and Adora.

Ashton: What is it?

Castaspella: It's something that they will both like.

Dimitri then looked and saw a shadow before it vanished in a room as he followed it and was in a room with many statues as he saw one as the others came in.

Dimitri: Who's that?

Castaspella: Micah, your father, and my brother.

Dimitri: Wow.

Castaspella: You and Glimmer always looked like your father.

Glimmer: he had a beard.

Dimitri then noticed another statue.

Dimitri: Who's that?

Castaspella: Light spinner, a scar on mystacor's past.

Ashton gasped as he backed away from the statue in fear

Dimitri: Maybe we should go to the beach.

Castaspella: What's wrong with him?

Dimitri: The statue is reminding of a person that he isn't fond of.

Castaspella: I see, and Adora can you come with me? And Dimitri this is for you *hands Dimitri a box*

Dimitri: Thanks.

Castaspella then took Adora with her as Dimitri looked at the box.

Ashton: What are you waiting for? Open it.

Dimitri opened the box and pulled out a pair of swim trunks.

Dimitri: A pair of shorts?

Bow: Those are swim trunks, they're for the beach.

We see Adora and Castaspella in a room.

Adora: So why did you bring me here?

Castaspella: I have something for you that I want you to surprise Dimitri with.

She then held up a swimsuit to Adora.

Castaspella: These.

Adora: What is that?

Castaspella: A swimsuit. You should wear it for Dimitri, you do love him do you?

Adora: Well I do.

Castaspella: You should use this to show him you love him. After all you and him are dating right?

Adora: Yeah, we are.

Castaspella: Then you should go and show it to him.

We see the others at the beach as Dimitri was wearing the swim trunks.

Dimitri: Why do I need this for the beach? We're on a floating island.

Glimmer: Less clothing means more tan.

Dimitri: Oh that makes sense.

Dimitri then looked and saw Adora as she was wearing her swimsuit as Dimitri stood in shock seeing Adora and he promptly fainted

Glimmer: And Dimitri fainted.

Ashton: I got this. *picks Dimitri up* Hey buddy. *slaps Dimitri in the face* Wake up!

Dimitri: I'm up! And why does my face hurt?

Ashton: You fainted after seeing Adora wearing her swimsuit so I had to slap you in the face.

Dimitri: Oh. Ok. Well it makes Adora look beautiful.

Adora: *Blushes* Thanks.

Dimitri: Your welcome. Well this place is nice, and mom is good but I still think she's a bit overprotective.

Ashton: True but can you blame her?

Glimmer: Yeah that's what you get when you and Adora made a deal to fool around.

Dimitri: Come on it was a pragmatic decision sis. And come to think of it Ashton, did you try to do something like what adora did when you were infected? I'm only asking.

Ashton: No I was too out of it to try asking.

Dimitri: Ok. Aunt Castaspella is pretty nice.

Glimmer: Told you.

Dimitri then noticed in the waves of clouds he saw a shadow in it as he gasped.

Glimmer: What is it?

Dimitri then looked and saw the shadow was gone.

Dimitri: Uh... nothing.

Bow: I think he needs a trip to the steam grotto.

Glimmer: Agreed.

We then see them at a place with many pools of water.

Dimitri: Wow.

Bow: Right.

Dimitri then went to a pool as the others came with him and went in the water.

Dimitri: It actually feels soothing.

Ashton: Yeah. *looks at Glimmer* Hey glimmer I didn't know you had wings. They're kinda cute.

Glimmer: Thanks.

Adora: Ashton, Dimitri has those too.

Ashton looked and saw Dimitri had wings on his back as they were blue

Ashton: Looks like you took something from your mom after all.

Dimitri: Oh, I guess I did.

After a while in the pool Dimitri, Adora and Ashton woke up and saw Glimmer and Bow asleep as the steam started to turn black

Ashton: *whispering* Guys you're seeing the black steam too right?

Dimitri: Yup.

Shadow Weaver: Adora...

Ashton: Not you. Not now!

They then ran out of the pool as the black steam followed them as Adora then grabbed her sword and had it ready.

Adora: No, no, no.

Glimmer: Guys!

Adora: Shadow weaver's here.

Ashton: We saw her!

Dimitri: She must have followed us.

Bow: Guys, there's no one else here. What happened?

Dimitri: Shadow weaver is here in mystacor, I saw her in the hall, the beach and here in the steam grotto.

Ashton: We aren't crazy!

Glimmer: Who's Shadow Weaver?

Dimitri: She was the one who raised me, Ashton and Adora

Ashton: In simpler terms she was our mom.

Glimmer: Ok, so mom stuff.

Adora: No, commanding officer stuff and mom stuff.

Ashton: When?! All she ever did was torture me with her magic!

Dimitri: And she was the reason I first lost Steel Wing.

Glimmer: But guys, Shadow Weaver isn't here.

Dimitri: You don't know what she's capable of.

Bow: Sounds like she really did a number on you guys when growing up huh? But we can do something else.

Dimitri: We just need to be alone.

Glimmer and Bow then left the room as the others were alone.

Ashton: Now what do we do?

Dimitri: I don't know.

We then see them back at the hall where they saw the statue of Light Spinner.

Ashton: How could she be here?

Dimitri: Don't know.

They then looked at their shadows to see a red eye

Ashton: The shadows!

Dimitri: Move!

They then ran to a room with many crystals in it

Ashton: We have to be careful here we can't damage any of these crystals.

Dimitri: Right.

Ashton then looked at a crystal as he looked at his reflection he saw Lord Hordak in it.

Ashton: Dad?

Dimitri: Relax Ashton, Shadow Weaver is just trying to get in our heads.

Ashton: You're right.

They began to look around.

Dimitri: Shadow Weaver, I know you're here!

Ashton: Show yourself! Or are you scared?

Dimitri: We thought you were a powerful sorceress not a coward!

They then saw a shadow form to Shadow Weaver.

Shadow Weaver: You dare call me a coward?!

Ashton: Yeah we do! You only cared about saving your own hide!

Dimitri: And why are you doing this to us?

Shadow Weaver: Don't you see? Your friends don't care about you, they only care about your strength. You three return home and rule by my side.

Adora then started to look down only to see Dimitri place a hand on her and walk up to Shadow Weaver.

Dimitri: Whatever you're talking about, I don't care. Leave us alone and then get lost!

Ashton: And for the record Angella treats us as her own children and is a better mother than you ever were!

Dimitri: Yeah because there are hearts all around us trying to connect. Your manipulation only made me, Ashton, and Adora's connection stronger. That's the true nature of a heart, to never let go. Wherever we are, Bow, Glimmer, and my mother haven't let go either.

Shadow Weaver: You shall pay for defying me!

Ashton: I'll get the sacred texts out of here you two deal with Shadow Weaver!

Dimitri: On it. And Shadow Weaver, you're so caught up at finding the shadows, you forgot about the light that casts them.

Dimitri then sent a ball of light at Shadow weaver which made her dodge it as we see Ashton as he was XLR8 and in his arms we're all the sacred texts

Ashton: Got em.

Adora: Go get Castaspella and the others!

Ashton: On it.

He then ran and left the room and then returned with Bow, Glimmer and Castaspella in his arms.

Bow: What's going on?

Glimmer: *sees Shadow Weaver* What is that?

Dimitri; Shadow Weaver, and now do you believe us?

Dimitri then saw shadow tendrils going for Adora's sword and Ashton's board as he then ran to them and grabbed them

Dimitri: Oh no you don't!

Dimitri then looked up at where the moon would be seen and looked at the sword and board.

Dimitri: Hey Ashton, I might have an idea but i'm gonna need to borrow your board and Adora's sword.

Ashton: Go for it.

Dimitri then used the board as he then got to where light from an eclipse was seen as he then held up the sword as it became a shield and used it to guide the light to the center of the floor making a light as the shadows disappeared with Shadow Weaver screaming in pain. Dimitri then came down as the others came to him.

Adora: You ok?

Dimitri: Yeah, I'm fine.

Bow: I'm so sorry we didn't believe you guys, we've been bad friends.

Ashton: It's ok.

Dimitri: That's how Shadow Weaver plays, she manipulates people and drives them apart. But it won't work on us. I'm sorry aunt Castaspella, we almost doomed Mystacor.

Castaspella: Nonsense, you three saved Mystacor and with the sacred texts safe there was no real harm done.

Dimitri: Thank you. So that means we can continue the vacation then.

We see them at the beach as Dimitri and Adora were sitting together, at the fright zone we see Catra come in as she saw Shadow Weaver on the floor.

Catra: You're going through this the wrong way old woman. If you wanna take them down, you gotta go for the heart.

After a few days we see Dimitri, Adora, Bow, Glimmer and Ashton returning to Bright Moon as they came in and saw Angella with an upset expression on her face

Dimitri: Oh, hi mom.

Angella: Where were you?

Dimitri: At Mystacor visiting aunt Castaspella. And we also saved it as well.

Angella: You and Adora haven't been hurt!

Dimitri: No mom, we're fine that's all, but can you please have the guards stop watching me and Adora?

Angella: You are lucky Castaspella convinced me to do that anyway.

Dimitri: Thanks.

Angella: But if I find out that you and Adora were screwing around you will be grounded for your eternal life.

Dimitri: Yes mom, and for the record when i said about the deal me and Adora made, it was a pragmatic decision.

Angella: I know. Doesn't mean I like it.

Dimitri: Ok, well we'll be heading to bed.

We see Dimitri and Adora go to their room as Adora is holding a box.

Dimitri: What's that?

Adora: Well when Castaspella heard I didn't have any sleepwear, she made me some.

Dimitri: Oh well i hope you'll like them.

Adora: Can you mind giving me some space so i can try it on.

Dimitri: Ok, just let me know when your ready.

Dimitri then left the room as he waited for Adora to finish.

Adora: Ok, you can come in now.

He then came in and saw Adora wearing a nightgown.

Dimitri: Adora... you look beautiful.

Adora: Thank you, ready for bed?

Dimitri: Yeah.

They both then went to bed as they drifted to sleep.

And done!

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