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In Bright Moon we see Dimitri and Adora sleeping as Dimitri woke up and looked at Adora and picked her up as she was sleeping and walked towards the bathtub and dropped her in the bath water as Adora came up as Dimitri started laughing.

Adora: If I'm taking a bath you're taking one with me!

She then grabbed Dimitri and pulled him into the bathtub as they both started laughing.

Dimitri: Clever girl.

Adora: You love me for that.

Dimitri: I do.

Adora: I knew it.

They both took their bath together after they were finished Dimitri walked to Ashton's room and opened the door to see Ashton and Glimmer both kissing each other.

Dimitri: Glimmer, what did I say about doing that stuff when mom is around?

Glimmer: Do you see mom in this room?

Dimitri: Not yet.

Glimmer: Then it's ok for me to do it, what have you been doing?

Dimitri: I was taking a bath with Adora.

Glimmer: Ok then.

Ashton: But you and Adora better not be up to "frisky business".

Dimitri: We're not, and you two better not be doing any "frisky business" either.

Ashton: We aren't.

Dimitri: Suuure.

Ashton shot Dimitri a deadpan look

Dimitri: I'll leave ya two be with your business.

Dimitri then walked out of the room as Adora saw him.

Adora: What happened there?

Dimitri: My little sister was kissing Ashton and he told me that we better not be up to any "frisky business".

Adora: That comes later.

Dimitri: So we better get ready for anything for today.

We see Dimitri and Adora in the throne room as Angella was there.

Dimitri: Hi mom.

Angella: Hello son.

Dimitri: Is there anything that needs our help?

Ashton: A princess Entrapta has asked for our help

Dimitri: Ok, let's go.

We then see them walking to Entrapta's palace.

Dimitri: What's so important about Princess Entrapta?

Bow: She's a brilliant inventor, I do some dabbling.

Dimitri: Really?

Bow: Yeah, I ran out of arrows so I made some. *holds out an arrow* This is a stun arrow. *holding another* This is an emergency flare. *holds out another arrow* This one is just really pointy. and this is my newest one. *holds out an arrow* A sonic arrow.

Glimmer: When will we ever need a sonic arrow? if we have to like, wake up real early?

Adora: Or get separated in a crowd?

Adora and Glimmer started laughing as they continued walking.

Bow: "Separated in a crowd" I bet Entrapta would like my sonic arrow.

Ashton: Bow if it means anything Dimitri and I like your sonic arrow.

Bow: Thanks.

Dimitri: Guys, we have a problem.

They saw many rocks blocking the path.

Dimitri: Let's see who we have today?

Dimitri then saw a hologram of an alien that was green and muscular.

Dimitri: Ok we'll go with the bruiser.

Dimitir then turned into the alien as the badge was on his back.

Bow: Are you sure this one is a good idea?

Dimitri: Of course, I bet this alien is really strong. *grabs a boulder and tries to lift it* Maybe... stronger than Fourarms! Maybe i can call him Big Boy. Or Brawno or...

he then started to tumble back.

Dimitri: Maybe not as strong as I thought.

He then was heading to Adora as she then touched his back as he then glowed and became two smaller versions of himself.

Glimmer: Did Dimitri just split in two?

Ashton started laughing until he was lifted up in the air by one of the Dimitri's as the other lifted a very large boulder.

Glimmer: Dimitri's halves are like twice as strong

Then the first half threw the boulder down as he then jumped down and made a small crater.

Dimitri 1: Oh, and double heavy too.

Glimmer: Can you atleast bring your Slapbacks together?

Dimitri 2: Slapback?

Glimmer: Yeah, ya know, you duplicate every time you get slapped on the back.

Dimitri 1: Can't argue with that.

Dimitri's halves then came together and changed back as Adora the went she-ra and then burst through the rocks

Dimitri: Adora that was effective but not a good idea.

Adora: Why not? I cleared the path.

Dimitri: But you can't always use She-Ra and magic for everything.

Adora: What's your point?

Dimitri: My point is just because we can use our magic and powers all the time doesn't mean that we should use them all the time.

Bow: Dimitri's right. we can't just rely on our powers.

Dimitri: Guys, we're here.

They saw Entrapta's palace as they went inside.

Dimitri: This place seems a bit quiet.

Ashton: Boo!

Dimitri screams like a girl and jumps in Adora's arms.

Glimmer: Did you just scream like a little girl?

Dimitri: No... Maybe... Yes I did.

Adora: Calm down Dimitri, I'll protect you from mean old Ashton.

Dimitri: Ok. *sees the feather on the ground* Oh can't lose that. *picks the feather up.*

Glimmer: You still carry around Steel Wing's feather?

Dimitri: Yeah, it's the only thing left of him.

Then they heard a door close.

Dimitri: What was that? Ashton that's not you messing with me is it?

Ashton: No, I swear.

Dimitri: Uh glimmer there's something on you.

Glimmer then looked to see a robot hand as she picked it up as it then grabbed her arm as she then screamed and started shaking her arm around and got it off.

Dimitri: Did you just scream like a little girl Glimmer?

Glimmer: That's because I am a girl you jerk.

Dimitri: Who are you calling a jerk?

He then brought Glimmer's cape up to her head and tugged her shirt and then pulled her hair making it into a different hairstyle

Ashton: Nice hair.

Glimmer: Dimitri! How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?! *fixes her hair*

Then a sound was heard.

Dimitri: Guys, we need to get going.

They then saw a robot come out of the shadows as it let out a screech and charged at them as Adora kicked it and knocked it down.

Dimitri: why is this attacking us?

Dimitri then stood at a door as Glimmer, Ashton and Adora were with them.

Adora: Stand back.

Bow: Wait it could be a-

Then a trapdoor opened below them as they fell in.

Bow: Guys!

Then Bow was grabbed by a pair of hands and was pulled in the shadows as the others were seen going down a tube and falling into a cage.

Dimitri: Nice one Adora, you attempted to get a door open and you got us all trapped in a cage.

Adora: Sorry.

Dimitri: It's ok, let's just focus on getting out of this cage.

Glimmer: I'll teleport us out.

She then teleported them as they were seen in a vent.

Adora: uh, is this out?

Ashton: Cuz I can't breath.

She then teleported as they were outside at the top of the palace as she teleported again as they were seen falling and teleported again as they were seen in a room.

Dimitri: No more teleporting sis!

Glimmer: Good call.

Then a noise was heard from the vents as the hatch was opened and saw something coming out and coming to them.

Dimitri: Not again.

Entrapta: Princesses! I'm saved!

They saw it was actually princess Entrapta.

Dimitri: Huh. Certainly wasn't expecting you to be so pretty.

Entrapta: *blushes and giggles* I like this one.

We then see Bow as he was in a room as three people were seen with him.

Bow: Let me go!

Soda pop confectioner: Please be quiet, the robots respond to sound.

Baker: We're only trying to help you.

Bow: Oh Thanks. What's going on? Why are the robots attacking people?

Busgirl: We don't know. We're just the kitchen staff.

Baker: Miniature cupcake? Princess Entrapta only eats tiny food.

Soda Pop confectioner: And delicious fizzy beverages.

Bow: Thanks, I guess.

Baker: We have enough food to last for months but it's tiny but still.

Busgirl: The robots will run out of power eventually.

Bow: You can't just hide in here forever.

Baker: What do you expect we don't have powers like the princesses. we can't fight.

Then a beep was heard as they saw Bow with a Tracker pad.

Soda pop confectioner: Sir kindly quiet you... whatever that is.

Bow: It's a Tracker pad. It tracks energy signatures from magic, it'll help me find my friends.

Baker: Are those little dot thingies your friends?

Then banging was heard on the door.

Bow: I'm gonna go with no.

We then went to the others as they were following Entrapta.

Entrapta: You're lucky I found you, I designed the castle in elaborate. I'm the only one who can navigate it. *hits a wall*

As they were walking Dimitri was seen holding the feather.

Entrapta: Is that the feather of a Corvurax?

Dimitri: Uh yeah, it was from one of my alien forms called Steel Wing, but he was removed from the watch so I can't turn into him.

Entrapta: I think I can help with that. Your watch just needs a new DNA source of a Corvurax and that feather is the perfect source. May I?

Dimitri: Um sure.

He handed Entrapta the feather as she placed it on Dimitri's faceplate as it scanned the feather as he then saw the watch showing a hologram of Steel Wing.

Ashton: Please tell you won't go back to only using him again.

Dimitri: Oh I'm using him, along with the other aliens I have I promise.

Adora: Good cuz if we see you use him more than once without turning into something different we're going to ground you from him for a month.

Dimitri: Ok, but I think we're going in circles, cause we passed this cat picture already. But Entrapta why did you build killer robots?

Entrapta: Oh they didn't start that way, they were really useful, and they're sound activated, I'll show you.

She then started clapping her hands as Dimitri grabbed her hands making her blush brightly

Dimitri: Let's not do that please.

Then a large robot came and saw them.

Dimitri: Run!

They then started to run with the robot after them as it smashed the picture.

Entrapta: Isn't it adorable?

Ashton: If by "adorable" you mean huge and murderous then yes. Adora I think it's time to suit up.

Adora: Got it.

They both became She-Ra and Silver Surfer as they then came at the robot as they both started to destroy it as Dimitri looked at the watch.

Dimitri: Time to help out.

Dimitri then slammed the watch as a tornado was then made as Glimmer then saw it as Dimitir walked out of the tornado as Steel Wing.

Glimmer: Whoa.

Dimitri: Hey everybody. Did ya miss me?

Dimitir then flew to them as he then fired metal feathers at the bot as he then saw it was done he saw Adora and Ashton were both still smashing it as he then grabbed them and their sword and board.

Dimitri: Guys! Stop!

He then pulled the board and sword away as Ashton and Adora changed back and fell to the ground.

Entrapta: The tall one and the silver one seem to not be tall or silver anymore. How do they work?

Dimitri: They have a sword and board.

Entrapta: Tell me more!

Dimitri: First tell me what's going on, what's causing all this?

Entrapta: I was experimenting with first ones tech and was doing tests with a disk I found.

Dimitri: By the looks of it this is from a virus and since Adora and Ashton's board and sword are first ones tech they got infected too. Entrapta take us to your lab so we can destroy the disk.

Entrapta: But my experiment.

Dimitri: I say that this experiment is a complete failure!

Entrapta: But what if it's not? *looks at the robot* No, you're right it's a failure.

Glimmer: Dimitri they're waking up.

Dimitri ran to them as Adora saw him.

Adora: Dimitri!

Ashton: There's two of you!

Adora: That's nice.

Dimitri: *heps Adora up* How are you feeling?

Adora: Just peachy.

Ashton: Yeah.

Adora: *whispering* But why are we whispering?

Ashton: Yeah, why?

Dimitri: Sound activates the robots.

Adora and Ashton: What robots!

Dimitri: The ones that are attacking us you dope.

Adora: *whispers* Oh those robots.

Ashton: We see.

Adora: Ok, I'm gonna take a nap now.

Ashton then fell on his face snoring.

Dimitri: No, no stay awake you guys.

Glimmer: Yeah, we have to go to Entrapta's ab and destroy this disk thing.

Dimitri: Then you two will be all better again.

Adora: Better? I'm fine. I'm She-Ra.

Ashton: Shut up I'm trying to sleep!

Adora started to laugh and then snorted.

Adora: Hi Dimitri.

Ashton: What's up Glimmer?

Dimitri: We better find your lab quick.

Glimmer: Their getting worse.

They were seen walking through the castle as they went through the entire caste until Entrapta spotted her lab.

Entrapta: Oh, we're here.

Dimitri then gave her a "Really?" look.

Entrapta: I mean of course we're here, we were never lost.

She then went to the door and put a code in the keypad and then got electrocuted as Adora and Ashton watched.

Ashton: *laughs* Purple lady get zapped!

Adora reached out to touch Entrapta but Dimitri grabbed her hand.

Entrapta: Wow, the door is infected too, it won't let us in. That's so smart. And awful, we're all going to die.

Glimmer: Don't worry, me and Dimitri can both teleport into the lab.

Dimitri: Yeah *changes back*

Entrapta: Oh teleportation, fascinating tell me more.

Dimitri: Maybe when we're not facing a robot uprising.

Entrapta: It's a date.

Dimitri then blushed as he put Adora down.

Dimitri: Wait here honey.

Adora: Ok.

Dimitri and Adora both teleported as Entrapta caught a sparkle in a beaker as loud noises were heard as Dimitri and Glimmer were both heard screaming as they teleported back.

Dimitri: That was a bad idea!

Glimmer: The lab is full of robots!

Entrapta: How did they look?

Dimitri: Super evil!

Glimmer: We couldn't get anywhere near the disk.

Entrapta: The robots are protecting it.

Dimitri: And your telling us this now?!

Then a robot was seen coming into the room as Glimmer and Entrapta both screamed.

Dimitri: *grabs Adora* Glimmer, take Ashton and hide with Entrapta, I'll draw the bot away.

Dimitir then got the robot's attention and ran with the robot after him and Adora as he then ran through a hall and hid in a closet as the robot walked away.

Dimitri: Phew, that was close. *feels Adora grabbing his pants* Adora, what are you doing?

Adora: Trying to have fun. Now hold still.

Dimitri: Adora, now is not a good time, our friends need our help.

Adora: Come on Dimitri, can't we have just a little fun?

Dimitri: I'm gonna regret this but if we finish this I promise we can have our fun back home in my room, deal?

Adora: Deal.

Dimitri: Good. *in his head* What did I just get myself into?

Dimitri then opened the door and looked around.

Dimitri: Ok, let's go.

They then went back to Glimmer and Entrapta.

Glimmer: What were you and Adora talking about?

Dimitri: Uh, nothing important. Any ideas to get to that disk?

Glimmer: I got nothing.

Dimitri: And those robots are guarding the disk. *gets an idea* That's it, Bow's sonic arrow.

Glimmer: His sonic arrow?

Dimitri: The robots respond to sound, that arrow is what we need to destroy the disk.

Glimmer: But Bow isn't here right now!

Dimitri: I'll find him.

Dimitri then used the watch as he then turned into an alien that looked like a dinosaur.

Dimitri: XLR8 can find him in a second.

He then ran through the castle as he went through all the rooms and then spotted Bow along with the kitchen staff as a robot was there.

Dimitri: I got ya buddy.

He then turned into Steel Wing and fired metal arrows at the robot destroying it.

Dimitri: Now I remember why I liked this guy, Steel Wing rules.

Bow: Dimitri?

Dimitri: I'll explain everything later, right now come on.

Dimitri then led bow and the kitchen staff to the lab door as Dimitri then sliced it open.

Dimitri: Bow listen to me, I need you to shoot the sonic arrow at the disk, the sound will make the robots go to the sound and destroy it.

Bow: Ok.

Dimitri: I'll clear your aim.

He then blew a gust of wind at the robots as Bow saw the disk and fired the sonic arrow at it making a noise as the robots turn to where the noise was coming from and destroyed the disk causing the bots to shut down and Ashton and Adora eyes to flicker red before turning to their normal colors

Ashton: Oh my head.

Adora: What happened?

Dimitri: We did it, and Adora when we get home to my room, there is something that me and you would do?

Adora: That is?

Dimitri: *whispers to Adora's ear* When you were infected you tried to have your way with me. So me and you made a deal where when we finish this we would continue that business back home.

Adora: I'll take a rain check on that.

Ashton: What are you two talking about?

Dimitri: Nothing!

Ashton: Right. *to Entrapta* So princess ready to stick it to the Horde and free Etheria from their evil clutches?

Entrapta: Yes.

Ashton: Welcome aboard.

Later we see Dimitri in his room when his tracker pad activated signalling the Agent wanting to talk

Dimitri: *answers his tracked pad* Hello?

The Agent: Well done on your recent victories.

Dimitri: Thanks, but why are you helping me with what the horde is up to? How do I know I can trust you?

The Agent: You can't, but I'm your best bet to know what the Horde plans. We'll be talking again soon.

Dimitri: Wait-

The Agent hangs up as he then puts his tracker pad up as Adora came into the room.

Dimitri: Uh, hey Adora.

Adora: Hey Dimitri.

Dimitri: So... how was your... Rain check?

Adora: I'll be cashing that much much later.

Dimitri: Ok. So... ready for bed?

Adora: Yeah today's been a strange day.

Dimitri: Hey what's that?

Adora listen and hears music

Adora: Music?

Dimitri: Let's go see where it's coming from.

They left the room as Glimmer and Angella arrived

Glimmer: You heard it too?

Dimitri: Yup, it sounds like it's coming from Ashton's room.

They opened the doors and saw Ashton as he was playing music.

Ashton: Come stop your crying It will be alright Just take my hand Hold it tight I will protect you From all around you I will be here Don't you cry For one so small, You seem so strong My arms will hold you,
Keep you safe and warm This bond between us Can't be broken I will be here Don't you cry 'Cause you'll be in my heart Yes, you'll be in my heart From this day on
Now and forever more You'll be in my heart No matter what they say You'll be here in my heart always Why can't they understand the way we feel? They just don't trust what they can't explain I know we're different but deep inside us We're not that different at all And you'll be in my heart Yes, you'll be in my heart From this day on Now and forever more Don't listen to them 'Cause what do they know (what do they know)? We need each other To have, to hold. They'll see in time I know
When destiny calls you You must be strong (you gotta be strong) I may not be with you But you've got to hold on They'll see in time I know We'll show them together 'Cause you'll be in my heart Believe me, you'll be in my heart I'll be there from this day on, Now and forever more  Oh, you'll be in my heart (you'll be here in my heart) No matter what they say (I'll be with you) You'll be here in my heart (I'll be there) always Always I'll be with you I'll be there for you always Always and always Just look over your shoulder Just look over your shoulder Just look over your shoulder I'll be there always.

Angella, Glimmer, Dimitri, and Adora start clapping startling Ashton and launching him upward with him sticking to the ceiling

Ashton: What are you guys doing in my room?!

Dimitri: We heard music and checked to see what it was. That was a great song by the way.

Ashton: Thanks, but next time can you please knock before entering and scaring the snot out of me!?

Glimmer: Right sorry about that.

Ashton: That's ok, and Dimitri and Adora you two better not be doing naughty stuff in there.

Dimitri: *blushes* No, we would never do that.

Adora: Yeah, it wasn't like me and Dimitri made a deal to do it in the future!

Angella: Excuse me?

Adora: I did it again, didn't I?

Dimitri: Yup and I swear Adora you have got the biggest mouth in the world!

Angella: Dimitri, Adora a word with me in private, now.

Dimitri: Yes mom.

We see the two in the throne room as Dimitri and Adora saw Angella.

Dimitri: Mom, if you can just let me explain-

Angella: Dimitri I won't hear a word of it! You are not having children at your age at this moment

Dimitri: Mom, when Adora was infected she was trying to do her thing on me and I had no other choice but to make that deal.

Angella: You are not to fool around while I am here do you understand?!

Dimitri: Yes mom.

Angella: Good. Now go back to your room.

Dimitri and Adora both went to their room as Dimitri then laid on the bed and groaned loudly.

Adora: Sorry I said that out loud and got us in trouble.

Dimitri: It's ok. Mom would have figured it out sooner

Adora: Is it ok if I cheered you up?

Ashton: *from his room* Ah ah ah. No fooling around remember?

Adora: How does he do that?

Dimitri: He's next door to our room, remember?

Adora: Oh, right. Maybe some other time then.

Dimitri: Maybe when this war with the horde is over.

Adora: Good night Dimitri.

We go to the fright zone as we see a person covered in shadows looking at a picture of Dimitri and this person let out a purring noise.

And done!

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