Chapter eight- Sam

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Darkness that's the first thing I remembered when I woke up. My mind was screaming at me to figure out where I was so I could stop Jessica and save my family. But my body refused to move and I was frozen in place and my eyes wouldn't even open. It was like they were guled shut,  someone came over to me and attempted to wake me.

"Dad please wake up, we have to go save Mom and Little Dean!" I recognized the voice as Mary and I wanted to wake up. But my body still refused to obey me, seconds later I felt Mary place her hand on me and I could move again.
"Mary, " was all I could say once my eyes opened.  And I saw her eyes flash from gold to her normal color.
"Dad I'm so glad you're okay!" She responded and hugged me tightly. I wasted no time in returning it and comforted her as she expressed her worries. "I found everyone else they're grouped together, but they won't speak to me, " she said to me.

I observed the setting around me and saw it was like a washed up beach of some kind. A few yards away I could see Kristina's family all terrified yet attempting to keep the others calm. I had to make this right, I had to get out of here and save everyone from Jessica. But first I had to tell the truth, I was angry when Kristina had chosen to tell the truth to her grandfather. She didn't even talk to me about it, but she made the right choice. I didn't see it then but I saw it now, I should have at least kept her family informed. That way Jessica wouldn't have gotten to them so easily, but no time for dwelling on the past.

"Honey I need you to figure out where we are, " I said to her and when she asked me why I couldn't. I told her the reason. "Because I have to tell your mom's family the truth, I should have done it a long time ago, " I explained and Mary looked worried at those words. "I know what you're thinking they're going to be so furious with me, " I responded. "But they got dragged into this mess because of me, and this is the only way I'm going to get them out, " I continued.
"I hear what you're saying and I agree with you, " Mary responded and offered to stand with me. But I told her this wasn't up for debate and she had to focus on finding a way back. My son was in danger and so was my wife, and the demon with them was Jessica who was possessing someone. "I have a person I can contact to detrimente a location, " she continued.

"Wait who?" I asked wondering who she was talking about but she didn't answer and pushed me towards the group. She pulled out her phone and started talking to someone, but I decided for now to ignore it. I approached my in laws and opened my mouth to speak.
"Mom look Sam is here to save us, " my sister in law said pointing at me. Wait did she already know what was going on? Had Jerry explained it to everyone already.
"umm.. " was all I could say for a few seconds. "Yeah about that there is something I need to discuss with all of you,"

"You want to talk about the demon that sent  us here, " my father in law said catching me by surprise.
"Wait how did you know, did you tell them already?" I asked looking at Jerry but he shook his head.
"No but I didn't need to I already knew about your hunting life, " he responded much to my surprise. My jaw almost dropped and I heard Mary come by me ready to talk. But she stopped after hearing what her great grandfather had said.
"But how could have know? " She asked and I remained silent unsure if I wanted to know the answer.

"Everyone in the family knows, we have for a long time we just don't talk about it, " Kristen answered. I was still speechless after hearing this but after a few more seconds I found my voice again.
"But your reaction back there I thought... " I got cut off when Jerry started speaking.
"I was testing you, this entire vacation was a test for you, " he explained.
"What kind of test?" Mary asked as she was probably more confused then I was.
"We knew there was a demon following us, ever since that one incident with getting captured, " my father in law explained. "We did some research of our own, "

"Wait but Castiel erased your memory of that day, " I pointed out. Did he do it in correctly? Everyone but Mary and I laughed.
"Yes but that small detial was undone when your daughter had to time travel, " he responded. "We remember the whole thing now, " I had no idea how to react and attempted to apologize for them still having that memory.
"No need to apologize Sam, it actually helped us realize that a demon was stalking all of us, " my mother in law answered. "So we explained the situation to the rest of the family, "

"We didn't believe them at first, " Hannah pointed out. And I listened as I heard her explain that she did some digging as well and then saw a ghost in her apartment. "After that we all had small paranormal encounters, " her brother Anders added in.
"So this whole time you've been aware of the hunting I've been trying to conceal from you?" I asked just a bit worried that I had failed whatever test they had set up.
"Yes but once we realized that this demon was following us, we all decided that we needed to test your skills, " Kristen responded.

"But also your love for Kristina, " my mother in law added in.
"We knew it would be risky but we had to try, that's why I told you only I was going to be here, " Jerry explained and because of there clever plan I couldn't help but laugh.
"I take it that you also planned on other things as well?" I asked wondering what else they knew.
"Well we know that Mary has aged rapidly and as of this year is eighteen, " Erik said and remained silent as Mary reacted.

"Wait how did you figure that out? I never told anyone, " she said and everyone just said it wasn't hard to figure out. They also pointed out that none of them were stupid.
"Please sweetie you were born two to three years ago and you should be a tolder, " Kira said to my daughter and I realized that my sister in law had a point.
"Plus none of us were born yesterday, " Hanna commented and I sighed ready for a lecture from them, or some harsh words saying that I should stay away from Kristina.  But it never came and I asked them all why they weren't mad.
"After hearing everything Kristina said and all you've done for her, you've passed that part of the test, " Jerry answered and I sighed in complete relief.

"But now the question is can you beat the demon?" My father in law asked and I explained who the demon was and why she was here.
"Jessica is my girlfriend from college but she was killed by a demon, the same one that killed my mom, " I told them. "She's angry with me because I left her in the dark, but don't worry I know that she isn't who she used to be anymore, " I continued. "She's using you all to get back at me, but I won't let that happen, " I kept going. "I'm going to get you all out of this, but Jessica is possessing someone and until I know who I must test all of you, " I finished taking out my flask of holy water.

"But Dad everyone here has been baptized," Mary said before I could start.
"I know baby girl but like I told you, I have an idea on how to figure out where Jessica is hiding. " I answered. She asked me what I had in mind. "There is an easy way to figure out where Jessica is hiding, demons burn under holy water, " I explained. "But they also have a similar reaction to touching someone who has been baptized, "
"So do we all have to drink the holy water?" Peter asked. I shook my head because that was too easy and Jessica was too smart to fall for something like that.

"No I was thinking something more like this, " I responded waiting for Peter to react. He was the only one who hadn't spoken a word to Mary or Kristina. Not to mention he hadn't reacted at all, to what was goinh on.
"What are you doing?" Peter asked as he seemed to get uneasy. The second I opened my flask. "Somebody stop him!" No one said a word and I splashed water on him. His eyes turned black confirming my suspicions.
"Hey Jess, " I said sarcastically.

"You're already too late Sam, " Jessica responded. "Everything went according to my plan, " she continued. "I have you and your little brat trapped here, "
"Hey this little brat can easily seal you away!" Mary yelled before I could respond. My daughter then had to keep her relatives,  behind her when they tried to approach Jessica. "Stay behind me, "
"Don't worry I don't need this body, " Jessica said with a smirk. "This one was just temporary I have a better one, " she continued. "One that you won't see coming," she finished giving me a glare.

"You're going to burn for this!" Mary yelled at her. Jessica only laughed and continued her monologuing.
"Silly child I've burned before that how I'm here, " she responded. "Besides once I'm done you will all burn, " before I could even say anything she left Peter's body. His parents went over to help him while everyone started panicking.
"Dad this is awful what are we going to do?" Mary asked me. I thought of what to do and what Jessica meant by a host I wouldn't see coming. A possible theory formed in my mind, but I really hoped I was wrong.

"Mary for now we need to split up, " I said to her.
"That's a terrible idea, " she responded.
"I know but the only way we can beat Jessica, " I explained. "Is to do something she won't except, " I continued. She seemed to understand what I was saying and I could tell she didn't like it. But if this was the only chance I was getting to save everyone, then I am going to take it.
"What do you want me to do?" She asked.
"Stay here and protect everyone else, " I responded. "I'm going back to the cabin, "

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