Chapter nine

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Kristina was basically fighting a one sided battle, since she couldn't even touch Jessica.
"Come on is that all you got?" She mockingly asked as Kristina began to get tired.
"Heck no I could do this all day, " Kristina responded. Since she couldn't physically harm Jessica, she was going to resort to more extreme measures.
"Oh my gosh that's so funny what are you going to do?" Jessica laughed.

"This, " Kristina answered and harnessed her element. Jessica's hair suddenly caught fire and she screamed. However that only lasted for a few seconds before the fire went out and Jessica laughed. "What how could that not hurt you?" Kristina asked in shock. 

"Because just like your husband, you don't know where I truly am," Jessica responded. "I've been jumping from host to host to capture your family," she continued. The words made Kristina tremble with anger and fear. "None of them could last very long, because my enchantment was only temporary ," 

"What enchantment what are you talking about?"  Kristina asked and instead of answering. Jessica used her demon powers to send Kristina flying down the basement stairs. It was when she teleported to her enemy and watched her wither in pain that she answered. 

"A simple spell I picked up in my time, it causes someone to become impure for a few minutes," Jessica explained. "I could have just dropped demon blood in their months but I had to be inconspicuous," she continued and when Kristina demanded to know more.  However then she heard the cries of her infant son who was nearby in his crib. Jessica heard the cries as well and walked over to him. 

"No don't you dare stay away from my son!" Kristina demanded. However much to her surprise Little Dean seemed to enjoy Jessica's company and wanted her to hold him. What was even more surprising was when Jessica seemed to glitch out the second she picked him up. A wave of fear went through Kristina's body as she realized what this meant, Jessica was attached to her son. How could she not notice something like that?

Little Dean took the appearance of a toddler and got out of the crib. Thanks to Jessica's demonic powers, he was able to age himself up a few years. "Mama," he said as he stood over her. But Kristina knew it wasn't her son talking, it was Jessica. "what's wrong you don't like it?" 

"Jessica get out of my son!" Kristina demanded trying to keep the tears from falling. The fall had most likely broken something in her back, but that was nothing compared to the emotional pain she was experiencing. 

"Sorry not gonna happen," Jessica responded her eyes flashing black. "Little Dean and I are best friends, have been since his birth," she continued. "Since he's the fruit of your union with Sam, I attached myself to him," she kept going. "Would have attached myself to Mary but I didn't wake up until she time traveled," 

"He's only baby leave him out of this!" Kristina begged but Jessica was deaf to her cries. Her older possessed son approached her and touched her on the forehead. Instantly Kristina felt that her life energy was being drained, she also noticed that the more Jessica took the older her son became. By the time she finally passed out Little Dean was eight years old, Jessica wanted to take more but she was interrupted when she sensed Sam. 

"It seems we have a guest," Jessica said glitching out again. She changed into her mist form and went inside Little Dean's body. Before she had control of his body, but now she could use his body as her new host. She walked up the basement stairs and stopped Sam when he tried to attack her. "Daddy you're scaring me," she said to him. Sam didn't even have time to process the horrible information he had received before Jessica sent him flying into the wall. "I told you that I would choose the most unexpected host," she said to him. 

"Get the hell out of my son," Sam demanded despite not yelling his voice was dripping with anger. She didn't need to explain anything to him, because he knew she was possessing Little Dean. He would recognize his son's hazel eyes and dark hair anywhere. However Jessica was hardly phased by his anger. 

"No I don't think I will," she responded and told him about her attachment to Little Dean. "It didn't have to be this way Sam, you could have been honest with me and this little boy could be ours," she continued. "But you choose to lie and it cost me my life, so now I'm taking your little boy away," before he could even say anything. She approached him and began to drain him as well, Sam fought against her but the more life energy he lost. The weaker he became and Little Dean aged up becoming a pre-teen. "Sleep well," Jessica said as Sam fell unconscious. 

Meanwhile back at the beach, Mary sensed that her parents were fading. Not only that the negative feelings she experienced around her brother, the other day. Hit her like a rock and she knew why. Because he was in deep trouble, without a second thought she prayed to Castiel who appeared immediately. Now she knew what her visions and abilities had been warning her about, Jessica had somehow bonded herself to her brother. 

"Cass I just felt something terrible happen, I'm not sure what but I know it's bad," Mary said to him. Castiel told her that her entire family was in danger and she had to exercise Jessica before her brother was lost forever. "I won't let that happen, send me back but keep an eye on them," Mary said pointing to her extended family. Castiel agreed to watch over them and remove any traces of demonic activity left behind. Mary then found herself back at the cabin on the the third floor. From the balcony she could see her father unconscious and an eleven year old boy. She didn't need to think too long before she put the pieces together, she forced herself not to gasp as she knelt down to grab her dagger.  As quietly as she could she went through her suitcase and grabbed it, but it seemed she wasn't quiet enough. 

"Who is up there?" Jessica asked and Mary felt her heart speed up. She made a dash for the for the dark bedroom and closed the door. Jessica snarled and walked up the stairs certain that someone was upstairs spying on her. "You can't play hide and seek forever it's a boring game," she said once she reached the top. Mary placed a hand over her mouth to avoid making any noise while she tried to come up with a plan. She couldn't just stab her brother, that would kill him. "Sissy is that you?" Jessica asked looking under the beds. She could sense that an empath was here and the only another empath here besides Kristina was Mary. "Surely you wouldn't be stupid enough to hide in the bedroom," Jessica said opening the door. It was dark so she couldn't see Mary, but the teenager was there hiding under the sheets off the large bed. "Come on out Mary and we can discuss how you got back here," Mary said nothing but used her abilities to make one of the glass birds fall on the floor.

Jessica saw it fall and thought that she had caught Mary however she was wrong. As the second she went to go pick the glass bird up Mary tackled her. 

"Here I am!" Mary declared. Not willing to hide any longer, how could she save her brother if she couldn't face him. Jessica growled at her touch but threw the older girl off her. Mary regained her footing and saw her enemy through the darkness. Just like her mother she could see better in the dark then a human could. She let Jessica see her dagger before blending into the shadows again. 

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