Chapter ten- Mary

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I kept quiet as Jessica searched the dark room for me. Her presence was making me feel sick and I couldn't think straight, because I had no idea how she aged up my brother.
"Mary mind telling me how you happened to get back here?" Jessica said as another glass bird fell. "I'm not falling for that again where are you?"

I felt feverish as Jessica looked in my direction and got so close, that I could see her black eyes. I remained completely still until I decided to risk it and reveal myself.
"Right infront of you blondie, " I taunted letting Jessica see my eyes glow. She growled and tried to attack me but I was quicker and sent her into bed. She feel on her back and I stood over with my dagger.
"How are you that fast?!" She asked and I angrily told her to shut up. It surprised me that in this situation I somehow could still be angry.

"I don't know how you managed to do what you've done, but I don't want to hear your voice, " I said to her. But she just got up and laughed.
"Silly girl you think making threats like that is going to stop me?" She asked. I took in her words and realized something, Jessica was blinded by revenge. Something I had struggled with in the past, so maybe it was time I took my father's words to heart. Seeking revenge wouldn't save my brother from Jessica, I had to help him kick her out.

To make sure she didn't read my thoughts, I used my powers to hold her place. She struggled to free herself even as I put my hand down.
"No but I have other ideas, " I responded and began citing an excorism. Just enough so that Jessica would be weakened.
"I demand you stop this!" She growled her voice becoming deeper.
"Only if you let my brother speak, " I responded and Jessica tried to refuse. However then her black eyes faded and I could sense my brother.
"Sissy, " he said to me and all my anger from before was gone. "why are you hurting my friend?"

"No little brother Jessica is not your friend," I said kneeling down to be at his eye level. "She has taken control of your body, " I continued.
"But she made me strong like she promised, I wanted to be strong like you, " he said to me. Tears welled up in my eyes after hearing that. "I wanted to show mommy and daddy how strong I could be, " he continued.
"Dean they're both knocked out on the ground, " I told him and he shook his head. "Yes that's what Jessica made you do, I don't know she did it but she made them both sick, "

He didn't like when I said that and called me a liar. "I'm not a liar and I know you saw them both, if you don't send Jessica away we might lose our parents, " I explained after he once again called me a liar.
"But Jessica says that they don't love me," he responded and I felt like crying.
"What?" Was all I could say to that.
"It's true they keep secrets and leave me alone with someone else, while they go out with you, " he told me. "It makes me want to hate you, "

After hearing that statement I felt the urge to throw my weapon away. How could my sweet little brother ever think that our parents didn't love him, or that he should hate me. I cried a bit but knew exactly what to say to him, fighting wasn't going to win this battle.
"You may hate me but I love you, " I told him. "And I always will even if the whole world hates you, " I continued. "Little brother I know how frustrating it is, to know that your parents keep secrets, " I kept going and for good measure placed I stepped closer to him. "Believe I've been there but Jessica is the one who is lying, she wants you to hurt your family. "

My brother began to cry and I could see Jessica black eyes appear again.
"Don't listen to him buddy, she wants to stop you from becoming strong, " she lied. I could see that my brother was angry with her. But he still seemed to believe her words over mine. To prove I was telling the truth I tossed my dagger away.
"I will not fight my brother, " I replied. Tears ran down my face as I closed my eyes willing to take a hit if it meant, I could prove Jessica's lies. I heard footsteps and I closed my eyes tighter, expecting for Jessica to take me out.

However she didn't and I opened my eyes slowly to see that my brother was attempting to fight Jessica off.
"What are you doing stop fighting me!" Jessica yelled as she reappeared in her natural form from before. I remained silent as I saw her began to glitch out.
"No you were going to make me hurt my family!" He cried and his words pierced my heart.
"You're going to believe her over me?" Jessica asked sounding quite angry. My brother nodded and Jessica became angry. She pushed my brother out of the dark room with her demonic powers.

I grabbed my dagger again and tried to attack her. But now that she wasn't using my brother as host, I couldn't touch her. "When are you going to learn that you can't touch me?" She asked looking at me like I was stupid. Still I held my ground and felt my powers twinge inside me, it was similar to what I felt when I was facing Lucifer. Maybe the key to stopping Jessica was sealing her away, I only hoped that I wouldn't hurt Little Dean while doing it.
"A Winchester never leaves a hunt unfinished, " I told her and she laughed at me.

"You don't even have a sword, " she chuckled as my eyes turned gold.
"I don't need a sword, " I responded. Despite my words Jessica still wasn't phased.
"Then all I have to say is goodbye, " she answered. Her eyes flashed black and she raised her hand to push me away but she was meet by my own push. Our powers locked together in a battle of tug of war. My golden pulse was like a serpent attacking an invisible predator.
"Sissy, " my brother called out from behind me.
"Stay behind me and close your eyes, " I told him and he obeyed.

Jessica didn't pick up on what I was doing, and the area around us began to become pitch black. The only light was from the golden glow of my powers. I heard Jessica cackle as used the darkness to her advantage, and tried to grab me. For a few minutes she had me but then my eyes flashed gold once again. Golden rays began to wrap around her forcing Jessica to release me. "What have you done?" Jessica asked as she felt the aura force her out. It was like fire and I gave her a burning look.
"The same thing I did to Lucifer, " I told her as the rays pulled her until she was on the celling.

"No not again Mary save me!" Jessica pleaded. I felt a twinge of pain run through me as I knew that she wasn't always like this.
"I wish I could, " I responded. "But you choose to seek vengeance and that never ends well, " she pleaded with again as I saw her body burst into flames before vanishing. The golden rays spread across the entire room and soon after the rest of the cabin. Without too much thought I ran into the other room to get my brother, he was an infant once again and he cried until I picked him up.
"I told you I would always love you, " I said to him as he grabbed my finger. "Now let's fix this place up before mom and dad see the mess, "

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