Chapter one

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Stanford university 2005
Jessica had just finished leaving a bunch of cookies out for Sam. She had called him a bunch of times but he didn't answer, maybe there was something he wasn't telling her. She let out a heavy sigh and went into the bathroom to turn in the shower, thinking the hot water would cleanse her worries. However she never got the chance to undress as she spotted someone standing near her bed.

"Hello?" She asked walking over to the figure and jumped when she saw her friend Brady. "Oh Brady it's just you, don't scare me like that, " Jessica said to him. But Brady just smirked at her.
"Sorry Jess, but scaring me is my specialty, " Brady responsed and his eyes flashed black. Jessica screamed not finding any of this joke funny.
"Brady this is no time for jokes, what happened to your eyes?!" She asked and he laughed. But it wasn't a joking laugh, it was a sinister one.

Jessica knew that she was in danger and she tried to make a run for it. But Brady stopped her movement with his demon powers. "Brady why are you doing this?" Jessica asked as tears of fear ran welled into her eyes. "We're friends, " she pleaded.
"Oh Brady hasn't been Brady since our sophomore year Jess, I'm a demon, " he responded.
"Impossible they don't exist!" Jessica yelled. She was hoping that any second someone would come in and save her, from the psycho she thought was her friend.
"Oh but they do, your boyfriend hunts them and other things as well, " the demon answered.

"Sam doesn't hunt, and even if he did there was no way he would lie to me about it, " Jessica responded but 'Brady' told her everything. From Sam's connection to Azazel to their plan for him, as well as the hunting life Sam had gone through. Jessica didn't want to believe it but the more 'Brady' told her, the more she believed him. She became angry at Sam for leaving her in the dark about all this. However before she could see more, she felt herself being lifted up to the ceiling. An unbearable pain went through her as her stomach was cut open and her mouth stayed frozen in a gasp position. Still in shock after everything she had heard. Her final thoughts as she died were 'Sam how could you let this happen to me?'

Mary woke up from her nightmare and panted to catch her breath. Her dreams about Jessica's deaths were becoming more frequent. She didn't understand why she was even having them, Jessica died long before she existed or her parents met. she couldn't remember the last time she slept well, but she was determined to keep her dreams a secret. At least from her parents, they had enough to worry about with their new baby. Dean Winchester Jr or everyone else in the family called him, little Dean.

He wasn't even a month old and Mary still couldn't believe, that she had felt his presence first. A year ago when she came back from saving her parent's marriage and herself, she felt his faint presence. At the time she brushed it off as nothing important. But only a few weeks
later she felt the prescene again, and this time her mother felt him, and so her aunt and cousin. It was of course revealed later that day that her mother was pregnant. Her parents were over the moon and Mary herself was on cloud nine. She had always wanted a brother or sister.

Speaking of her brother she could hear his cries coming from down the hall.
"Some of us are trying to sleep, " Mary said to herself. Hoping that one of her parents would wake up to calm him down. However when no one did, she decided to go check on him herself. "You can't sleep either huh?" Mary asked as she picked her baby brother. His wailing softened a bit and Mary figured he was hungry. Something she really couldn't fix, because she didn't have a bottle handy. "And I thought Mom was a light sleeper, " she commented.

Little Dean reached for his sister's long hair and laughed as he grabbed it. "Hey that hurts a little, " Mary said smiling. A few minutes later Mary felt the presence of her mother in the room. "Sorry did I wake you?" Mary asked once she noticed her Mom.
"No he did, " Kristina answered and gently took her son. "He must be hungry, I got it honey you can go back to sleep, " she continued. Mary nodded and left the room, but knew she wouldn't get much sleep.
"Can't sleep?" A voice asked and Mary jumped to see it was Ezra.

"E I thought you were asleep, " Mary said surprised to see him.
"I was but I felt that you were awake, " Ezra answered. Since Ezra was nineteen now, his empathic abilities had grown a lot. He was able to tell if someone else was asleep or not, even if he was asleep. "You look tired, anything you want to talk about?" He asked. Mary shook her head not willing to discuss it. "M I only want to help, I've had trouble with dreams too, " he said to her.
"Do your dreams involve dead people?" Mary asked and Ezra said nothing. "Exactly no one understands what I see, " Mary said.

"That's where your wrong, I have visions all the time, and so does my Mom, " Ezra told her. "We're here if you ever need to talk, " he continued.
"Thank you Ezra I'll remember that, " Mary replied and after she said that her cousin went back to his room. Mary blow her hair out of her face, and tried to fall asleep.

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