Chapter two- Mary

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I woke up at about eight the next morning, she hardly slept last night but I wouldn't let my parents know that. They both already had enough trouble sleeping at night. When  I got downstairs, my Dad was feeding my baby brother, and my mother was making breakfast while talking on the phone.
"Yes grandpa I would love to visit, " My mom said as she carried a plate of blueberry waffles to the table.

"Delicious, " I said taking a plate and silverware from the cupboard. I always enjoyed when my mom used her waffle maker to make breakfast. "Is mom talking to Great Grandpa Jerry?" I asked. My mom and her grandfather were very close, so I wouldn't be too surprised if they were talking.
"Yep she's been trying to plan on vacation to his lake house," my Dad explained and I got very excited.
"I love that place I haven't been there since I was seven," I said with a smile.

"Let's hope I can get you off the jet ski this time, " my Dad joked.
"Dad!" I said very annoyed. Even though I knew he was joking. "Uncle Kevin said I could ride them as long as Mom went with me, " I continued crossing my arms. My Dad laughed and even though I was annoyed I still laughed at him.
"Just messing with you honey, you know I love going up there, " my Dad said with a smile. Little Dean suddenly became fussy due to his lack of attention. Dad instantly tried to calm him down, but I found the scene quite amusing.

"I guess even Dean is anxious to go, " I commented.
"Well he definitely inherited his mother's vocal cords, " My Dad commented.
"Hey I heard that Sammy, " My mom said as she hung up the phone. "You're the worst, " she joked as she stood by my Dad.
"But you still love me?" My Dad asked playing along. My mom made a face like she was thinking about it and I couldn't help but giggle.
"idjit, " she said to him before giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Hey I'm pretty sure there is no kissing rule in the kitchen, " I commented after the two seemed to have forgetten they had company. Dean made a small noise at my words. "See even my baby brother knows you two should get a room, " I joked.
"You mean like yours?" My mom asked and I almost chocked on my food. Thankfully I didn't though. "Anyway as you all know, I've been planning a trip to my grandfather's lake house, " my Mom explained. "He really wants to meet his now great grandson, so I have great news, we're going to Minnesota!" My mom exclaimed.

Everyone including myself was very happy with those words. I've only been to the lake cabin twice, it was because it was hard for my family to catch a break. Plus my rapid aging was hard to hide from my mom's family, since they still didn't know about the whole hunter thing.
"So whose going to be there?" I asked a bit curious as to who was coming up.
"Well its just going to be us, you know how crazy the cabin can get in the summer" my mom explained.
"Does that mean Uncle Dean and Aunt Shela are coming?" I asked.

"They took Ezra on a hunt to Salem, Dean left a note about it, " My Dad answered. Upon hearing his name my brother blinked a few times searching the room for what he was supposed to do. "Oh no not you little buddy," he said to my brother. "I meant my crazy big brother, " he continued and everyone in the kitchen laughed. Maybe a relaxing vacation was just what I needed, no need to worry about any hunts. Just a nice relaxing time where I can just dip my feet in the lake. That night after finishing up a last minute hunt with a werewolf, I packed my things for the trip tomorrow. While I was filling up my suitcase, I decided to have a little fun and tell Ezra about the trip.

M: Hey guess what?
E: A million dollars
M: really? 😂
E: What my mom does it all the time
M: I know, anyway I'm heading up to the lake
E: Without me? 😢😢😢
M: I thought you hated the lake, you got scared of the dock 😆
E: nah I love that place, if I wasn't hunting right now I would sneak into the trip
M: bet 😏

I laughed and then turned my phone off so I could finish packing. However a few worries sat with me, my stomach was hurting from them. My empath abilities kept telling me that something bad, was about to happen. I tried not to pay attention as I most likely just tired from not sleeping.
"Nothing to worry about Mary, " I told myself as I resumed packing. I hadn't traveled much so I wasn't very organized. But I decided to pack light since we were only going for a about a week.

By the time I was done my suitcase: was full of a few sets of clothes, my swim suit, hygiene products, and my dagger. I knew it was just the Lake, but one could never be too careful. Besides even though nothing supernatural had happened at the lake, my family had bad luck when it came to vacation. Plus I'm sure my parents would pack a few as well, I let out a sigh and sat back down on my bed. Since my empath abilities were screaming at me still, I decided to occupy myself by playing with Little Dean.

He couldn't do much because he was only a baby. But he laughed when he saw me come into his room, and gave him his rattle.
"Okay baby brother let's go over this one more time, " I said to him. "If you want to keep the rattle don't throw it, " he took it but then threw it in my face. I gave him a look of unamusement as he giggled. "Well I don't think its very funny, " I commented. He just continued to laugh and gave me his innocent smile. "Aww I can't stay mad at you, " I continued. Then I tickled him as he reached out to me. "But if you try anything like that when you're older, I'll get you rascal, " for a few seconds. My senses went haywire like they were picking up something negative.

I was confused but then the feeling faded, and I continued to play with Little Dean. After about a few hours he became sleepily so I left him alone. But not before gently rubbing the soft hair on his head. "Don't sleep too long little guy, " he made a bunch of baby noises once I left. The feeling from before returned again and it was stronger but like the first time, it faded away. "Maybe I should take a nap as well, " I told myself. The rest of the day I looked through my phone to ignore the on and off warnings I kept getting. Eventually I came across a article talking about dead crops in different states, but I feel asleep while reading it.

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