Chapter three- Kristina

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I made sure to wake everyone up early the next morning, so we could hit the road. Sam and I got up easily, but Dean was very fussy.
"Shush my darling its okay, " I said attempting to calm him down. Eventually I figured out he was hungry so I gave him a bottle. "Little Dean, don't you want to sleep?" I asked him. He didn't seem to want to but at least his bottle made him happier.

"Honey where's Mary?" My husband asked me as he was packing the car with everyone's luggage. Before I could answer Mary came down the stairs dressed but her hair was a complete mess.
"Mary did you remember to brush your hair?" I asked.
"I don't think it looks that bad, " Mary answered. She was like at me as a teenager she didn't feel like her hair was ever that bad.
"Please comb through it, you look like you don't have a mother, " I said to her, mimicking all the times my mother told me the same thing.

"Can't I do it later, I really want to get going," Mary begged. Sam handed her a brush and said they would wait until she was done. She groaned and went to the bathroom down the hall to brush it.
"It could be worse, she could wear a ton of make up and take forever, " Sam said trying to lighten the mood.
"Sam you know she doesn't wear any, " I said to him with a teasing grin.
"Yeah and neither do you really, " he responded.
"No because it feels icky and you don't need it to look pretty, " I answersed.

"I can agree to that, " Sam said but I playful pushed him away.
"Not this early in morning Sammy, we have a ton of driving to do, "
"You mean I have a ton of driving to do, you have to help me navigate, " Sam corrected. "Let's hope you don't get us lost this time, "
"It was my first time traveling from here to Minnioseta, " I defended even though I knew he was joking. After a short while of finishing up packing the car, getting the kids into their seats and setting up the navigation it seemed like we were ready to go.

Like any road trip it was long, and because we had stop every two hours to feed or change little Dean. It felt longer, thankfully Sam was used to it. I knew he had been much longer road trips then this, before he and Dean got the bunker. I kept myself occupied by navigating or listening to one of my audio books. Mary seemed to have trouble entertaining herself. She couldn't decide what to do, attempt to sleep, listen to music or write in her journal. I might have missed it but I think at one point she tried to do all three.

When we finally made it to the lake, I took in the familiar scenery that I seen so many times. In front of the garage I spotted my grandfather's silver car, along with my parents, my uncles and my cousins. That was strange I was told that it was just be us, but I wasn't complaining. Behind the garage was the golf course I had practiced on so many times. The Raspberry bush which looked a little lifeless this year, but I chalked it up to the bush being old. My sister's playhouse though she hardly used it anymore, and of course the huge cabin itself.

I loved getting to share this family experience with Sam and my kids. I'll never forget the first time I brought Sam up here, after we had gotten married and he was amazed by everything. His brother was another story, he did everything there was to at least ten times. I'm still unsure if Shela had been annoyed by that. Mary excitedly got out of the car and left her bags to go inside.
"Well hi, " my grandfather said as he opened the door for her.
"Great Grandpa!" Mary exclaimed hugging him.

"My goodness you've sure gotten tall, how old are you, fourteen?  " he teased. She laughed and then gave her response.
"nope but i'll let you keep guessing, " she went inside to go great everyone else. I smiled at the scene and unbuckled Dean from his car seat. The little guy was wide awake when I picked him, but he was calm. He made a couple of gurgling noises as he took in the scenery around him.
"Big and grand isn't it?" I asked and he blinked.
"Hello where's my lovely granddaughter, " my grandpa said as he walked down to great Sam and I.

"She's hiding, behind our son, " Sam said grabbing the luggage from trunk of the car.
I took this chance to give my grandfather a hug, it was a bit awkward because I only hugged his arm. But I couldn't risk dropping my son on the pavement.
"Here she is, and she has missed you a ton, " I said to him with glee.
"Well I've missed her a lot to, coming up with stories isn't as fun without you, " he responded hugging me anyway and then carefully examined Dean. "Is this Little Dean?" I nodded and let my grandfather hold him.

"Next you'll tell me Mary is going to college soon, " he joked. Sam and I laughed but it was bit forced because that's we both wanted her to do. But Mary seemed to take more of an interest in hunting.
"Sam always a pleasure to see you, " my husband smiled at the comment. The two hadn't meet very much but they got along very well.
"Good to see you again sir, " Sam said. "I would shake your hand but I've got bags to carry in, "
"Sam you've been a part of this family for years now, and I've told you call me Jerry, " my grandfather responded. "Don't worry about your bags I can have Michael and Kevin help you take them in, "

I went inside and broke into a run when I saw my cousins. I hadn't seen them all in so long.
"Hannah I'm so happy to see you, " I said to the I was closest to.
"I'm delighted to see as well, how's the husband treating you?" She asked.
"Like I always see very well, " I answersed.
"Hey don't I get love to?" Her brother asked. I laughed and went to go hug Anders.
"Its so great to see you, " I said to him. "Where are Erik, Kristen and Peter?" I asked noticing that they weren't present.

"Oh they went out golfing with their Mom and Chip, " My mom said from her seat on the couch.
"I should have guessed that, hi mom, " I said  as she stood up to hug me. I did the same to my Dad, little sister and both of my uncles after they helped Sam bring everything in. The only person who wasn't here was my brother but I didn't except to see him. We've hardly said a word to each other since the incident last year.

Things got a little hectic for my son when my grandfather brought him in, and introduced him to everyone. Everyone began fussing over him, until I decided to put him to bed. Sam and I had decided to sleep in the basement since we wanted to have Dean close by. Mary had already claimed the bed upstairs where my sister and Hannah would sleep. I wondered how many cots we would have to put out this year, since everyone seemed to be here.

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