meeting zoril

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The view changes to show them entering Kijimi, inside Stormtroopers march in patrol while Poe walks past them hidden in a hood he glances around cautiously as he spots troopers.

"It seems there are a lot more stormtroopers there" obi-wan observes.

"indeed Obi-wan, careful they must hmm... find the person they are looking for'' yoda said

"Open up. You're wanted for questioning." A trooper said as they bang on the door of someone's house, Poe glances at them from his hiding spot and continues to scan the area around him.

"They're everywhere." Poe says to Finn and Rey as he walks toward them.

"Hey! Please, leave her alone. She didn't do anything." A woman shouts from a distance as stormtroopers invade her home.

"All right, I know what we should do." Poe tells them.

"So do I. we should leave." C-3PO says.

"Clam it, Threepio. Follow me." he tells them as he leads them away from the troopers, they walk down an alleyway.

"same old threepio, he needs to grow a backbone." Anakin said and laughed a bit seeing this.

"All right. Let's head down this way." Poe instructed them, but then a gun appeared beside his head as someone stood behind them.

"And it seems as they have gotten caught, hopefully they can escape. They are so close yet this has to happen." Ashoka sighs.

"Heard you were spotted at Monk's gate. Thought, 'He's not stupid enough to come back here.'" The Woman with the gun tells Poe as Finn and Rey watch her caution.

"Oh, you'd be surprised." Poe sarcastically replies.

"Ah it seems like they are old acquaintances, hopefully she'll let him go." Obi-wan said.

"Yeah but it doesn't seem like they are on good terms and if she needs money or was bribed she could easily tell the stormtroopers their location and get a reward for it." Anakin notes.

"Who's this?"

"What's going on?" Rey and Finn question Poe.

"Guy's, this is Zorii. Zorii, this is Rey and Finn." Poe introduces them to each other.

"I could pull this trigger right now."

"I've seen you do worse."

"For a lot less."

"Can we just, uh... talk about this?" Poe asked as he took off his hood to turn to her.

"I wanna see your brains in the snow."

"So, you're still mad? Zorii, we could use your help. We gotta crack this droid's head open and fast."

"Pardon me!" C-3PO exclaims.

"We're trying to find Babu Frik."

"Babu? Babu only works with the crew. That's not you anymore."

"Oh so it's a personal grudge, yeah i don't think she'll listen to any reasoning to help him." Ashoka said.

"What crew?" Rey questions them as they turn to face her.

"Oh, funny he never mentioned it. Your friend's old job was running spice."

"You were a spice runner?" Finn asked Poe in disbelief.

"You were a Stormtrooper?" Poe turns to Finn and asks him.

"Were you a spice runner?" Rey asked Poe as well.

"Were you a scavenger? We could do this all night." Poe responded.

"As much as this is a serious moment, you can't help but laugh at this situation. Both Rey and Finn are in such disbelief that he was a spice runner that he has to remind them what they were before becoming a Rebel." Anakin laughs.

"I can agree that it helps lighten the mood of the situation." Obi-wan comments.

"You don't have all night. You know I'm still digging out of the hole you put me in when you left to join the Resistance. You." Zorii walks around Poe as she then looks at Rey.

"You're the one they're looking for. Bounty for her just might cover us. Djak'kankah!" She orders her crewmate.

"Don't djak'kankah." Poe tells them as they start to prepare themselves, Rey spins and slams a pole at Zorii and attacks the rest of the crew. Poe and Finn move out of the way of Rey as Zorii aims her blaster at Rey and Rey lights her saber toward Zorii.

"We could really use your help. Please." Rey tells Zorii.

"Not that you care...but I think you're okay."

"I care." Rey tells her as she turns off her saber and reaches out to Zorii. A squad of stormtroopers walks by as Zorii hides behind them leading Rey and her group.

"Walkers. Stay close by." Zorii informs them as they rush behind the troopers.

"Well that was settled surprisingly easy." Ashoka said in disbelief.

"They should have Rey handle these situations more often, but then she does let her emotions get the best of her at times." Anakin pointed out.

"Poe Dameron, spice runner. Runner of spice." Finn mocks in a sales tone.

"All right." Poe sighs.

"Get your spice!"

"Come on, Threepio." Rey ushers to him.

"Oh." He exclaims as he hurries. As they enter an ally beside them the Knights of Ren exit another ally and walk in their direction.

"As much as this is funny for them they do realize they are not in the safe yet" Obi-wan said looking at the sight of them.

"They should focus on their mission, not this game they're playing and find the wayfinder as soon as possible" Mace said

"Light'in up, they know but they have been through a lot and this is a good change of pace." Anakin said.

"Babu's in the back." Zorii said, guiding them through the chattery bar. Rey and Finn were glancing around their surroundings.

"I haven't the faintest idea why I agreed to this. I must be malfunctioning... malfunctioning." He said frantically in the backroom as wires tangled behind his head. Rey comforts 3-CPO as she walks past him, and kneels beside Babu.

"Babu Frik? Can you help us with this?" She asks him as he responds in his alien language. The confused Rey looks over at Finn who gives her a shrug of confusion.

"Zorii? Is this gonna work?" Rey questions Zorii as she walks toward her. Zorii and Babu start speaking to one another in his language.

"I hope this works, because if it doesn't then all that they went through will have been for nothing." Ashoka said tense.

"He says he's found something in your droid's forbidden memory bank. Words, translated from sith." Zorii translates to Rey and her group.

"That's it." Rey confirms.

"Yeah, that's what we need," Finn says as he stands behind Rey and 3-CPO.

"Who are you hanging out with that speaks sith?" She turns to question Poe.

"Can you make him..." Poe responds as walks toward the group. "Babu, can you make him translate it?"He asks.

Zorri translates what Poe says as Babu responds.

"Yes, but it will cause a complete..."

"A complete memory wipe." 3-CPO cuts off Zorii as Rey looks at him with concern.

"Wait, wait, wait. We make him translate it...he won't remember... Anything?" Poe inquires.

"what!" Anakin shouted at what he was hearing.

"What does that mean master?" Ashoka said, looking at him.

"It means he won't remember anything or what happened to him, he won't remember them or the past and you can't get those memories back once you delete them unless you have backup data" Anakin said distraught.

"A difficult price to pay for the greater good, but only 3-CPO can make this decision to go forward or not." Obi-wan

"Droid memory goes blank." Babu says in English as 3-CPO Gasps in shock. (My drama queen)

"Blank, blank." Babu continues.

"There must be some other way!" He pleads in desperation.

"Doesn't Artoo back up your memory?" Finn asks.

"Oh please. Artoo's storage units are famously unreliable." He scoffed.

"You know the odds better than any of us." Rey says as he turns to face her.

"Do we have a choice?" She questions him as they stare at one another. He stands and looks around the room.

"If this mission was all for nothing. All we've done... all this time."He turns back to look at them and pauses.

"What are you doing there, Threepio?" Poe nervously asks.

"Taking one last look, my friends." He longingly gazes at the group. The room goes quiet and fills with melancholy.

"He sure can be brave when he needs to, we will remember his heroic deed and I'm sure they will try to get him back to how he was before." Ashoka said with hope.

"Yeah I bet they will tell him stories they have of him." Anakin said.

Suddenly they hear a muffled thumping as light shines through the crack of the window.

"Night raids are gonna start soon. I'll keep lookout." Zorii tells the group as they exit the room.

"I'm coming with you." Poe tells her as she scoffs.

"You still don't trust me, huh?"

"Did you ever trust me?"

"Nope." Babu cackles as he watches them leave.

"That is a good idea to take a lookout while they are busy with the droid, it's important that they get the informant. And Anakin your droid did the right thing, his sacrifice will not be in vain." Mace said with respect. (Probable the only time he would show respect to Anakin)

once again i could not do this without the wonderful an amazing 

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