in this till the end

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"We cannot possibly fly in that old wreck." 3-CPO said as they walked towards Ochi's abandoned ship.

"We gotta keep moving. Find someone who can translate that dagger. Like a helpful droid." Poe's response was sarcastic to 3-CPO.

"I suggest we return to the Millennium Falcon at once."

"They'll be waiting for us at the Falcon."

"that a smart move the enemy would have captured them or killed them if they went back." Mace stated.

"They'll have to be careful since we saw the knights of Ren. I hope they can escape without being captured." Ahsoka said.

"Yeah, they'll throw us in the pits of Griq." Finn responded to them.

"Yeah. And use you as a target droid." Poe tauntfully said to 3-CPO.

"You both make excellent points, at times." 3-CPO said as Rey stopped to turn around to look at the horizon. The others turn to face her, as Finn walks up to Rey.

'What is it?" He asked her. Rey turns to look at him and gives him her staff.

"I'll be right behind you. It's okay." She turns to leave as Finn looks to the distance. The doors creak open as Poe and Finn enter Ochi's ship.

"Let's see what we got." He turns on the lights of the ship.

"Let's get those converters fired up." He said as he entered the pilot's chair.

"What a filthy ship!" Shutters 3-CPO, as everyone starts firing up the ship.

"Look at that." Poe said as the ship turned on.

"Where is she?" Finn questions worriedly as he looks for her.

"Finn, help me out over here." Poe said to Finn.

"What is she doing, she should be staying with her friends." Obi-wan questions Rey's action.

"Maybe she sensed Kylo, since we didn't see him with the other?" Anakin replies.

"True, you make a good point. But it would have been better if she were with her companions."

"Chewie, tell Rey we gotta go." Finn tells Chewie as he grunts in response, Chewie then starts to run to where Rey is, then behind him two knights of Ren appear watching him. Rey continues to walk forward with caution panting slightly from the heat, she comes to a stop and stares into the distance where Kylo's T-fighter appears flying towards her.

"What is she doing?" Poe questions as he starts up the engines on the ship, as he and Finn watch her from the window.

"Where the hell's Chewie?"

"It's Ren." Finn tells him sternly as he runs out of the ship, but then he spots another ship near them with stormtroopers and the knights of ren. He then sees that they are capturing Chewie and has the dagger with them, he watches as they move Chewie into the ship.

"This is why you must always be surrounded with allies and never go by yourself. Now Chewie is captured and Rey may not make it on time to the ship since most likely the stormtroopers are going after the rest of the group." Obi-wan sighed.

"I understand that she is going to try and take down Kylo, but it was irresponsible of her to leave her companions to fend for themselves." Mace said disappointedly.

The scene changed to Rey as she stands with anticipation, she calms her breathing as she hears Kylo's engine near. She grabs her saber and lights it as the T-fighter appears heading toward her, inside the fighter, Kylo excels his speed towards Rey. Rey watches him before she turns around and takes a stand and ready herself as she turns to glance behind her as he comes closer to her. She then starts to run forward and as Kylo is at a short distance from her, she leaps into the air and twists her body above the T-fight and she severs a wing with her lightsaber and sends the ship into a tailspin. Kylo's ship erupted with alarms as his ship became unsteady, it crashed and fell apart exploding in the distance.

"That was some improvement since the last time we saw her fight. But she still has a bit to improve on." Obi-wan compliments Rey's stunt.

"-But she could have dealt with him later and focused on escaping."

"But what would stop him from capturing them in space, since they don't know the condition of Ochi's ship?" Anakin said.

"Rey! Rey!" Finn shouts frankly to her, she turns to him.

"They got Chewie! They got him!" He shouted as he pointed to the Stormtrooper's ship taking flight. She turns to the ship and reaches out with the force to hold them from flying further, she slowly brings the ship toward her as Finn watches with anticipation. She grunts as she struggles to bring the ship toward her, she then sees Kylo walking towards her from his destroyed ship as the ship with Chewie is near her Kylo reaches from the force and pulls the ship towards himself. Rey angered strains herself as she fights from the force to bring the ship to her, the ship continues to move between them as Rey pushes her limit to bring it closer to her she releases a blast of lightning from her hand. She pulls her hand back but the ship gets destroyed by the blast as Kylo pulls back and watches with shock, as Rey shouts in agony.

Everyone was silent at what they had just witnessed of Rey.

"H-how did she just do that?" Anakin pales as he speaks.

"I knew we could not trust her, that was one of the powers of the sith. They should detain her and get rid of her before she does anything else, she's probably working with the mysterious Sith lord and he's trying to get rid of her as well before she grows more powerful" Mace demands furious.

"Correct Master Windu is, that was force lighting indeed a move of the sith but curious is to how Rey acquired that power hmm..." Yoda states curiously.

"There are many mysteries surrounding the past in these visions, so much is to happen in our future that leads to this. What have we done to make it end up like this? The only way we can find the answer to these questions is to continue watching and we might find enlightenment to these mysteries regarding the past or our present." Obi-wan speaks out in the anxious room, calming everyone in the process.

"Wise Master Kenobi is, still much to see. Answers unsolved the future has, the upbringing young Rey has a mystery hmm... only forwarded may the answers reveal themselves."

"Chewie!" She Cries with angst.

"No!" Finn shouts as they watch the ship fall.

"Rey! We gotta go! They're coming!" Poe shouted to her.

"Rey, come on!" Finn urges her, as she shockingly turns to see many T-fighters heading their way.


"We gotta go!" they shout at her, as she's frozen in shock.

"Chewie." she whispers in despair, she looks at her hand with grief then looks up to Kylo who slowly takes steps towards her. She then slowly starts to run towards Ochi's ship as Kylo watches her, the view changes as they hide behind a meteor in space.

"I lost control." She said with despair.

"It wasn't your fault." Finn reassured her.

"It was."

"As much as I am in doubt about Rey, Her reaction was genuinely filled with grief and shock with what she did. I don't know if I should feel sorry for her or applaud her for her acting." Ahsoka said dubious.

"There is so much that we don't know, it's really upsetting to not know the whole picture of the story." Anakin frustrated by what little they know about everything.

"No. it was Ren, He made you do it." She turns to him.

"Chewie's gone... That power came from me. Finn, there are things you don't know." She quivers with sadness and anger.

"Then tell me." He tells her as BB-8 looks between them, Rey lets out a shaky breath.

"I, uh, had a vision... Of the throne of the Sith. And who was on it."

"Ren" Finn confirms, Rey inhales sharply.

"And me." she said with distraught.

"That should be enough evidence to show that she will turn. She went from having a vision of Kylo turning to the light to her by his side on the throne of the Sith. How could this have been, unless she always was on the dark side and was trying to deceive those around her to let their guard down." Mace comes to conclusion.

"I don't know, we have seen her suffer from her memories of the past and she seems to be distraught with that vision and for what she did to that ship Chewie was in. I'm conflicted about her background and there are many things happening, I think we should wait to see what happens regarding her and her situation." Anakin sighs as he looks back to his memories of Rey to see if there was a moment when she was not genuine.

"But of course, you would not acknowledge the facts that are in fount of you. I know that you like her, but we must face the facts that have been presented to us. She used force lightning and is known to act on her emotion, especially anger. If this is not a clear sign that she is possibly a Sith or working with him then I don't know how to be more clear to you."

"Now, Now. It is clear that the odds are against her, but we can't rule out all the help she has been to the rebellion even though it might be small. Also as Master Yoda has taught us and our other Masters, visions are not always accurate as the future is always uncertain. We must not let fear guide us when given a vision, I must agree with Anakin and say that we wait to see what will become of Rey and this Vision as she and Kylo previously had different visions before." Obi-wan points out.

The view changes to show the Falcon is escorted by TIE fighters aboard the Steadfast.

"We recovered the scavenger's ship, but she got away. Under the command of the Knights of Ren, we suffered losses. A transport was destroyed." Hux informs General Pryde as they walk into the command center.

"I've seen the report. That all?" Pryde questions Hux.

"No, Allegiant General. There was another transport in the desert." Pryde stops and faces Hux.

"It brought back a valuable prisoner."

"Prisoner?" The view changes to reveal Chewie in binds as he roars with anger with stormtroopers surrounding him, Hux stands before him and he then faces Pryde.

"The beast used to fly with Han Solo." Hux explained to Pryde as Chewie roared at Hux furiously.

"There we have it, Rey didn't accidentally kill Chewie. But he still got captured." Ahsoka said relieved that Chewie was okay for now.

"Take it to Interrogation Six." Pryde commands as he walks away.

"Move it." a stormtrooper orders Chewie as they lead him away.

"How dare they treat him like a mindless animal! He has a name and it is not an It! His name is Chewie and you all should remember that name!" Anakin furiously glared at the screen.

"We've only got eight hours left. So, what are we gonna do?" Poe asked Finn and Rey as he entered the room.

"What can we do? We gotta go back to base." Finn tells him.

"We don't have time to go back. We are not giving up. If we do that Chewie died for nothing." Poe tells them with aggravation in his voice.

"Poe, Chewie had the dagger!"

"Well, then we gotta find another way."

"Well, there isn't. That was the only clue to the Wayfinder thing, and it's gone."

"So true. The inscription lives only in my memory now." C-3PO somberly replies, and everyone turns to face him.

"Hold on. The inscription that was on the dagger is in your memory?" Poe firmly says as he points to C-3PO.

"There you go, I'm so proud of you right now." Anakin wipes away a fake tear from his eye with pride at his droid.

"Finally he's useful." Ahsoka snickers at him.

"Hey, I didn't change his program, ill make sure to make it difficult to change anything about him when I get back home."

"Yes, Master Poe. but the translation from a forbidden language cannot be retrieved. That is short of a complete redacted memory bypass." He informs them.

"A complete what?" Finn questions confused.

"It's a terribly dangerous and sinful act... performed on the unwitting droids by dregs and criminals."

"Lets do that." Finn tells Poe as C-3Po turns in shock.

"I know a black market droidsmith." Poe replies slowly.

"Black market droidsmith?" C-3PO shouts with shock.

"But he's on Kijimi." Poe sighed.

"What's wrong with Kijimi?" Finn asked.

"I had a little bad luck on Kijimi. But if this mission fails, it's all been for nothing. All we've done, all of time." Poe stammers and Finn stands beside him.

"We're all in this. Until the end." Finn then faces Rey as she goes to stand beside them.

"For Chewie." She said softly and held hands with Finn as he raised his hand to Poe.

"Hands?" Poe questions as he gets cut off from Fiin.


"It looks like they have a plan to move forward, let's hope that no more misfortunes happens to them." (Obi-wan)

"For Chewie." C-3PO then hurriedly walks toward them to hold Poe's and Rey's hands.

"Kijimi." Poe says as he then walks away to start the engine and fly away from the meteors, but as they leave the Knights of Ren hidden starts their ship, and follow them. Inside Ochi's ship, BB-8 trolls down the ship and comes to a stop when he sees another droid, he chirps softly to it and rolls near it, and fixes the droid wiring causing the droid to react.

"It seemed I spoke too soon, I hope they are able to do what they must before the knights of Ren stops them."

"B-Battery charged. H-Hello." the droid glitches as it wobbles around to find balance. BB-8 happily chirps to it as he rushes to Rey along with the droid.

"H-Hello." The Droid greets Rey.

"Hello." Rey greets back softly as she reaches for the droid.

"N-No... No, t-thank you." The droid nervously backs away from her as BB-8 chirps at her.

"Looks like someone treated him badly. It's all right. You're with us now." Rey assures the droid as well as BB-8.

( once again thank the awesome @Booklover-allday for there work)

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