buried secrets

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BB-8 chirps as he wiggles himself out of the sand and falls to the ground, Poe groans as he starts to stand from where he fell.

"Rey! Finn!" He shouts as he turns on his flashlight.

"You didn't say my name, sir, but I'm alright." C-3PO tells Poe, as Poe then hears muffled grunts in the distance. Poe runs to where he hears noises as Rey starts to slide down, Poe grabs her to catch her and places her on the ground.

"At least they are alright. For a moment there I thought that they weren't going to make it." Ahsoka sighed in relief.

"You all right?" He asked her.

"Yeah. Where's Finn?"

"Where's Chewie?" They look around as Chewie lands behind them as he groans from the pain, Finn then appears as he dusts himself off.

"I'm good." He tells them.

"Ah. Master Finn." C-3PO said.

"What is this place?" Finn asked as he walked toward Rey and Poe.

"They all made it in one piece, sadly they are covered in sand. Why did it have to be sand, dirt would have been a better option or water. Not sand! It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere." Anakin shutters in disgust.

"Yes Anakin, we all know how much you hate sand. I bet if the enemy had sand and thrown it at you, you would have surrendered or walked away and let them escape." Obi-wan deadpans.

"But Master, I have a really good reason for it, i'm traumatized by sand. You cannot expect me to deal with something that haunts my dreams."

"You need help if you can be defeated by sand, suppose a hero with no fear."

Ahsoka snorts as she tries to stop herself from laughing.

"This isn't the afterlife, is it? Are droids allowed here?" C-3PO questions Finn, Poe, and Rey hug each other in relief.

"I thought we were goners," Poe tells them.

"We might still be." C-3PO said to Poe.

"Which way out?" Finn asks as Rey grabs her saber and lights it to see, Poe then turns on his flashlight only to see that Rey's saber glows more than his.

"Oh the benefits of being a Jedi, until everyone tries to kill you that is." Anakin comments.

"We have to hurry." Rey tells them as she walks away, Poe then follows with his flashlight.

"So, what was it?" Rey questions Finn.

"What?" Finn asked.

"What you were gonna tell me?"


"When you were sinking in the sand, you said... 'I never told you...'"

"I'll tell you later."

"You mean when Poe's not here?" Poe said as he stared at Finn before he passed him.

"Yeah. Mm-hmm."

"We're gonna die in sand burrows and we're all keeping secrets?"

"Oof, he really is ruining the moment for Finn. Haha sucks for you!" Anakin taunts Finn.

"You do know that they can't hear you, right?" Ahsoka questions Anakin with a smirk.

"Of course I know that! I'm not that dumb, but it still sucks to be him."

"I'll tell you when you tell us about all that shifty stuff you do." Finn said as Chewie groaned in agreement.

"I do not wanna know what made these tunnels," Poe said as they continued to move forward.

"Judging by the circumference of the tunnel walls..." C-3PO said, but Poe cut him off.

"I said I didn't wanna know. Not. what's that?" Poe said as his flashlight shone on an object.

"Is that a speeder?" Finn asked.

"What? An old one." Rey said surprised, as they walked toward it.

"Perhaps we will find the driver." 3-CPO said as BB-8 chirps in response.

"Yep, BB-8, I think dead, too." Poe casually said as they searched the area.

"I wonder how many people got trapped down there, what a miserable fate to be in." Obi-wan said with sorrow.

"Oh, my. A hex charm."

"A what?" Poe questions 3-CPO.

"A common emblem of the Sith loyalists.."

"Sith." Rey spoke.

"This was Ochi's?" asked Finn as they gathered around.

"Luke sensed it. Ochi never left this place."

"And he ended up down here." Finn said as they looked around.

"He was headed for this ship. Same thing that happened to us, happened to him." Poe said to them.

"So, how did Ochi get out?" Finn asked.

"He didn't." Rey said, as they see a pail of bones, they walk toward it as Chewie groans in response.

"Well they found their man, downsize. He's dead and their might not be an escape for them, so they might end up like Ochi." Ahsoka said, frustrated.

"No, he didn't." Finn said disturbed.

"Bones. I don't like bones." Poe gagged beside them.

"Bones? Never a good sign." 3-CPO said, as BB-8 rolls forward and chirps to them.

"Yeah, I see it." Rey says as she walks toward BB-8 and kneels to grab a blade from the sand. She holds the blade up to see it as she then hears a woman whimpering in despair.

"Horrible things... have happened with this." Rey whispers with a dazed look, as the woman's voice fades.

"Okay, thats definitely not suspicious or weird. Whats with her getting all these voices or visions? Is there something about her past that will lead to all of this." Anakins questions.

"There is definitely something that she is apart of, but i don't know if its good or bad yet." Ahsoka concludes.

"There's writing on it." Poe said to her.

"Perhaps I can translate. Oh. the location of the Wayfinder has been inscribed upon this dagger. It's the clue that Master Luke was looking for." 3-CPO said as he looked at the dagger.

"And?" Poe asked the inpatient.

"Where's the Wayfinder?" Finn eagerly asked.

"I am afraid I cannot tell you." 3-CPO tells them, as everyone looks at him with disbelief.

"Are you Kidding me! Why can't he tell them." Anakin nearly rips his hair out with frustration at his droid.

"Maybe there is something preventing him, let's just wait and see what happens." Obi-wan calms Anakin.

"20.3 fazillion languages, you can't read that?" Poe said, agitated.

"Oh, I have read it, sir. I know exactly where the Wayfinder is. Unfortunately, it is written in the runic language of the Sith."

"So what?" Rey questioned him.

"My programming forbids me from translating it."

"So, you're telling us that one time we need you to talk, you can't?" Poe said, aggravated.

"Who the heck changed his programming!" Anakins shouts.

"Well maybe you just didn't fix it, I don't know? Maybe he'll tell them why." Ahsoka tried to explain.

"Irony, sir. I am mechanically incapable of speaking translations from Sith. I believe the rule was passed by the Senate of the Old Republic..." 3-CPO moved from them as he explained to them, but as he spoke an aggressive serpentine rose from its slumber and snarled at them. They all moved away from the serpentine and readied themself to attack.

"I wonder why the senate of the Republic forbids him from translating it. Is the senate still Palpatine or was it someone else? It had to be someone else, because why would Palpatine do that?" Anakin questions.

"Serpent! Serpent! Serpent!" 3-CPO yells frightfully as he runs. Rey looks up to the serpent as it hisses at them and notices something, she moves her hand to bring down Poe's blaster. She pants as she moves her saber to give it to Finn, as she slowly walks toward the creature.

"Okay what is she doing? Does she have a death wish or something? I thought the only foolish person like that was skyguy." Ahsoka wonders.

"Hey! Im not that reckless." Anakins tries to defend himself.

"Anakin we just had an argument not that long ago that you are indeed a reckless person. There is no point in trying to prove a point and defend yourself from a fact." Obi-wan states.

"Rey." Finn softly said as they watched her. The serpent continues to hiss at her as she comes closer, Rey reaches her hand out as the serpent snarls at her causing Rey to stop.

"Finn." Poe fearfully said as he brought his blaster up.

"Shh." Finn hushed Poe, as the watch tensely.

Rey slowly walks forward as the serpent softly growls, Rey then sees the claw marks on the serpent. She takes a deep breath as the serpent hisses at her, Rey walks over the serpent's tail and stands face to face with the creature.

"I'm gonna blast it." Poe tensely said.

"Don't blast it." Finn whispers to him.

The serpent growls softly as Rey breathes nervously as she kneels to the sand and moves her hand on the wound of the creature, it groans in pain as Rey then closes her eyes and calms her breathing, and focuses on meditation. Slowly the wound of the creature starts to heal itself with the force that Rey is controlling, Poe and Finn watch as they relax from the tension. The wound of the serpent fully heals and Rey opens her eyes to see the serpent moan with relief from the pain and chitters softly to Rey, it then moves away from her causing Poe to sigh with relief. Rey holds her hand watching the creature move as an exit appears in the cave, BB-8 then rolls toward Rey and chips at her.

The room falls silent as they watch the scene before them.

"When the heck could we force heal someone? Does anyone know how to do this, because I think that it would be really helpful if we could do this." Anakin question.

"We believe that If it is time for someone to die, we will help ease their passing, but we won't try to subvert the natural order in stopping someone's death. But no i don't think that we know how to." Mace addressed Anakin.

"But it would help many Jedi to not die young or to survive. I don't think it's a bad idea to learn this."

"But what if someone uses it for their own good and uses it in a harmful way? This technique can be taken in the wrong hands, especially a Sith." Mace reasons.

"I just transferred a bit of life. Force energy from me to him." She tells BB-8 as Finn walks toward the exit, BB-8 chirps back to her.

"As you see, using this technique has its downsizes. It uses one's life force to heal someone, are you willing to shorten your life force for someone?" Mace questions Anakin.

"Of course. If it's for someone that I really care about, such as Obi-wan or Ahsoka i would give my life for them." Anakin said sternly with no hesitation.

"Then so be it."

"You would've done the same."

Chewie then grabs the dagger to put it inside his bag, it then shows a vehicle stop in the desert to reveal the Knights of Ren standing on the ledge of a cannon, as they look out toward the desert.

( once again thank the awesome  @Booklover-allday for there work)

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