speeder chase

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The scene changed to show Rey and her group running until they were spotted by stormtroopers.

"Freeze! Hold it right there. I've located the Resistance fugitives. All units, report..." The stormtrooper was interrupted by a blast to its head. Rey and her group turned to see who saved them, only to see a masked figure.

"Follow me." He tells them as he turns to lead them. Rey looks to her friends before they start to follow the masked person, they blend with the crowd as they run towards a transport.

"Ooh~ I wonder who this mysterious figure is." Ashoka asks with curiosity.

"Well, it seems like it's an ally." Obi-wan observes.

"Hurry." the Masked man said as they entered the transport.

"Leia sent me a transmission." he tells them, as he then goes and speaks in an alien language to the driver.

"How'd you find us?" Finn questions the man, as the man takes off his mask.

"Wookiees stand out in a crowd." Lando tells them, as Chewie moans with happiness from seeing his old friend and hugs Lando.

"It's good to see you too. Old buddy."

"This is General Lando Calrissian." C-3PO introduces him to everyone, as Rey turns to C-3PO.

"I'm glad that this person is an ally of theirs."

"We know who he is, Threepio." Rey responds to him.

"It is an honor, General." Finn said to Lando with admiration.

"General Calrissian, we're looking for Exegol." Poe tells Lando, as Lando stands there looking at them before he responds.

"Of course you are." Lando then brings his wrist up to show a hologram of the Sith wayfinder.

"Only two were made." He tells them.

"A Sith wayfinder." Rey said as she looked up to him as BB-8 chirps.

"Luke Skywalker came here to find one." Lando then chuckles in response.

"I know. I was with him. Luke and I were tailing an old Jedi hunter." he tells them, as he taps his hologram to show a figure appear.

"That's great! He must have more information for them in their search." Ahsoka chirps.

"Yes, but if he did have more information why hasn't he found it yet or Luke. They must be missing something." Anakin observes.

"Ochi of Bestoon. He was carrying a clue that could lead to a Wayfinder. We followed his ship halfway across the galaxy here. When we got to his ship it was abandoned... No clue. No Wayfinder."

"Is Ochi's ship still here?" Rey asked him.

"It's out in the desert, where he left it."

"We need to get to that ship. Search it again." She said as they heard T-fighters coming from the distance. Lando looks out the window to only see many T-fighters heading their way, Rey looks out the window as well.

"I got a bad feeling about this. Ochi's ship is out past Lurch Canyon. Go." Lando tells them.

"Let's hope that they can make it to his ship before the stormtroopers find them."

"Thank you, General." Poe tells him as Chewie grunts softly to Lando.

"You too, Chewie."

"Leia needs pilots, General." Rey tells him.

"My flying days are long gone. But do me a favor... Give Leia my love." He tells Rey softly.

"You should give it to her yourself. Thank you." Rey said as she then exited the transport.

It then shows Rey and the rest running as the T-fighters are far from them.

"There! Those speeders." Poe points as they run toward the speeders, Poe gets under the speeder to jump-start it as the engine powers up."

"How do you know how to do that?" Finn asked Poe, as Poe continued to turn on the speeder.

"Mhm, I guess he's as noble as we thought he was." Anakin smirks.

"Yeah like you." Ahsoka pointed out.

"Hey! I am pretty noble! I don't rebel or steal things." Anakin says while he averts his eyes.

"No need to worry. I made it." C-3PO hurriedly said as he walked toward them, while Poe was working they heard male aliens shouting at him.

"We gotta go." Poe tells them as the aliens run towards them. They enter the speeders and leave, but a stormtrooper spots them leaving.

"We've spotted the fugitives." The stormtrooper reports

It then shows them being shot at by the stormtroopers, one of the blasts hits C-3PO as the stormtroopers continue to fire at them. Rey turns and fires at them, but they have a forcefield protecting them. Then suddenly the speeders of the stormtroopers jump, launching one of them into the air as they have a jetpack on.

"Oh! They fly now!" C-3PO said as Chewie grunts.

"They fly now?" Finn questions.

"They fly now!" Poe shouts as they move out of the firing range of the stormtrooper, Poe and Rey split up in different areas with two stormtroopers following them. Rey continues to dodge the blast from them, as they fire in front of her to damage her view, it then shows Poe with Finn as they try to get away from the trooper.

"Did we lose them?" Poe asked Finn.

"Looks like it!"

"Excellent job, sir!" C-3PO praised them, only to have a stormtrooper fire at them from behind.

"Terrible job, sir!"

"Ugh, I gotta make C-3PO grow a backbone." Anakin groans.

"I guess you should have thought about that in the first place. He has already shown to be very frightful in tight situations." Obi-wan remarks.

It then shows back to Rey as they continue to fire at her, BB-8 chirps to her.

"Not now BB-8" she frantically said, as BB-8 fired a smoke canister. It explodes in the air, causing the Stormtroopers to be blind from sight, making the speeder jump over a rock. Rey then fires at them destroying their speeder.

"Never underestimate a droid." Rey acknowledged as they continued forward with two troopers pursuing them. It then shows Poe and Finn being shot at, but then Finn grabs a hold of some rope and throws it at the stormtroopers speeder. The rope hooks on the wheel of the speeder, and Finn then ties the end of the rope on a pole in their speeder.

"Poe!" Finn shouts to him, as Poe then makes a sharp turn making the speeder of the stormtrooper crash against the rock.

"Whoo!" Finn cheers in victory.

"Yeah!" Poe laughs as well.

Now that a great sight to see '' anakin said and smiled when he saw the sight

"Right-o!" C-3PO cheers with them, as they turn back to join Rey. It then shows Chewie firing at one of the troopers in jetpacks causing them to crash.

"Ochi's ship." Rey spoke as she spotted the ship in the distance.

"I've seen that ship before." She said with confusion.

"Rey!" Poe shouts to her from behind.

Wait what dose she mean by she seen that ship before'' Ahsoka

Perhaps we might be able to see more to rey past'' yoda replied

"You get all of them?" Finn asked her, but then the last Stormtrooper fired at them, making both Poe's and Rey's speeders launch them in the air from the impact of its blast. They landed on the sand, Rey sits up and fires her blaster at the trooper as the others join her. They land a hit on the trooper's jetpack making them lose control and crash into rocks, Poe then falls as he slowly starts to sink into the grey sand.

Fool she was to focus on the ship to notice the last one'' mace said

"What the hell is this?" Poe frantically said as he continues to sink, BB-8 chirps frantically as well as they all start to sink into the sand.

"Sinking fields! Try to grab something!" Rey reports to them.

"Will this agony ever end?" C-3PO said, as Poe fully sinks into the sand.

"BB-8! No!" Rey shouts as BB-8 disappears as well.

"Rey! Rey, I never told you..." Finn quickly said as he then got swallowed by the sand.

"What? Finn!" Rey then fully sank into the sand as well, leaving no proof of them in the sand as the sand stopped moving. It then shows the Resistance base as walks toward Leia.

Oh man not the sand '' Anakin flown at the sight of the sand he hated sand

Obi wan let out a small amused laugh but he was more worry about what will happen to the others

I do hope they are alright'' Ahsoka said

"General! We're getting reports of a raid at the Festival of Ancestors." He reports to Leia.

"This mission is everything. We cannot fail. Any word from Rey?" Leia said.

"Falcon's not responding."

"Do you have to say it like that?" Rose scolded.

"Like what?" Temmin asked confusedly.

"Do me a personal favor? Be optimistic." instructed Leia

"Yes ma'am. Uh, this is... this is terrific. You're not gonna believe how well this is gonna turn out. It's gonna be great." Rose sighs as she walks away from him.

He not very good at being optimistic is he obi wan said

No he is not master '' anakin said

( happy merry Christmas enjoy a chapter for a gift)

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