4thpowermama presents: But The Book Was Better...

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Happy Block Party everyone! I'm SO EXCITED to be back with another amazing group of authors for all of the reading fun, and what about those giveaways, am I right? Have you signed up for basically all of them like I did???? Honestly, this block party is always a summer highlight for me, and I'm still in awe of the fact that I get to participate. It was a literal dream come true the first time I was included- total Wattpad goals. If you feel the burning desire to be one of the featured authors, don't hesitate to fill out that form!

Thanks a million to KellyAnneBlount for once again giving me the green light to be featured!!! You wouldn't believe the amount of work that goes into hosting an event like this, and she does it with a smile on her face the whole time!

My very first WPBP post was a bonus chapter for my story, More Than This. I gave readers a look at the events on the first day of school, when Amber, Garrett and Matt got the ball rolling for the events which take place in the main story. The last two posts I wrote were commentaries. One was about the awesome comment feature that Wattpad offers which connects readers to authors. Last time I posted about creating the perfect playlist for your work in progress. This time my post is a mash up; my crazy thoughts about Wattpad and a bonus chapter!

 By now you must be wondering about my feature title: But The Book Was Better. And I will admit that in some ways it was mostly clickbait. I really wanted you to read my post! However, there is meaning to this title. There are currently so many amazing adaptions being produced using the great talent found here on Wattpad that it's given me some thoughts... Recently, The Kissing Booth by Beth Reekles has had huge success as a top rated Netflix movie, and several more are in the screen writing stage to be adapted for TV and film. Kelly Anne Blount's novel, Captured, and Ali Novak's novel My Life With The Walter Boys are among the found-on-Wattpad-first adaptions.

But that's not the only opportunities that Wattpad authors are being offered. Gaby Cabezut and Anna Albo, among others, have had their stories recorded as Audibles. And have any of you tried the Chapters interactive stories app? Gaby's story, Prince With Benefits, and Debbie Goeltz's Mermaids And The Vampires Who Love Them have been adapted as games! It's such a fun way to read their books! I've heard Episodes is also a great interactive app featuring stories by Wattpaders.

All of that is fantastic and so amazing for the authors whose work gets adapted! However, I am here to say that yes, the book was better. Hold on, before you pelt me with popcorn for hating on the media, let me explain what I mean by that. None of those fantastic movies, recordings and games would have been possible without the original source, the book. And although every single one of those new experiences are exciting and dreams come true, none of them could even exist without the words written before. So, in that sense, the book will always be best in my eyes. Without the written word, none of the other things would even be available.

I may have made my case, but my post isn't over yet! I recently completed a twelve-month project writing my first fantasy, The Ferlands, and I wanted to give you a little taste of my efforts, as well as a bonus scene featuring two of my favorite characters; Blaike and Zolen.

If you haven't read The Ferlands yet, this peek won't be a huge spoiler, although there may be a few minor details that are spilled. I've attempted to write it in a way that will be clear for any new readers as well, and I hope it sparks your interest! The Ferlands is a portal fantasy, meaning that our main character, Eliana, enters this land through a passageway. There is adventure, special strength in the form of Starlight that can be captured and used as energy, as well as my own take on the Fae. True to my style, there is also romance, humor and even a bit of science fiction. My header to this post is a love story trailer that goes with The Ferlands, so watch it for a sneek peak! But right now meet Blaike, Captain of the Watchers (aesthetic below), L'Oran, Queen of the Fae, and Zolen, the Fae General:

The Ferlands Bonus chapter - The Fulfillment

Song of the chapter – The Last Of The Real Ones by Fall Out Boy

The Queen's compound loomed up ahead of Blaike as he approached on horseback. The Fae guards at the main gate gave him quite the sneer as he entered. Without the Queen's summons, giving legitimacy to his visit, he would have not only been denied entrance, but most likely would have needed to draw swords with the two burly guards. The long years of contempt between Fae and Watchers hadn't lessened any, it would seem. Blaike had no knowledge of the task the Queen required of him, but something deep within had urged him forward.

Without hesitating further, Blaike dismounted his steed, giving the reigns to the attending guard who had the decency to keep his distain to himself. When would the tension between the Fae and the Watchers end, Blaike wondered. Shaking his head, he told himself that only the return of the Starlight to its proper use would end their animosity. That event, unfortunately, was nowhere on the horizon.

He entered through the main doorway, left open in anticipation of his arrival. The Queen had no need for tight security within her compound walls, the entire grounds being hidden deep within the ancient Fae forest. Even with the heavy-handed threat of the self-appointed dark queen of the Ferlands, Claec, surrounding the land in its entirety, the Fae royal had not taken additional measures of protection. Blaike wondered how wise that choice had been.

Walking the long hallway, he crossed into the Queen's sitting room, where he had been summoned by Her Majesty just days ago. Leaving the Seer's compound to travel to the Fae lands was not without its dangers, nonetheless Blaike left without delay. He turned the corner to the main room, lined with bright glass windows that allowed the sunlight in as well as a clear view of the ancient trees surrounding the royal structure. The glowing room also gave Blaike a clear view of its occupants. Queen L'Oran sat casually on a cushioned chair, wearing a bright yellow gown with a crown of golden fae leaves woven into her red locks. Her billowing skirts flowed around her as she sat flanked by her general, Zolen. He wore a serious expression, matching his well-worn battle gear and leather armor. Blaike straightened his back, seeing the Fae male that he'd encountered often enough to know that this conversation would not be as casual as the Queen appeared.

"Ah, Blaike," the Queen spoke. "I am so glad you were able to travel so quickly. This matter is one of great importance, we can have no delay."

Blaike dipped his head slightly, showing the Queen the respect she truly deserved. While her general was not his favorite Fae, the Queen had proven to be a fair and caring leader. Blaike had always been drawn to her.

"I have to admit, your Majesty, I am quite intrigued that you have called on the Watchers for your task. Our job to guard Seer's from threats and attacks has been long standing, regardless of the current state of the land. We are not often required for anything else, other than keeping the Wildland creatures at bay. As well, you have your own forces. Your capable guards could handle any task you require."

The Queen listened to Blaike's concerns while gesturing to a chair opposite her position in the room. General Zolen remained standing, arms crossed. Blaike sat, still giving his attention to the Queen and attempting to ignore the tension pouring off of the Fae general at his left. It was clear that Zolen was unhappy with the Queen's call on the Watchers.

"I am expecting a visitor," Queen L'Oran said, "an otherworlder, by way of the north passage. You are to be her escort."

Zolen scoffed, "The general of the Fae should be escort to any visitor of the Queen, not a Watcher." The way Zolen spoke the word gave evidence for his contempt. The Queen shot Zolen a look, effectively silencing him. Then she returned her attention to Blaike.

"As Captain of the Watchers, I feel it is your duty to greet this particular visitor. She is coming to lands not traveled by Fae in many generations. Traveling to the passage will take you through the Forgotten lands. You have more experience there than do my guards."

Blaike nodded his understanding, while Zolen stood stock-still.

The Queen continued. "This visit is unexpected and she will have many questions, I am sure. However, I think her questions would best be answered here, while I can assist her understanding."

"This woman, has she never been here?" Blaike asked. "How are you aware she will be arriving?"

"Eliana has no knowledge of our lands. Your position as a Watcher has educated you about other lands, but she has no such information. This will be a shock for her."

Blaike felt a strange stirring in his heart, his soul, at the mention of the woman's name. Eliana, it was a beautiful name. There was just something about it...

"I humbly request that I be ordered to attend her arrival as a representative of the realm." Zolen's voice brought Blaike back to the matter at hand. He silently wished the Queen would refuse Zolen's request, not wanting to travel the days it would take to get to the passage with the disagreeable Fae general.

"While I appreciate your humility, Zolen, I am afraid that Captain Blaike must greet her alone. Trust that I do have reasons for my decisions." The Queen's words were final, although her tone was that of an understanding mother. Zolen simply nodded his head, his mouth drawn tight in a straight line of disappointment. He would not dare to defy his most beloved Queen.

Blaike rose from his seat, nodding his head once again at Queen L'Oran. "I shall prepare for the journey without hesitation. When shall I expect her arrival?"

"According to the information I received, sometime within this moon cycle. The exact time is not known, but I would request that you make your way to the passage and set up camp to wait."

"Of course, Your Majesty." Blaike gave his Watcher's salute before turning to exit the compound. With the little information he was given, Blaike felt strangely anxious about his task. The same sense that had urged him to the meeting now prodded him to make hast and travel as soon as possible. The woman's name, Eliana, swirled within his mind and he wondered at the strong sensation it brought to him. The feeling was foreign to him, after so long, but the only description he had for what coursed through his entire being was hope.


Fall Out Boy - The Last Of The Real Ones

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I hope you enjoyed this little bonus chapter for The Ferlands which is now complete, and I've been doing some revisions so feel free to check it out! And don't forget to sign up for my giveaway for social media follows by me and a chapter dedication to you, which is open internationally, and all of the other amazing freebies you can win!

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!!! You guys are THE BEST! Keep scrolling for more amazing reads, and OF COURSE I'm ending my post with a #Prattgif, because oh yes! He's cast as Zolen, by the way ;-)




Regular Link to Blog: http://kellyanneblountauthor.blogspot.com/2018/07/wattpad-block-party-giveaways-summer.html

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