JDFanFF Presents: Surreptitiously

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Hi guys! I am back! I should start by apologizing to all my dear readers for making them wait for almost a year for a new update. Life hasn't been easy, I've moved cities, jobs, my children have been adapting to their new schools and lives. Unfortunately, all that took me away from my passion: writing. Thanks to KellyAnneBlount and her invitation to be a part of this wonderful anthology, I could write again, and what's best, I have started a new book, a YA story that I have wanted to write for the longest time! So thank you, Kelly for trusting me and supporting me. I hope I won't let you down. And to my readers, I hope you enjoy this new story and fall in love with its new characters! Gracias siempre! Love you all! Z.

Emma giggled after hitting reply to her best friend's message. She knew her friend too well to know that she was in a fool mood early in the morning due to lack of sleep. Ever since they started high school, Sam has been going through some nights with insomnia. Emma had some ideas to where that anxiety came from, but she would patiently wait for her best friend to realize what she was feeling and towards whom. It wasn't her role to play.

As she finished applying the little-almost-nothing-makeup that she always wears to school she heard her doorbell rang. She knew her best friend was desperate for a cup of coffee. While she was making her way to the door, she heard her mother greeting her Zombie friend.

- Good morning, Sammy.

- Argh!

- Ok. I guess somebody couldn't get any sleep again, huh?

Emma's mom started pouring a cup of coffee while Sam sat on a stool, Mrs. Adams' dream kitchen has been just decorated and she had bought a stool for each member of her family, including Sam, she was considered a daughter to the Adams, and a plague to Emma's brother, Josh. Ever since the Adams moved to the neighborhood and Sam entered their lives, Sam's relationship with Josh has worsened as they grew. On their first playdate, Sam accused Josh of pulling her cute side-ponytail and, as a result, he was grounded. Ever since that day, Josh has made it a point to irritate Sam every chance he has.

- Morning, Sam!

Emma side-hug her friend and giggle at her grunt. Mrs. Adams poured Emma a cup of coffee and yelled for Josh to join them.

- Josh! Breakfast is ready! You will be late!

- Again!

Sam's comment was heard by Mrs. Adams and Emma could see the annoyment in her mom's eyes. Sam was right, ever since Josh started dating Jessica, the head of the cheerleaders, he has missed many classes and has been arriving late to school almost every day. Mr. and Mrs. Adams were scheduled to see Mr. Torres, the school's principal later in the day.

- If you don't come downstairs at this moment, you will be grounded for the rest of your life! – The anger in her voice showed that she was being serious.

- I'm coming! Jeez, mom! What's got into you? – Josh sounded worried, he knew about the meeting his parents would have later in the day, and he knew the outcome would be him, being grounded.

As Josh made his appearance at the kitchen door frame, Sam spilled her coffee on her blouse.

- Just great! – Sam grabbed a dish towel trying to get the coffee out of her uniform.

- Come, Sam, I'll borrow you a fresh blouse.

Emma extended her hand to Sam to take her away from that kitchen before her brother would make any rude comment and make Sam even moodier. However, he said nothing. He just stood there staring at her. Sam rolled her eyes and ran up the stairs. Emma punched Josh's shoulder on her way to her room and he completely ignored his sister, keeping his eyes fixed on Sam's figure.

Once Emma closed her bedroom door, she heard Sam moving around the en-suite bathroom, she couldn't see her best friend, but she knew she was pacing around, deeply mad but also confused with Josh's attitude. It wasn't in his nature to let go the opportunity of ruining Sam's day, just like that. There was something going on. Maybe, she thought, the feelings weren't only on Sam's side.

Suddenly, the bathroom door opened and as Emma met her friend's gaze, she could see Sam has been crying.

- Aw, Sam. – Emma tried to go to her friend to give her a hug.

- Save it, Em. – Sam held up her hand to stop her best friend.

- He's an idiot. – Emma pointed out while passing Sam the fresh blouse.

- He has always been. – Sam shrugged as she buttoned up.

- We're so late, we are definitely going to detention tonight.

- Yeah. We should go.

Emma knew she shouldn't push farther. Sam wasn't ready to talk. She will look for her once she is. Emma was certain that the cute little crush Sam has always had on her brother, was becoming love and Sam doesn't know how to deal with it. Neither does Emma, she knew her brother liked Sam, he felt attraction, Sam was, after all, a beautiful girl. But Josh wasn't boyfriend material, he was a player. Sure, he was dating Jessica, but that was just for status, he would sleep with any girl that would look at him.

The girls rode Sam's car to school in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was a comforting one. Ever since they started their friendship, Emma has learned that her friend prefers her silent company than having an annoying friend that speaks rather than listens. The truth is that Emma was a true friend and she has been by Sam's side through the good and bad times. Her parent's divorce was probably the worst one. The day that Sam turned twelve, as a present, her dad decided to tell her he was having an affair with his business partner, Mr. Moore. It was a great shock for everyone. Her dad is the type of man that is the alpha male and it was strange picturing him with another man. Sam's mom was the one who took it better, she said she always had her suspicions and she was happy that he was finally going to be happy. An altruistic gesture, you may think. Unfortunately, Sam's mom hasn't been that kind of person. The real reason she took it lightly was that she had been having an affair with Shawn Cooper, the frat boy who used to mow their lawn and clean the pool. She ended up keeping the house, the family car, and a nice alimony for both Sam and herself. Ever since the divorce, she broke up with Shawn, has dated a thousand other rich men, and she spends more time in spas than taking care of her daughter. The Adams took Sam under their wings, they started taking her to all extra classes and even going to her parent-teacher meetings. This summer, when the girls were celebrating their sweet sixteen, Sam's dad made an appearance at their party with a beautiful Mitsubishi Eclipse, he had the car custom-colored in pink, the only color that Sam hates. However, wheels are wheels, and that meant independence, so both started riding the pink SUV to school and everywhere, regardless of how humiliating was to Sam to ride a pink car.

White Stone High School was a fifteen-minute drive from the girls' neighborhood, it was a private school that offers fantastic curricula, both girls were fluent in Spanish and French and were active community helpers.

As Sam parked her car in the vast parking lot, Josh arrived in Jessica's car. Jessica Jacobson, the great-granddaughter of Sir Jonas Jacobson, the town's founder, was not only rich but beautiful and well-connected. Her future was already figured out, she will attend Harvard, just as every member of her family and she will marry another rich man with family connections as important as hers.

Jessica stepped out of her brand new Lamborghini and handed Josh her books, he shoved them back to her unceremoniously, which irritated her, but Josh was the most handsome boy in school, at least he was handsome and from a wealthy family, so she just took her books graciously and shoved them into Nath's arms. Nathaly Stamos was Jessica's loyal best friend. A pretty girl full of insecurities that used Jessica's friendship as a shield since all the attention was on Jessica and people barely noticed her, still, she was invited to the best parties and boys asked her out.

The scene made Sam sick in the stomach, she slammed her car door and walked straight to school. Emma sighed and walked after her friend. She knew Sam would be waiting for her by her locker. As Emma was passing by her brother's crew, Jessica addressed her.

- What's got into that weirdo? I swear Em, I don't know why you hang out with her, you are more than welcome to join Nath and me for lunch, we can even go shopping together, you definitely need a makeover.

Emma laughed sarcastically.

- I'd rather come to school naked! And please, do not call my friend any names, I don't want to use the few names we have for you.

With a flip of her hair, Emma walked away smiling when she heard her brother giggle. "He is not a lost cause." – She thought.

Samantha was trying to calm herself down. She has been feeling odd lately. She kept saying it was the lack of sleep, but the truth was that she has been feeling odd ever since Josh walked her home a few months back. It was a warm day and she had left her car home and walked to Em, as usual. It was Pizza Night at the Adams' and as tradition, they all watched a movie after dinner and every week one of them got to pick the film, that week was Josh's turn to choose and, as usual, he chose a horror movie, which didn't affect anyone, the Adams' were weird that way, they could watch anything, from Amityville to The Exorcist and not feel a thing. Sam, on the other hand, was a baby when watching horror movies. She was so scared she knew that she wouldn't be able to sleep alone at her house. Her mom was traveling that week, she was in Qatar with her new rich boyfriend. She thought of asking Em if she could sleep over but her friend had fallen asleep in the middle of the film and she was too embarrassed to ask for anything from the Adams. Although they were like family to her, she felt like a burden most of the time. When it was time for her to go home, Mrs. Adams ordered Josh to walk Sam. Both tried to get away from that misery, but Mrs. Adams threatened Josh with not letting him go to practice the next day. Football was very important to Josh, and being the captain of the team meant that he couldn't miss any practices.

They walked the first block in silence, but Josh had something in mind, he wanted to scare three lives out of Sam. While they were crossing the street Josh stopped walking.

- Come on Josh, I know what you are trying to do. Scaring doesn't work when the person you are trying to scare is expecting it.

She kept walking, however, Josh stood there, looking to the nowhere.

- Joshua, I mean it. I am very tired. Come on!

She returned to where Josh was standing and tried to pull his arm, but he was very heavy. His muscled arm wouldn't move an inch.

- Dude, I'm serious. You are being stupid!

She held Josh's face to try to make him look at her, and nothing.

Suddenly, Josh screamed at her face so loudly that the dogs in the neighborhood started barking in desperation.

Sam was so scared that she actually saw black and fainted. Everything was so fast that Josh could grab her only because she was so close to him.

- Jesus, Sam! Wake up!

Sam was totally out in his arms. He couldn't hold her upwards, so he grabbed her feet and carried her bridal-style. She was light, but not too skinny as Jessica. Sam actually had curves, the perfect body, according to his boys at school. That made him angry, he hated when the boys at school would talk about Em or Sam like that. They knew it bothered him, so they tried to keep their comments on the low. They wouldn't mess with their captain.

When he got to Sam's house, he noticed the lights were off. Her mom must be traveling, he thought. The Adams weren't the perfect family, but they were very united and he knew his parents would never leave him or his sister alone for such long periods of time. Ever since the divorce, Sam has spent more time with his family than with her own parents.

Not knowing how to open the front door, Josh made his way towards the backyard, where he well remembered there was a swing bench.

Very gently he put Sam down on the comfy bench, making sure her head was under a pillow, then he reached for the doormat where Sam's dad used to hide the extra set of keys. However, there was only dust under the mat. That didn't bother him, what really bothered was Sam laughing at him from the swing.

- My mother changed the hiding spot. – She stood up and picked a stone from the floor.

- A fake stone, clever. – Josh's voice sounded annoyed. – The old fainting trick to get the handsome guy to hold you in his arms.

Sam rolled her eyes. – Oh, poor Joshy was saving the lady in distress. – Sam brought a hand to her forehead.

- Not funny Samantha. You were heavy. – Sam punch him on his arm, noticing his muscles once again.

- Ouch! Stop that! – Josh laughed while rubbing his arm, the girl had a strong right arm.

Sam opened the door that led them to her kitchen and turned on the lights.

- Wow, this kitchen has changed, huh? – Josh spoke while walking around the brand new decorated kitchen.

- That's a present from her last boyfriend. – Sam tried to hide the hurt in her voice, but Josh noticed it.

Josh opened the refrigerator and started looking for something to drink, Sam reached for a glass and hand it to him. She watched as he poured the juice into the glass, then felt herself flushing as she watched him drink the juice, every gulp would make his throat move, and she was amazed at how strong his body looked. Joshua Adams had definitely changed. He wasn't the skinny teenager who bothered her all the time. Josh Adams had become potential dating material. Not hers, of course.

- Stop looking at me that way, you will fall in love with me. – Josh's blue eyes pierced through hers.

- Stop being so conceited, I am just mesmerized how fast you drank that juice. Now, I think it's too late, you should probably head back. – Sam pointed at the door.

- Sure thing, Sam I am. I'm on my way. – Sam felt the urge to punch him again, she hated that nickname, although she loved Dr. Seuss, she hated that Josh called her Sam I am.

Josh placed the glass in the sink and walked pass Sam on his way to the door.

- Hum, Sam? – Josh stopped and turned around to look at his sister's best friend.

- What, Josh? – Sam was annoyed, he had caught her staring at him, of course, he was going to make another idiotic comment.

- I liked hanging out with you, you are cool.

That surprised Sam, she wasn't expecting anything nice from Josh. She studied him to see if he was just kidding around. His demeanor showed that he was as surprised as she was. Ever since they were children, their relationship has been like cats and dogs Still, after many years, here they were, in her mom's brand new kitchen, and Joshua Adams was actually being nice with her. And Samantha was confused and thrilled at the same time. Was this the beginning of a new friendship?

Thank you guys so much for reading my post, please don't forget to vote and comment, also, please check my social media JDFanFF and visit my Wattpad page, so you can read my other "babies" the Filming Series. Don't forget to enter my giveaway!!

GIVEAWAY: JDFanFF will name a character after three lucky winners! My giveaway is open internationally. The winners will also get shoutouts in all JDFanFF's social media as well as chapter dedications. 




Regular Link to Blog: http://kellyanneblountauthor.blogspot.com/2018/07/wattpad-block-party-giveaways-summer.html

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