Angeltwist Presents: Married to the Prince of Darkness from Luc's POV

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Hello there ❤️

My name is Vicky Alice aka Angeltwist. I have been writing supernatural romance on Wattpad, for a while. My most successful story is Married to the Prince of Darkness. I wrote it back 2006 and then completely rewrote again in 2015. Since the rewrite of Married to the Prince of Darkness, the story has clocked over forty million reads and it has always been one of my most popular stories.

When choosing what to write for the Wattpad Block Party, I asked my readers what they wanted me to write. Unsurprisingly, they wanted a chapter from Married to the Prince of Darkness, written from Luc's point of view. So here is the first chapter written from Luc's POV.

And don't worry if you have never read Married to the Prince of Darkness before, I've written this assuming the reader has never read the story :)

So please enjoy and if you have a questions for me, please let me know in the comment section below or shoot me a message social media (check out the fancy social media below):

Also, I have to say a big thank you to KellyAnneBlount for organising this amazing event and letting me be apart of it!

Chapter One – Luc's POV

This all started when my brother, Louis, decided he no longer wanted to live.

His first wife, and true love, had been dead for nearly ten years and despite remarrying, the pain of living without his true mate was too much. Death was what he longed for and yet it was the one thing he could not have. Louis was the King of the vampires of North America and he could not bow out of life until he had an heir to pass his crown to. After his second marriage failed to produce any children, the burden fell upon me. He summoned me before the court and announced it was time for me to take a wife.

"Luc, as it has been the custom since our father cursed the town Blackwater, you must go there this Halloween and claim a bride," he had said to me.

I had stood there in shocked silence, as the court erupted into thunderous applause around me. This was the first time he had ever mentioned the matter of marriage to me. Normally, these subjects were spoken of in private before announcing it to the whole court, but Louis must have known what my reaction would be.

After court had ended, I confronted him.

"For Christ's sake, I can't get married," I yelled at him.

"Nonsense. You're a healthy young man, there is no reason for you to be alone."

"No reason!" I let out a hollow laugh. "You know exactly why I can't marry. It's the same reason I can't become King."

"Luc, your condition is wonderfully unique, yet tragically misunderstood by many. I would hand the crown to you, if the people supported it...but, they are frightened of you."

"Do you think I need reminding of that? I see their frightened faces every day and I hear their thoughts. They hate me and with good reason. I am cursed."

"You are not cursed."

"You were there at the lake when I was eight years old. You saw what happened when I lost control of the darkness. You saw the water turn black as it boiled, and the fish float dead to the surface."

"That was regrettable, but you were a child and it was a long time ago. There is no reason for you to continue this ridiculous self-imposed exile. You will take a wife and be happy."

"There should be no happiness for me. I'm a monster. I should be locked away in the oubliette with Casper."

The mention of my younger brother's name caused pain to flare through Louis' mind. I felt it, hard and sharp, entwining and choking the softer precious memories of his beloved Celia.

'Oh God, she's dead, she's dead, she's dead...' he repeated over and over like a broken record in his head.

"Louis, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said his name," I apologised.

He groped his head in pain as memories of Celia overwhelmed him.

"I can't carry on without her. The pain is too much to bear," he whimpered.

"Please, you have to try. I can't be what you need me to be. The darkness is too strong."

"I'm sorry, Luc. I have tried... but my decision is final."

The conversation ended and I was dismissed. The matter had been settled. I was to get married and that was that.

The next few weeks passed in a strange daze. People surrounded me, offering their polite congratulations and it was all so generic and fake. I couldn't stand it. Even my bodyguard, Nico, was giving me newlywed advice.

"She'll hate you for the first week or so. Humans are like that, so resistant to change. You'll need to be patient and buy her lots of expensive gifts," he said.

Of course, I knew she would hate me for robbing her of her human life. That didn't bother me. What concerned me is what she would do, when she learned about my curse? Would she look at me with the same frightened eyes as everyone else? For some reason that bothered more than anything else.

The weeks passed quick enough and soon it was Halloween night. Nico drove me into the town of Blackwater which was swarming with children dressed in costumes, carrying buckets of candy.

"I preferred the old days before Halloween was commercialised," Nico lamented. "Children were less annoying back then."

Nico was the oldest vampire in our territory, and he had been present on the night my father cursed the Blackwater congregation back in the eighteen hundreds. I was never told the exact reason why my father had cursed the congregation, but I knew that they were cursed to rise from their graves and bear witness to the marriage of each of his children. Louis had claimed Celia here, and tonight I would claim mine.

We parked outside the churchyard and walked too far reaches of the graveyard. There I drifted aimlessly through row after row of tumbled down tombstones, waiting for the church bells to toll out the midnight hour.

"Are you getting cold feet?" Nico asked.

"No. I keep thinking about that poor girl and what must be done."

"What cannot be helped, must be endured. Just remember when the time comes, bite hard and drink deep. You will need to take her to the brink of death before you convert her."

"How much blood do you think she will need to survive?"

"A mouthful should be sufficient, but don't let her spit it out. Humans find the taste of blood unpleasant, so expect a fight."

"Don't worry, I won't let her get away from me."

"Well, I'll be on hand, should events take a wrong turn."

He was trying to reassure me, but it did nothing for the anxiety that had been building inside me. I was so scared that this would go wrong. What if she didn't like me? What if I didn't like her? What if the conversion failed and I had to watch her die? There were too many uncertainties playing on my mind.

A church bell cut across my train of thought. I lifted my head and heard another chime. It was midnight.

The ground beneath my feet started to rumble as the underground occupants of the graveyard started to wake.

The time had come.

The dead were rising, and soon the wedding would begin.




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