Ashley_Mariex Presents: New York Minute

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For those of you who don't know me, my name is Ashley Marie, and I am the author of the YA series, "The Scarlett Chronicles" here on Wattpad, as well as a couple of standalone novels including a cliché YA novel, "The Player and The Pauper", and a mental health awareness project of mine called "Criminally Insane."

But, I'm guessing that if any of you actually recognize me, it would be from any one of TayxWriter's amazing novels as I design most (okay, all) of her graphics.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm going to take a quick second to introduce myself before getting into the story below. I am a twenty-one year old nursing student, who has had a passion for reading and writing since I was able to hold a book. I was one of those kids who always had my nose in a book because that was my safe place. I read to take me to other places and worlds that distract me from my own life. I won't go into detail, mostly because it's depressing, but it's safe to say that books and writing has saved my life on more than one occasion.

I'm not shy about my own struggles with mental illness. I live with anxiety and depressive disorders on a daily basis, but I refuse to let them stop me. My goal with my writing is to help raise awareness and open up the discussion about teens and young adults who struggle with these disorders and illnesses. It's not something a lot of people feel open to talk about because they don't realize just how common it is.

Now, enough of my rambling. With all of this in mind, I would like y'all to know that, keeping with the theme of summer and fun times, this story is just a fun little one-shot I whipped up with a handful of my favourite characters from a couple of my stories. For those of you who read "Becoming Scarlett," this takes place between chapters Thirty-Three and Thirty-Four. For fans of "The Player and The Pauper," this is pre-Peyton-moving-to-Rock-Valley.

As always, I've created a playlist for this story. You can find it on my Spotify profile "ashleymarie_x", or by searching "New York Minute"

Enjoy, Lovelies.

SIENNA KENNEDY PULLED the cellphone away from her ear and hit the end button, silencing the muffled shouting on the other end.

As it turned out, her baby brother wasn't exactly pleased to come home from his lacrosse game to find that his older sister had ran off with his girlfriend, and his car. Not that she cared. Noah was as harmless as a butterfly.

"Well that sounded like it went well," Scarlett snickered as Sienna handed back her phone.

Sienna snorted a laugh. "You know Noey. Ever the drama queen that one."

"Nope, pretty sure that's you."

She shot a playful glare over her shoulder at Rachel, who looked much too pleased with herself if the smile on her face was any clue.

"I'm an angel compared to that one," Sienna scoffed, flipping her dark blonde hair over he shoulder. "Our parents should have just stopped after me."

Scarlett seemed to find that amusing, her awkward yet adorable laugh filling the shop they were in. "I'm sure he probably thinks the same thing. But, don't forget. If he wasn't around, we never would've met."

Sienna actually gave that statement some thought. In honesty, she couldn't imagine what her life would be like if she hadn't decided to bother her little brother with an international phone call at God-knows-what-time at night. If she hadn't listened to him tell her how entirely enthralled he was with the pretty blonde sitting on the couch in front of her now.

She certainly wouldn't be in New York City, trying to convince the tiny hater-of-shopping that she looked gorgeous in anything she put on. In truth, she would probably still be sitting in her dorm room in at Oxford, hating on life and failing out of her Classical Lit course because she had just stopped caring.

A familiar voice snapped her out of her self-reflection.

"Earth to Kennedy," Rachel sing-songy, snapping her fingers quickly. "I'm hungry. You ready for lunch anytime soon? Or are you too busy in that crazy British amusement park you've got in your head?"

Sienna let out a scoff, rolling her eyes dramatically before turning to Scarlett. "You ready for food?"

"Depends," Scarlett challenged. "How many of those do I have to buy?"

As the younger girl waved a hand at the rack of clothes she'd begrudgingly tried on for her friends, Sienna couldn't hold back a laugh. "Two outfits and we'll let you pick what we eat?"

Scarlett appeared to think it over, two sets of eyes watching her and awaiting her answer.

After a moment, she shrugged. "Deal."

* * *

Seeing as Scarlett had never actually been to New York City, let alone the state of New York, the decision on lunch fell on Rachel and Sienna. Their friend got as far as telling them she wasn't in the mood for anything too fancy. But on the Upper East Side, that didn't go a long way.

They'd settled on a favourite of theirs, a tiny place called, Infatuation.

"I feel severely underdressed right now, guys," Scarlett mumbled as the maître d' guided the three girls to a small table by a large window. "I was thinking something more along the lines of the Olive Garden. I mean, I think there's more Chanel here than at Minerva's."

Rachel let out a loud laugh, earning a handful of distasteful glares from patrons whose meals had been interrupted. "Relax, Princess. It's not like you're wearing sweats. That top of yours isn't available until next month. Consider yourself ahead of the game," Rachel informed her, before adding, "For once, at least."

Sienna caught her with an elbow to the ribs. "Be nice, Morgan," she hissed, and turned to Scarlett. "You look stunning. Ignore her."

It wasn't a lie. The tiny blonde looked radiant in in her blouse and designer jeans. Sienna wasn't ashamed to admit that if it weren't for the fact her little brother was mad about the girl, she probably would be herself.

Scarlett made a non-committal noise, which seemed to be her go-to response when anybody dared compliment her. Together, the three of them sat around a small marble table and flipped through the thin menu.

Rachel and Scarlett were busy discussing the latest episode of American Horror Story whe Sienna spotted a familiar slim brunette smiling sweetly at the bartender checking her ID.

She nudged Rachel with her foot, nodding her head in the direction of the bar. "Well, if it isn't New York's finest."

Rachel looked back over her shoulder before a sly smile spread across her purple-painted lips. "You've got to be shitting me."

Before Sienna could say anything more, Rachel waved her arm. "Church!"

The brunette at the bar whirled around, perfectly blown out waves fanning out in full effect. A surprised smile graced her face before she turned back to the bartender, slipped him a crisp hundred dollar bill and sauntered off, drink in hand, while the poor guy stared starry-eyed after her.

"Sienna! Rachel! It's been a while! What are you doing in the city?"

Rachel was the first to hug her, standing up for a moment to wrap her arms around the girl. "Taking our friend over here on a much-needed shopping excursion. There's no better place than New York, right?"

"Paris," she said automatically, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "My city has nothing on La Ville Lumière."

"Excuse me," Sienna interrupted, getting to her feet and spreading her arms for a hug of her own. "Doesn't London get any love?"

The girls laughed. "Don't get me wrong, I can only hope to be as iconic as Kate Middleton in my thirties. But, for now, I prefer my skirts above the knee," she said cheekily, setting her drink down on the table and giving Sienna a very classy, yet affectionate, hug.

As Sienna pulled away with a snort of laughter, she turned towards her rather clueless looking friend seated at the table. "Scarlett, this is our friend Peyton Church," she introduced, waving a hand at the brunette in the knitted Chanel skirt beside her. "The resident queen of the Spence School and basically the entire Upper East Side."

"Scarlett Grey," she smiled politely, perfect manners instilled in her from her mother. "Pleasure to meet you Peyton."

A flash of recognition crossed Peyton's face, as if she knew her, but couldn't quite place the name. "Grey. Grey. Where do I know that name from?"

Rachel, who had taken her seat at the table, sipped casually at Peyton's drink, entirely unaffected by whatever top-shelf liquor was spiking it. "Seventeen year old girl found after being held captive for ten years? Ring any bells?"

Peyton gave her head a sharp shake, like you might see someone do when they wake up from a groggy nap. "Oh, wow. That's... Wow."

"It's no big deal," Scarlett said quietly, absently twirling the ring her father gave her around her finger.

"Say, mind if I join you guys?" Peyton asked, obviously getting the message that Scarlett didn't particularly welcome attention when it came to her traumatic childhood. "I'd love to catch up, and get to know you a bit better, Scarlett."

Rachel and Sienna were quick to look to Scarlett, letting their friend decide.

"Yeah, absolutely."

Peyton grabbed a chair from a nearby table, taking a seat between Scarlett and Rachel before she snatched her pretty pink drink back from the raven haired girl. "So, do you go to their fancy-ass private school too?" she asked Scarlett, sipping absently at her straw.

Sienna narrowed her eyes teasingly in the brunette's direction. "You do realize you go to an all-girls private school in Manhattan, right?"

The other girl only brushed her off, waiting intently for Scarlett's response.

"Yeah, I go to Summer Grove," she nodded, speaking quieter than the rest of the girls, who couldn't have a care in the world if they disturbed anyone enjoying a peaceful Saturday lunch. "How do you guys know each other?"

Rachel was quick to jump on the question before Peyton could open her mouth. "Remember what I told you about my darling brother and the hotel manager's daughter?"

Scarlett arched a perfect blonde brow. "The one he was..." she trailed off, too nervous to actually complete that sentence.

"The one and only," Rachel snickered, recalling the illicit actions of her brother as if they weren't illegal. "Well, that daughter happens to be Peyton's best friend."

"Oh, well, uh," Scarlett trailed off, unsure of how to respond. Peyton quickly dismissed her awkwardness with a wave of her hand.

"Don't worry," she laughed, swirling her straw around in her drink. "I enjoy a little fun as much as the next girl, but I'll leave that shit to Mia."

Scarlett nodded quickly, her short waves bobbing almost comically.

Their conversation paused for a moment when a waiter came by the table to take their orders. Sienna and Rachel handed over their professionally made fake IDs and ordered a round of cocktails. Scarlett, on the other hand, settled for a tall glass of water.

Once they'd placed their orders and the waiter sauntered back with their drinks, they settled back into comfortable chatter.

"So," Peyton started, her eyes darting between Sienna and Rachel. "Anyone seeing anyone interesting lately?" She leaned back in her seat, crossing her legs politely and smiling knowingly against the straw of her drink.

"Lettie over here is screwing little Kennedy," Rachel grinned, watching with amusement as Scarlett's cheeks heated to a shade as red her name.

Sienna's eyes rolled at the younger girl's comment. She could only hope Scarlett was becoming familiar with Rachel's complete lack of a filter.

"I really hope you mean Noah," Peyton mused, "Because I didn't really take you as the kind of girl who went for jailbait."

If Scarlett had just taken a drink, she'd have been spewing water across the table at a madly snickering Rachel. Regardless, she still managed to choke on whatever response she was trying to give.

"Bloody hell. Give it a rest you two," Sienna tsked, shaking her head in disapproval and glaring at the darker haired girls.

Peyton threw her hands up in defense, waving the white flag. "I was just clarifying."

"Anyways, what are you three up to tonight?" Peytong asked suddenly, her cell phone bleeping with a text message.

Rachel snickered. "Sienna's got to explain to Noah why there's a giant scratch on the driver's side door of his precious car."

"It was an accident!" Sienna exclaimed, staring Rachel down and recalling the incident when she'd gone to retrieve her cellphone charger from the Escalade only to discover the foot long scratch on the door that she had absolutely no idea the cause of.

Noah would likely kill her, but the weekend away was worth it. After all, she simply had to tell him it was for his girlfriend's benefit and he would melt into a puddle of romantic mush.

Better to ask for forgiveness than permission, right?

"I mean, we aren't heading back home until tomorrow."

A bright smile stretched across Peyton's pretty face as she finished typing out a text and looked up. "Well, you all should join us down at Provocateur tonight. You two know the place, right?" She asked, waving a finger between her two friends.

Sienna immediately looked over at Scarlett, who appeared less than pleased with the invitation, without looking towards Rachel beside her. "What do you reckon, Scarlett?" she asked, leaning her head to the side and sipping at her drink to distract her. "Up for a little girls' night out?"

The poor girl looked as if she might throw up. "I don't know, guys," she said quietly, stirring her straw absently in her water. "I think I might just hang around the hotel, maybe call Noah. But, please, go out and have fun. Don't let me ruin your night."

Sienna wasn't about to argue. The two of them had already dragged her across state lines for a shopping trip. They couldn't expect the girl to shop and go clubbing in one day.

"Cool," Rachel grinned, unfazed by Scarlett's bowing out. "It's a date."

* * *

Rachel and Sienna took a town car to the nightclub on Ninth Avenue. They'd left Scarlett holed up in a pair of old sweats, happily chatting on FaceTime with Noah.

The girls had done another quick round of shopping after lunch, seeing as neither one of them had thought to pack any dresses worthy of a posh nightclub. Now, despite the chilly fall air, Sienna was comfortable in a blue long sleeve lace bodycon dress. Rachel, on the other hand, looked ready for some sort of gothic, high-end runway shoot in a black corseted cocktail dress that showed more than a little of her ivory skin. Both girls walked confidently in matching pairs of Louboutins.

They were able to skirt the line-up outside the entrance, giving the bouncer their names and flashing their fake IDs− although, Sienna's would be real in just a few months time− before they were lead past the velvet rope. Whoever was throwing the lavish party was a mystery to both girls, but they didn't particularly care about the whos or the whys. All that mattered was that this was a party, and that they only knew a handful of people there.

"Want a drink?" Sienna called over the thrumming base, their eyes scanning the crowd for the familiar brunette who'd gotten their names on the guest list not ten hours before.

Rachel grinned. "You know me well."

Sienna let out a little laugh before sashaying her way towards the glass bar stocked to the ceiling with top-shelf liquor. Squeezing between a couple making out and a guy trying desperate to convince a girl to dance, Sienna leaned her elbows against the bar and smiled sweetly at the college-aged guy working behind it.

"A gin and tonic, and a raspberry mojito, thanks," she ordered, twisting a lock of dirty blonde hair around her finger.

The bartender grinned, and began fixing the drinks without batting so much as an eyelash in the direction of her ID. Soon enough, he was passing her two glasses, his fingers intentionally brushing against hers. Sienna still found it funny at times when guys stared at her, or flirted with her, like they thought they had a real chance with her. It wasn't that she thought she was better than everyone else, or that she was above them− the whole class thing actually meant very little to Sienna. But when it came to boys, and romance, and relationships, she was rather... picky.

So, her returning smile was forced as she handed him a crisp bill and turned back towards the crowd without a word.

After a moment of aimless searching, a disembodied hand appeared in the throng of people and Sienna held it in her gaze until she reached Rachel, leaning casually against a standing table with a mirthy smile twisting at her lips as she chatted over the music with Peyton.

The brunette in the blush pink dress took a look at the drinks in Sienna's hands as she approached the table, holding out the gin and tonic to Rachel. "Nothing for me?" Peyton mused.

"I'm pretty sure you know where the bar is," Sienna scoffed, sipping at her mojito hastily. She wasn't normally one to get nervous about anything, but tonight she found her heart pounding just a little too quickly against the beat of the music.

New York clubs held a lot of memories, and not just for Sienna.

Peyton's clear blue eyes darted between the two girls at the table before she bit into her lip with another one of those knowing smiles of hers. "Fine," she huffed dramatically, collecting her clutch from the tall table and throwing the crystal encrusted strap over her shoulder. "I know when I'm not wanted. But save me a dance later, will you?"

The tall girl didn't bother to wait for a response from either girl before turning on her stiletto heel and heading for the crowded bar.

The air was tense and silent between the two remaining girls as they sipped their drinks and listened to the music overhead. Rachel was the first to finish hers, gulping it down like a glass of water. Sienna, on the other hand, was using the tall glass in her hand as a distraction from falling into the pair of liquid gold eyes staring her down from across the small space between them.

Sienna knew that look.

"Right," Sienna stated, setting her glass down roughly on the table and turning her body to face Rachel. "Out with it then."

Rachel tilted her head to the side. "What do you mean?" she asked innocently.

"You've got that look," she explained. "Just say whatever you're thinking, Rach."

Rachel, strong, confident Rachel, sunk her teeth into her purple-painted lip . "Come on," she said suddenly, reaching out and wrapping her hand around Sienna's wrist. "Let's dance."

Sienna's head hung as she regarded the other girl's fingers wrapped around her slim wrist. That touch was like electricity, shooting sparks through her veins. "Rachel..." she trailed off, hesitant.

"Dance with me, Sen."

She wasn't sure if it was the rum in her cocktail, the desperation she could hear in Rachel's voice, the memories of the last time they were in New York together, or if it was simply hearing that name come from her lips. But for whatever reason, Sienna let Rachel guide her away from the table and out onto the dancefloor.

The club was packed, with what seemed like hundreds of bodies writhing together to the rhythm of the music. Sienna recognized the song the DJ was playing, the pulsing bass vibrating through her chest as she swayed her hips automatically.

The two of them stayed like that, dancing close together as the songs changed, swaying their hips and running their hands through their hair as the air around them become unbearably hot and edgy. To onlookers, it would look like two young friends dancing at the club together. But to the few who knew the history between the two girls, like the lanky brunette watching them with proud eyes from across the room, it was so much more.

Since coming home for good, Sienna had been avoiding being alone with Rachel. But it had been Rachel who had reached out to her, asking her to come along to the city to try and cheer up a mutual. It had been innocent enough, but Sienna knew the cunning, hypnotic girl dancing in front of her.

Rachel always had an endgame. She never did anything without thinking it through and planning it out. She was meticulous when it came to the little things, those details others would ignore. It was one of the things Sienna found most intriguing about her, however annoying it could get at times.

But now that she took the time to think of it, Sienna quickly realized that there had been more than one coincidence on this trip. Like the fact their sleeping situations left Scarlett alone in one of the adjoining rooms while the other two girls were made to share. Or that they had just happened to choose to have lunch at the favorite restaurant of one of their closest New Yorker friends− a friend who never didn't know of a raging party happening on a Saturday night.

They were those little details others would ignore. But Rachel would never be able to ignore them.

She'd planned them.

Sienna stopped dancing suddenly, reaching a hand out to wrap it around Rachel's bare arm and tugging her closer so that she wouldn't have to shout over the pounding music.

"What's this about, Morgan?" she asked, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Rachel didn't play innocent this time, however. Instead, she painted on a determined look on her face and stared into Sienna's eyes with sheer resolve. "My brother told me you were back."


Rachel shook her head in irritation, like her quizzical statement portrayed the most obvious message the other girl was just not understanding. "You didn't tell me you were back, Sienna. Declan had to tell me."

"So?" Sienna asked incredulously. "I didn't tell Scarlett I was still home until yesterday."

"I'm not Scarlett," Rachel snapped, her resolve fracturing. "I thought I meant something to you, but I guess I was wrong."

Sienna pursed her lips against the sudden wave of emotions that crashed over her as the words left Rachel's mouth. "You ended it, Rachel," she exclaimed, dropping her grip on the girl's arm. "You told me if I went back to England, we were done. That was you, not me!"

"Well, maybe I made a mistake!"

Sienna stilled, her breath catching in her throat. "Don't say that," she said quietly, not caring that the other girl couldn't hear her in the crowded club. She needed to say it for herself.

"I made a mistake, Sen," Rachel pleaded, taking Sienna's limp hands in hers and entwining their fingers together. "I was mad. It felt like you were leaving me. I was a bitch about it, and I' sorry. Please."

Rachel's voice broke on her last word. Sienna knew she wasn't the kind of girl who talked about her feelings. Even more so, she never apologized for her actions. Rachel Morgan couldn't care less about what others thought, or how her bluntness or her harsh opinions might offend people.

But Sienna also knew that under the surface, there was a young girl who, despite not having a clue how to love someone, had opened herself up to her like she'd never done before. And that still meant something to Sienna, even after a year apart.

Their relationship had never really made sense to either of them. They lived for their banter, enjoying the teasing and taunting in a way that nobody else seemed to understand. It may have seemed like they hated each other, but away from prying eyes, they were the closest of friends− only it was more than that.

Sienna and Rachel had been much more than friends. But neither of them had known what to do about it. Even now, after a year separated by an ocean and animosity, Sienna's feelings for the golden-eyed girl in front of her hadn't changed in the slightest.

"Bloody hell," Sienna cursed, biting her lip roughly before she reached up to slide her fingers into Rachel's hair, and kissed her with every emotion she'd felt over the past year.

There was no hesitation on Rachel's part as she wrapped her arms around Sienna's waist and pulled her close. Her lips parted as their mouths moved together fervently. It was everything Sienna might have imagined it would be if she'd ever thought she would actually kiss her again. It felt like coming home, for real.

And it was over far too quickly as they both came up for air, breathing rapidly in the humid club.

Sienna raked her fingers through Rachel's long raven waves, as her eyes bore into those liquid gold pools that seemed to glow in the dim light.

"I forgive you."

To all of you Rienna fans out there, you're welcome. Your ship is officially canon.

I can only hope that I did Rachel and Sienna justice with this.

I hope y'all enjoyed this, whether you're a reader already or if you just decided to read this for the fun of it. Please, leave me your comments and I'll do my best to respond to all of them (barring Wattpad actually ALLOWS me to comment. Long story.)

Also, be sure to check out all of the giveaways happening this month! To celebrate, I will be giving away a free cover design to one lucky winner! Since it's being done online, this giveaway is open internationally!

Until next time, enjoy the rest of these fabulous Wattpad Block Party posts!

Lots of love... 




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