trinitystories_xo Presents: Writing Tips + HEARTBREAK DIARY

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 Hey everyone! Welcome to the Wattpad Block Party! Before we get started, I want to say a huge thank you to the amazing KellyAnneBlount for hosting this awesome writers event!

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Trinity Sunalee (Sue-Nuh-Lee), I'm going to be 18 years-old today, August 18th and people almost never guess how to pronounce my Thai middle name correctly, lol!

I'm the author of The Fight For Love which has been ranked #1 in Teen Fiction, Action, & New Adult, a numerous amount of times while also winning The Fiction Awards 2016 for Best Action Story!

You can find all of my works on my Wattpad profile trinitystories_xo!

At first, I had no idea what I wanted to do for the Wattpad block party, but then I decided on doing something everyone has been asking me for... Wattpad tips.

This post has been written on the last day before it's due so thank goodness I didn't forget to set a reminder in my phone or else I probably would've missed the deadline since I'm currently out of town on vacation!

Although I have only been writing on Wattpad since March of 2016, I am in no way saying that these tips will automatically give you reads or make you super successful.

These are just some things that have worked out for me and will hopefully be helpful to you too!


W R I T I N G     T I P S


The first thing you should do before you start writing a story is ask yourself... Would I want to read this?

So many people, including me, can come up with a million story ideas and just have them all running around in their head.

Then they get so excited to write the story, they begin writing a synopsis, making some book cover options, maybe starting the first chapter, but then what?

They get stuck — I know I do. ALL OF THE TIME.

It's inevitable.

Some people are great writers who can write all day long once they get an idea, but then for some people, it's the exact opposite. I

get so excited about starting new stories, but when the time comes to actually sit down and write it, my mind goes completely blank and I don't know what to do. Just stare at a blank document?

If you are a writer or want to be a writer, you have got to make sure that you are truly passionate about the story you are writing, because if you're not, then it's going to be one of the hardest things to write.

For example; I wrote my first book, The Fight For Love, which is around 70K words in 3.5 months because I was so excited the entire time I wrote it.

Then, the sequel came along and I was so excited too, well only for the first couple chapters.

Over time that book has become harder and harder to write since I have little to no interest/passion about it and it's already been over 2 years of me writing the story.

That's why you have to ask yourself if you would want to read the book you're writing. Put yourself into your readers shoes.

If you, the author, wouldn't want to read the book, then who would?



People have always told me, "To be a good writer, you must love to read a lot." And I completely agree.

To be a good writer, you have got to know and recognize the different styles of writing, the different kind of ways people like to write. If you never read, but try to write a book, it may not turn out how you'd like.

When I wrote my first book, The Fight For Love, I was only 15-years-old. I hated reading, no — I despised it before I began to write my own story.

It used to take me weeks to finish a 300 page novel, until I began to read everyday, whether it be on Wattpad or published novels and soon enough, I could read a 300 page novel in 1-2 hours.

The more you read, the more you get an understanding of the way of words. It can help you become a better writer, I know it has definitely helped me.



No matter what people say. No matter how much hate you may get. DO NOT STOP WRITING. EVER.

Haters are going to hate. If you enjoy and love writing then do it. Don't let what other people may think of you hold you back.

People are going to judge you, no matter what you are doing, or who you are, but you can't let that get to you.

If they say you can't write, then just ignore them and show them how wrong they are just by doing what you love. Writing more.You can't learn from your mistakes if you never make any.



If you want to be a writer, you have got to be patient because a million reads isn't going to happen overnight. It's going to take time, maybe a lot of time.

If you don't have that many chapters of your book posted, then it most likely won't get that manny reads at first.

Why? Because not many people want to read uncompleted books. Don't let that discourage you though!! Keep writing your stories and with time, more and more readers will come.

My book did not have that many reads at all while I wrote it, but I never gave up because it was something I loved to do. 

While I was writing "The Fight For Love" I probably accumulated around 100k reads in the 3.5 months before it was accumulated, but I was updating almost daily with 1-3 chapters for each of those updates.

And what I've noticed is that people love ongoing stories more if they're being updated frequently.After I hit the completed button on my story back in 2016, it suddenly blew up.

I went from about 180k to 4 million reads in 5 months. It seems really quick, but it won't always be that way for everyone.

Every single person has a different writing journey. They all go through their own ups and downs.

Don't let someone else's success put you down because your time will come. 

It may not be today, but it will be someday!





The synopsis is the second thing a person will see when they click on your book — the first being your cover.

You've got to make it draw them in.

If people aren't excited, then it's less likely that they'll click "read now" on your story.



Nobody, and I mean NOBODY can promote your book as well as you.

Make an instagram, a twitter, any kind of social media and stay active. Ask your readers questions like who their favorite character is, what's their favorite scene.

Interact with them and keep them always interested in the story, even after it's complete.



Changing genres can also be a good idea, as long as your story fits into multiple categories.

Although, I'm not so sure if this still works with the new ranking system. I honestly preferred the old rankings and wish that they just added this new style as something extra along with the original instead of changing it completely.

When I first wrote TFFL, I had put it in the Action Category because it has to deal with gangs, fighting, and lots of drama.

It was in Action for a year and had reached over 7 million reads during that time; then I decided that I wanted to expand and try to get more readers since I had just signed a publishing deal (that I am no longer in contract with).

So, after asking many of my other writer friends on Wattpad what they thought I should do and if switching categories was a good idea, they all told me yes and so I switched during the end of May 2017.

The Fight For Love had been changed from Action to Teen Fiction and that was probably one of the best things I have ever done.

It took two and a half months of being in the Teen Fiction category before I ever reached #1 in the rankings.

I'm one of the people who documents everything, so whenever something new happens or I reach a new achievement, I always take screenshots for the memories because I love being able to go look back on everything.

That's the only reason I know the exact times and dates for everything, otherwise, I'd always forget since I tend to have a bad memory.Before I knew what was happening, both my reads and followers began going up. You never know, it may work for you too!



The only time you should ever ask or be able to ask someone to read your story is if they're one of your good friends.

If you are an author or maybe even just a reader on Wattpad, they you have most likely gotten a post on your message board by someone either asking you to check out their story, or asking anyone who sees it on your profile to read it.

In my opinion, they are disrespectful & annoying.

We understand that you guys are only trying to promote and get more people to read your story, but you shouldn't do that by using another author's popularity.

Every single writer on Wattpad has worked hard to get where they are now and it's not nice to use them in that way.

The only other thing that is very terrible is when someone does that and the author politely replies, telling them that they're sorry they don't take reading requests, and the person blows up on them.

This has happened to me many times, so now I mainly just delete them like other people I know have begun to do.



This is my favorite saying in the world... "Write until it becomes as natural as breathing."



Always believe in yourself.




Heartbreak Diary (Dear Heartbreaker #1) is a NEW short story that I have recently started writing. It currently has 30+ chapters and I UPDATE WEEKLY!

So, I post around 1-2 chapters during the week. At least, whenever I get the time but I try to write for it as much as I possibly can.

The entire story is in the form of letters. It's about a girl who writes letters to her heartbreaker.

It's her way of pouring out all her feelings and finally talking about the things she went through with her old best friend, also known as the guy who broke her heart.

Although, it's not a story about the girl wanting to get the guy back even if it may seem like it... No, it's a story about the struggles of moving on from someone you love, who no longer loves you back.

This story is also very close to my heart because it is BASED ON TRUE EVENTS!

Everything that is talked about in the letters are completely true and have actually happened to someone.

If you decide to check it out, please make sure to comment and leave feedback! I love reading all of your comments.

And if the story relates to you too, I hope it can help you find a way to move on too...



If you got your heart broken by your best friend, what would you do?

In which a heartbroken girl writes a series of letters in her own personal diary to the only boy she has ever loved, her heartbreaker. Fighting for the strength to relive the memories because this might be the only way for her to finally move on. And maybe, just maybe, she can find a way to love herself more along the way.

This is the story of a girl who loves a boy with all of herself, and he no longer loves her the same.

An unrequited love.




brokenmikayla - ❝... I love the style of this book and how relatable it is to me and what I've went through in a similar situation. It's so raw and real.❞

Vonhi38 - ❝This is heartbreaking, but depicts the feelings just as they are.❞

Just_in_life - ❝This is very relatable 😭😭❞

arliyaevan - ❝This is soo beautiful I'm crying 😭❞

tandzile15 - ❝I love how your letters are so relatable to most girls I've seen including me 💕❞



Here is a preview of one of the chapters/letters of Forgotten Love...

Dear Heartbreaker,

It's crazy.

All these years, I thought I was in love with you.

But truthfully, I think I stopped loving you a long time ago.

Once upon a time, I believe our love for each other was real.

It's been too long now, too much time apart.

When people get older, they change and grow. Nobody is the same as they used to be.

I don't even know who you are anymore.

Although, I may not love you anymore, I still care about you... so very much.

Don't ever doubt that.

Because even though we don't ever talk anymore, I'd be there for you in a heartbeat if you ever needed anything.

No matter the circumstances.

I'm not in love with you, but I am in love with the IDEA of you.

There's a huge difference between the two, but both can be equally painful.

And I can't wait for the day that I wake up and no longer think of you...

Think of the possibility of us together because I know that it's not going to happen and I'm finally okay with that.

I wish my feelings for you would just disappear like a plume of smoke...— The girl who stopped loving


THANK YOU SO MUCH for sticking around and reading my Wattpad Block Party post!!

I hope that my tips are able to help you out, even a little bit!! Just remember to never stop writing!!!


Wattpad just announced the dates and where it's going to be today (the day I'm writing this) and I already booked my hotel room!

I can't wait for the tickets to go on sale! This will be my 3rd Wattcon since I've already been to the NYC Wattcon (which was hosted by the amazing  in 2016) and the Toronto Wattcon last year (2017)!

If you're able to go, I definitely think you should because it's an amazing thing that I think every wattpadder should be able to experience (:

This year may even be the best one yet since it's probably going to have more space due to it being at a hotel and because it's now a 2 day event instead of just one!

Are you going?

I know that I am 100% going to be there!

I'd love to meet some of you, so be sure to say hello!

Lots of Love & Hugs,

Trinity Sunalee


S O C I A L ❤︎ M E D I A


Instagram: trinitystories_xo

(Announcements, sneak peaks, quotes, etc)

Pinterest: trinitystories_xo
(character aesthetics)

Youtube: trinitystories_xo
(book trailers & video edits)

Spotify: trinitystories_xo

(Song playlists for my stories)

Twitter: trinitystories_
(Annoucements, book conventions, etc.)

Goodreads: trinity sunalee
(review: The Fight For Love)

(stories, achievements, events, merch, etc.)

Travel Instagram: travelust_xo
(all of my travel photos)


Merch (Proceeds 4 Charity):

(all proceeds made from your purchase of this merchandise is automatically donated to the TOGETHER WE RISE charity to help kids in foster care. It is a charity close to my heart since many people in my family have actually been in foster care during all of their childhood.)







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