isabelleronin Presents: Bonus Scene from Chasing Red

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Hi, guys! My name is Isabelle aka isabelleronin. I was thrilled when Kelly invited me to participate in the Wattpad Block Party Winter Edition II! I'd like to share with you a bonus scene I wrote for Chasing Red. This particular scene happened after Chapter 2.2. Happy reading! 


Written by isabelleronin


Wet dreams were a thing of the past for me.

Or so I thought.

Lifting the blanket, I took a peek. Then let out a frustrated groan as I plopped back down in bed.

What was she doing to me?

Resigned, I closed my eyes. An image of Red in that red lacy underwear as she jumped off the bridge with me flashed in my head.

And then without it...

I felt myself twitch.


This was pretty pathetic. I felt like a maniac.

The cold shower didn't help. I had three hours to go before my class started so I pounded an hour on the treadmill, another on weights. By the time I drove to school, I felt a little more relaxed.

Music blasted from my earphones as I headed to class. I was a little early, but that was nothing new. I'd normally hang with the guys. Have a few laughs, bullshit about sexual conquests or rag each other about anything, but I wasn't in the mood for that today.

Dumping my backpack on the floor, I sprawled on my seat, dragging my hoodie down to cover my eyes. And deter anyone who wanted to chat.

Why was she avoiding me like I had leprosy?

The last time I saw her was a few days ago after I told her I wouldn't be able to pull away next time. It was the simple truth. I liked her.

I wanted her.

She was different. She did something to me. What it was I hadn't figured out yet.

I'd like to think I knew all types of girls. Red appeared to be cool and collected, but I could feel her fire burning just below the surface. There were a few moments where I pushed the right button so that her cool and collected disappeared and that low burning fire turned into a red blaze.

She was a hellcat, her eyes glinting with anticipation every time I threw a challenge at her. But she wouldn't let herself respond, holding on to her control like a lifeline.

Life had thrown her a bad hand, made her homeless and broke. She'd put up layers to protect herself.

I wanted to be the one to peel those layers one by one and find the real woman beneath.

When I felt smooth hands pull my hoodie back, I opened my eyes.

"Hi, Caleb."

Lily's blue eyes blinked at me, her soft pink lips curving into a smile. She was gorgeous, no doubt. A lock of her silky blonde hair fell on the side of her face. Any hot blooded male would want to touch.

So what the hell did it say about me that I didn't?

What the hell was wrong with me?

"Hey, Lil."

She angled her head to the side, looking at me expectantly.

I waited a beat.

Another lock of her hair fell and bounced on the other one already on her face.

How the hell did she do that? Did she have magic powers to control all that hair?

Her irritated sigh was nearly imperceptible as she finally flicked her hair behind her shoulder, tucked it behind her ear. She was disappointed that I didn't, her eyes narrowing briefly at my face. And then she smiled sweetly again.

"Beatrice told me you attended the charity event with your mother last week. I'm sorry I missed you."

I shrugged, gave her a smile. "There's always a next time."

She chewed on her bottom lip, her pink tongue darting out quickly to lick it. "Why don't I make it up to you? Dinner?"

I was just going to politely decline when an image of Red flashed in my mind again.

From the very moment I saw Red dance I knew that I would have a hard time resisting her. Not that she tried to get my attention. If anything she stayed away from me.

A sweet, honest compliment, a lingering, adoring look. A smile that hinted of secret pleasures to come, a fleeting, intimate touch to the back of her hand, her shoulder or small of her back. In my experience, these things always, always worked on girls.

They didn't even penetrate the thick shield around Red. I had to practically beg her to give me attention. But she'd only flicked me off like dirt on her sleeve, dusting her hands off for good measure.

It was humbling.

It was always a given that the girl I liked always liked me back. With Red it was the first time I felt unsure. It was disturbingly messed up.

Maybe a night out with Lily was just what I needed. Maybe I needed to get back to my routine, back to my life before Red. Maybe then I would stop thinking about her.

"Sounds good. I'll call you, Lil."

She leaned close and kissed my cheek. "Can't wait."

But I didn't call Lily.

Instead I holed up in my room, flipping the now folded sticky note she left on the fridge with my fingers as I stared at the ceiling with Radiohead crooning Creep low in my ears.

When I heard a noise, I pulled out my earphones. Footsteps. I knew it was Red. She always walked quietly, warily, as if she was scared to make a sound, then the sound of a door closing. I quickly glanced at the clock and noted it was seven p.m.

I jumped off my bed. I'd knock on her door, ask her if she wants to take a ride with me again. But when I reached her door, my fist a second away from knocking, I stopped. Took a deep breath.

I knew Red was attracted to me. I could see the way her eyes lingered on me, the way she resisted smiling back. But she was fighting it and the last thing I wanted was to force myself on someone. So I retreated and went back to my room.

When my phone burped a text it was from Lily.

Lily: Is it next time yet?

I blew out a breath, stared at my phone screen for a minute, debating whether I should go out with Lily or not. Red's sticky note was on my bedside table, mocking me.

Fine. I'd forget Red tonight.


Lily was just my type. She was blonde, blue-eyed and sweet. I took her out to dinner. She laughed at all my jokes, agreed to everything I suggested, even asked me to come to her place after our date.  

But when I walked her to her door, I politely declined her invitation to go inside, bid her goodnight and left.

It wasn't fair to her that I was thinking of a different girl.

How was it even possible to be obsessed with someone I just met?


With my temper simmering, I stepped on the gas and drove past the speed limit on the highway. The wind whipped my hair, slapped my face as if taunting me of my stupidity.

When I reached the city, I slowed down, parked my car in front of a twenty-four hour store. And bought a big tub of peanut butter.

I remembered how her eyes shone with delight when she spotted it at the grocery store.


By the time I got home, the lights were all off except for the living room. I couldn't help laughing as I recalled that time she'd hit me with a baseball bat.

It was already past ten. She was probably sleeping. Tiptoeing, I quietly crouched and placed the tub of peanut butter in front of her door when it suddenly opened.

I froze.

"You're back already," she said. Her voice was low, breathless.

Was she waiting for me?

I looked up, my breath hitching at the sight of her. Dark cat eyes stared at me. And suddenly it didn't feel so ridiculous to be obsessed with someone I just met. 

I cleared my throat. "Yeah." Swiftly picked up the tub of peanut butter and hid it behind me.

Did she see it?

"Did you have dinner yet?" she asked.

I did but if I told her that she'd just go back to her room again and ignore me.


"Are you hungry then?"


Her lips twitched into a small smile, but it was gone as fast as it appeared. "Is that for me?"

I bit my bottom lip to keep from laughing. "Is what for you?"

Her eyes warmed with laughter. "That peanut butter you're hiding behind you."


"Let's make a deal. I'll give it to you after you fix me something to eat."

She nodded and a lock of her hair fell on the side of her face. My hand moved automatically, as if it had a mind of its own, and tucked her hair behind her ear.

It was irresistible.

She was irresistible.

A pretty blush appeared on her cheeks. "Pancakes?"

I nodded, feeling myself grin for the first time in days. "Pancakes."


I hope you enjoyed the short but sweet scene, loves! You're very welcome to visit my Wattpad page @isabelleronin to read the rest of Chasing Red. Happy reading! :) Love, Isabelle


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