RobThier Presents: My Writing Goals and Plans

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My Writing Goals and Plans

What direction shall I go in?

My dear Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The time has come! After finishing my studies of history and English literature, I will now have to venture out into the cold world of paid employment. The mere thought makes me shudder! Not because I'm a lazy ass who doesn't like to work (although that is part of it ;-) but because every minute I will have to spend job-hunting and working will be a minute I cannot spend on writing more stories for your enjoyment!

Thus, it is time for me to think about the future of my writing. The question is where I will go for hear and what I shall do, and I wanted to ask your opinion. Here's the problem:

On the one hand, I would like to keep posting my books free for everyone to read, as it is here on Wattpad, but on the other hand, if I don't earn enough from my writing to live by, I'll have to look for another job, and my time for writing will be drastically reduced. From my current rhythm of about 1 chapter per week and story, I'd plummet to about 1 chapter per month, probably. Loving writing as I do, that is a future I could simply not tolerate! **insert dramatic fainting of poor writer here**

That's why I came up with an alternative idea: I want to continue to post my stories for free on Wattpad, so those of my dear readers who can't afford books will still be able to read them, but I will also post them on a pay-for-reading platform called Radish, somewhat earlier than on Wattpad. Thus, fans who are willing to support me in my dream of becoming a full-time writer will have the chance to make a small contribution each week and will get an early update in exchange!

This has benefits for everyone: not only will the paying fans get early updates, but my fandom on Wattpad will get more to read, too, because the more I can support myself with my writing alone, the more time I can spend on it. How does that sound? ;-)

I hope that makes sense, and that you approve of my plans, my dear fans! Comments and suggestions are, as always, very welcome.

Now to the other part of my plans – what will I be actually writing about? Here are some questions about my future writings, posed to me by readers:

1.)   What will you write about after 'The Robber Knight's Secret'? Will the series be continued or will you go on to other projects?

According to my current plans, 'The Robber Knight's Secret', which I'm currently working on, will be the last book in the 'Robber Knight'-series. But I might consider writing another book about one of the younger characters, like Fye, one day.

2.)   What about the 'Storm and Silence' series?

I have only just started working on book 2, so it's too early to tell. But Lilly and Mr Ambrose's story has a lot of potential, and a third book, or a bit of the story told from Mr Ambrose's perspective, is a possibility.

3.)   Are you going to write sequels of any of the other books too, i.e., 'Wanted' and 'Well Dead'?

No, I don't think so. I have too many new ideas that I'm sure will make even more amazing books ;-)

4.)   Do you intend to make your books available as audiobooks?

That would be awesome! I love listening to audiobooks, especially since because of visual health problems and migraines, they've been a literary refuge for me many a time, when I couldn't scrounge up the concentration to read. It would be wonderful if my books would be available in audio format and could help other people through long ours of boredom and aching heads. Unfortunately, making audiobooks is pretty costly, so I can't afford it myself. But if one of my books is professionally published one day, I'll do my very best to make it available as an audiobook also.

5.)   Do you intend to take a break from writing after finishing the ongoing stories? Or write "continuously"?

A break from writing? I might just as well take a break from breathing! ;-) I won't ever stop writing, you can be assured of that.

6.)   Where do you get your names for characters from?

That depends very much on the kind of story I'm writing. If it is a Science Fiction or Fantasy story, I mostly invent them, inspired by linguistic and mythological traditions. If it is a historical or contemporary story, I use online databases so as to choose the right kind of name and make the story authentic.

7.)   Did you ever think your stories would be this popular?

No, not ever! I'm tickled pink about it, and love my fans for all the support they're giving me!

8.)   Is there any inspiration you take from your everyday life for your books? I.e. weather? Mood? Funny comment you heard?

My inspiration really only comes from books—all kinds of books, from non-fiction via contemporary romance and fantasy to classics. I'm glued to my notepad and keyboard most of the time, and don't leave the house often enough to take inspiration from real life

9.)   What locations do you think inspire you most to write?

My wonderful writing dungeon, where I have access to orange juice, my computer, and my dusty old books for research purposes!

10.)Do you intend to change from your historical writing genre─which is amazing of course, or do you intend to master it even further and become known in this particular genre?

As you all know, I am currently working on historical novels in the 'Robber Knight' and 'Storm and Silence'-series. And while I love writing historical books, I pine for new shores of literary adventures! To expand and develop my writing, I tried to pay attention what readers most enjoy and comment on in my stories, and two major points have emerged.

a.     Interesting historical backgrounds and titbits.

b.     My signature humor.

Thus I have come to the conclusion that on the one hand, I shall be continuing my work as a writer of historical fiction. On the other, though, I shall also start to expand into the realm of dark humor and satire which has always held a particular appeal to me.

I would love to have your feedback on this. What do you think, my Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen? Do you approve?

I hope it has been interesting to read about my plans! If you have any alternative suggestions for the future of my writing, now is the time to put them forward! I'm always interested in your opinion!

Yours Truly

Sir Rob


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