Sample Post from Rob Thier

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Check out the sample post from a previous #WattpadBlockParty. Rob Thier is amazing!


Character Interview

Interview with Mr Ambrose and Miss Lilly Linton, main Characters of "Storm and Silence"

Interviewer: "Good Evening! Good Evening and Welcome! Today, we have two special guests directly from 19th-century England in the studio: Mr Rikkard Ambrose and Miss Lilly Linton, the main Characters of Robert Thier's 'Storm and Silence'. Thank you for joining us on this wonderful evening, Mr Ambrose, Miss Linton."

Mr Ambrose: **Cold Silence**

Lilly: "Why did you thank him first? It's because he's a man and I'm not, is it? You oppose the equality of men and women, don't you?"

Interviewer: "Um... let me assure you, my dear young lady..."

Lilly: "I'm not 'your' anything! And don't try to flatter me, either!"

Mr Ambrose: **Cold Silence**

Interviewer: "Let me assure you, Miss Linton, I meant no offence. No offence at all. It was simply coincidence."

Lilly: "Ha! A likely story!"

Mr Ambrose: **More Silence. About 35.7 degrees colder than the last one**

Interviewer: "Err... well, if we could get back to the matter at hand? The interview. Let's start off with something simple. Please, introduce yourself to our readers. Miss Linton?"

Lilly: "Very well. My name is Lillian Linton. Lilly, for short" **throws dirty glance at Mr Ambrose** "Although he forces me to go by Victor Linton"

Interviewer: "Ah... and why is that?"

Lilly: "Because he's a 19th-century fossil! He can't admit that a woman can do a job just as well as a man! So if I want to work at his office, I have to dress up in trousers and pretend to be a man!"

Interviewer: "Very interesting. And, Lilly... may I call you Lilly? How do you feel about that pretending-to-be-a-man-thing?"

Lilly: **Gives interviewer a death-stare**

Interviewer: **Clears his throat** "Um, very well. I'd say that's a clear enough answer. Now to you, Rikkard. I may call you Rikkard, may I not?"

Mr Ambrose: "No. You may not."

Interviewer: "Oh. Well, then... Please introduce yourself, Mr Ambrose."

Mr Ambrose: **very, very, very cold silence**

Interviewer: "Err... Mr Ambrose, in order to introduce yourself, you actually have to say something."

Mr Ambrose **glares at the interviewer** "This is a waste of time!"

Lilly: "No, it isn't. We get compensated for the interview."

Mr Ambrose: "What?"

Lilly: "Didn't you know?"

Mr Ambrose: "No. Nobody told me!

Lilly: "I wonder why. You have such a warm and inviting manner, I can't imagine anybody not wanting to talk to you."

Mr Ambrose: "Now you listen here...!"

Interviewer: "Please! Please, stay calm! This is an interview, not a debate!"

Lilly: "What a pity..."

Mr Ambrose: **Cold Silence**

Interviewer: "So, please Mr Ambrose, will you introduce yourself?"

Mr Ambrose: "How much do I get for this interview?"

Interviewer: **awkwardly looking at the audience** "Mr Ambrose, please..."

Mr Ambrose: "I am an important businessman! I make hundreds of thousands of pounds every day! My time is valuable. How much?"

Interviewer: **whispering** "Three Million Pounds!"

Mr Ambrose: "Satisfactory. Continue your inquisition. But keep it brief."

Interviewer: "We were at your introduction..."

Mr Ambrose: "My Name is Rikkard Ambrose."

Interviewer: "Yes... we already know that. Tell us a little bit about yourself. We don't need to know what you look like, we can all see for ourselves that you're a stunningly handsome young gentleman..."

Mr Ambrose: **cold stare**

Interviewer: "Well, err... so, what do you like to do in your spare time?"

Mr Ambrose: "Making money."

Interviewer: "No, no, no, that's what you do when you're working. We'd like to know what such a handsome, rich young man like yourself gets up to in his leisure time."

Mr Ambrose: **Cold Silence**

Interviewer: "Mr Ambrose?"

Lilly: "You'll have to forgive him. He doesn't understand the question. He doesn't know the concept of 'leisure'."

Interviewer: "Oh. So, um, Lilly, what do you get up to in your spare time?"

Lilly: "I fight for the rights of women! With every last drop of blood in my body I defend our right to be free and equal!"

Interviewer: "With every last drop of your blood. How, um, nice. Thank you, Miss Linton. Next question. Mr Ambrose, do you have any family?"

Mr Ambrose: **Stare cold enough to freeze lava** "Choose another question!"

Interviewer: "Err... right. Lilly, do you have any family?"

Lilly: "Yes, and what a ghastly one it is."

Interviewer: "Indeed?"

Lilly: "Yes. My twin sisters are absolutes pests and parasites. My aunt keeps trying to marry me off to the first rich, filthy bastard she comes across, my Uncle is almost as bad a skinflint as my dear employer here, and the rest of them are just boring twits. Except my sister Ella. She's a bit of a twit, but so nice and sweet it doesn't really bother me."

Interviewer: "I see. How wonderful. Next question. Mr Ambrose, tell us, who are your closest friends?"

Mr Ambrose: **cold silence**

Lilly: "There you go again. 'Friends' -- that's another word he has difficulty understanding."

Interviewer: "Oh, I see. Let me put it this way, Mr Ambrose: Who spends the most time with you?"

Mr Ambrose: "My bodyguard, Karim."

Interviewer: "Ah. And after him?"

Mr Ambrose: "My secretary, Victor Linton -- This insolent creature that is sitting beside me right now."

Interviewer: "Do you spend time with anybody who doesn't work for you?"

Mr Ambrose: "What use what I have for people like that? Of course not!"

Interviewer: "I see. And you, Lilly?"

Lilly: "Apart from my sister Ella, I have three fantastic friends called Flora, Eve and Patsy."

Interviewer: "And what do you get up together in your spare time?"

Lilly: "Together, we fight for the rights of women! With every last drop of blood in my bodies we defend our right to be free and equal!"

Interviewer: "I see... How, um, inspiring. Well, next I think we'll be asking a number of questions in a row. First of you, Lilly, then of you, Mr Ambrose."

Lilly: "All right. Go on."

Mr Ambrose: **cold nod**

Interviewer: "Lilly, what do you consider your greatest achievement?"

Lilly: **prods Mr Ambrose** "Getting a job out of this block of stone for which I actually get paid."

Interviewer: "That is some achievement indeed. So now that you have achieved this, what are you looking for next? What, if I may put it that way, is your idea of perfect happiness?"

Lilly: "Equality for women!"

Interviewer: "A noble goal. And what is your greatest fear?"

Lilly: "I don't have one! I'm never afraid! And certainly not of men!"

Interviewer: "Which is the quality you must like in a man?"

Lilly: "There isn't any. He's a man, after all!"

Interviewer: "Who or what do you most despise?"

Lilly: "That's easy. Him!" **jabs finger at Mr Ambrose**

Interviewer: "We now come to the last two questions... the spiciest of all. Drumroll please..."

**Drumroll in the background**

Interviewer: "Lilly -- do you have a secret?"

Lilly: **glancing at Mr Ambrose** "No! No, of course not!"

Interviewer: **smiling** "Come now, Lilly, are you sure? Isn't there anything you'd like to tell us? Anything... interesting?"

Lilly: "Are you sure you don't want me to brain you with my parasol?"

Interviewer: "All right, Lilly. Have it your way. Last question."

**Important pause**

Interviewer: "Lilly – who or what do you most love in this world?"

Lilly: **glancing at Mr Ambrose** "Feminism! My love and devotion are to the cause of feminism and suffragism! I fight for the rights of women! With every last drop of blood in my body I defend our right to be free and equal!"

Interviewer: **with narrowed eyes** "Are you sure?"

Lilly: "Of course I am!"

Interviewer: "Very well, then... Lilly's great love is the fight for women's rights. Mr Ambrose, what about you? Let's get right to the juicy stuff! Do you have a secret?"

Mr Ambrose: **A silence so cold it could come from the heart of an iceberg**

Interviewer: "Mr Ambrose? Your secret, please."

Mr Ambrose: "I have more secrets than you could count. Knowledge is power is time is money."

Interviewer: "Very well, then, pick just the most important one. What's your most important, most secret secret?"

Mr Ambrose: "If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore, now, would it?"

Interviewer: "Well, yes, but..."

Mr Ambrose: "So that's that. Can I leave now? I have business to attend to!"

Interviewer: "No, wait! There's still the last question! Who or what do you must love in this world?"

Mr Ambrose: **glancing at Lilly** "Nobody! I cannot afford the luxury of emotions!"

Interviewer: "Wait just a minute... you mean that you and she... she and you...?"

Lilly: "What? No! No, no, no, nononononono! Not in this life or the next! Not in a million, trillion years!"

Interviewer: "You have to admit, there's a certain chemistry when you two..."

Mr Ambrose: **rising abruptly** "Me? Me and her? Bah! Tell me you do not intend to publish this libellous nonsense you are spouting!"

Interviewer: "Publish? Mr Ambrose, this isn't a newspaper interview. It's on live television."

Mr Ambrose: "Telewhat?"

Interviewer: "Oh, I suppose you wouldn't know what television is, being from the 19th century. It means that millions of people are watching right now, listening you every word you say, seeing everything you do. They're watching through this thing over there. Do you see it? It's called a camera and— Mr Ambrose! What are you doing?"

**Mr Ambrose strides towards the camera. There's a loud crack and splinters appear all over the image, and a scream. Then the screen goes black.**

Seconds pass.... And more seconds pass...

Voiceover: "Please excuse the interruption, ladies and gentlemen. The Interview with Miss Linton and Mr Ambrose has been cancelled due to technical difficulties. We apologize for the inconvenience. Coming up next: An exciting documentary on the life-cycle of the limpet!"



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