Sample Post Two from DoNotMicrowave & JessGirl93

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Thought I would share one last sample post with you all before the event officially kicks off next month! :) This is one of my all time favorite posts from two Wattpad Super Stars!


Hey everyone! I'm Blair, you guys also know me as JessGirl93. For my turn in the Block Party, DoNotMicrowave, who wrote the absolutely amazing story, 'The Cell Phone Swap,' and I decided to collaborate and give you guys double the dose of two Wattpad favourites! We've compiled a list of questions from our profiles here on Wattpad and on Twitter asked by you guys and below you'll find Cole and Talon's responses! So if you've ever wondered what's going on in the heads of these super loved characters read on!

Also don't forget to checkout the giveaway linked at the end of this post for a chance to get a character in 'The Bad Boy's Heart' named after you!

Big thank you to Kelly (@KellyAnneBlount) for giving me the opportunity to be able to do this for you guys <3

An interview with Cole and Talon

Who's better, Keeley or Tessa?

Cole: Is that a trick question because you know I'm going to say Tessa right?

Talon: Seriously. No offense to your girl Cole, but there's only one answer for me.

If you got the chance to fix your relationship w/anybody who would it be? (Like a relationship can be family friend anybody)

Cole: It'd definitely be my dad. I haven't exactly been the model son and yeah sometimes it does suck to know that he might prefer Jay over me because he never messes up. But I want to show him that I'm not that stupid kid anymore, out of control and disrespectful. I want to show him that I've changed and that despite everything that's in our past, he's my dad and I love him you know?

Talon: I'm the same.Relationships withdads can be rough...especially when you don't live up to their expectations. My dad doesn't understand that I'm not him, nor do I have any desire to be him. He keeps pushing me in hopes I'll follow in his footsteps even though I have no desire to go pro. It's gotten to the point where I don't even argue anymore. Why bother? It's not like he's going to listen. I just wish he could take a step back and really hear what I have to say.

What would you do if you wake up in Tessa/Keeley's body?

Cole: If I woke up in Tessie's body? Wait that'd be my worst nightmare come to life because I love her body and well I love her inside of it but if that were to happen I'd probably do something she'd never dare to. In the past for example, she was bullied by a lot of people, me included and I'd stand up to them. I'd go up to someone like Nicole and never let her think she could screw with me like that. Oh and more importantly Hank would leave the bathroom in a body bag.

Talon: Well, first I would freak the hell out. I mean waking up as Keeley? *shudder* But then once I calmed down, I probably would mess with Zach. *smirks* Oh the things I could do to that insufferable bastard. I would make him pay for all the snide comments he made to Keeley about me.

Do you agree that your relationship with Tessa/Keeley suits the saying, "There's a thin line between love and hate"?

Cole: I think Tessa would be able to answer that question because for me hate was never really part of the equation. Did I act like I couldn't stand her? Yeah I did because that was the only way to keep her interested, to make her keep thinking of me. My feelings for her went from this sudden attraction as a child to something more serious and akin to love as we grew older. But I think she definitely hated me for a long time, who wouldn't hate someone their worst tormentor? She loves me now though so yeah I'd agree that based on her, there's definitely a very thin line between love and hate and I'm glad that she's crossed on over to the better side.

Talon: I guess, but I think the hate was more on Keeley's side than mine. Which, by the way, still baffles me. I mean how could she not love me? I was a perfect gentleman those two weeks we swapped phones.

*a loud snort from the back of the room*

Alright, alright! I may have liked messing with her a little too much, but could you a blame guy? Her responses were hilarious and highly entertaining. Although, when she sent out that erectile dysfunction text to all my friends I saw red. I wasn't sure if I wanted to applaud her for the sheer audacity it took or Google how many years a person could serve for murder.

What is the most weirdest thing about Tessa/Keeley that you love? Not hate, but love. What is it?

Cole: Most people like to think Tessie does a lot of weird things and yeah when she's nervous she'll probably do things that she'll be embarrassed about later. I love her word vomit, that she just blurts out the strangest and sometime the most brutally honest things when she's in a situation that intimidates her, in a good way. I remember the time when we first danced together and I had leaned in to kiss her. God, my heart pounding so fast and I couldn't see straight but that kiss was interrupted anyway. Well before that, when I was trying so hard to put moves on her she just...completely out of nowhere tells me she got new curtains for her room. Curtains! Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever heard.

Talon: She probably won't believe me, but the weirdest thing I like about Keeley is her relationship with her best friend, Nicky. They come up with craziest schemes together. I mean tying up her brother because they think he's on drugs? Bailing each other out of the mall jail because someone started a fight over food court samples? And don't get me started on the whole James Bond thing... *sighs* Nicky and I don't get along all that well-call it jealousy or the fact that she insists on calling me a peanut bigot-but at least I know if something happens to Keeley, Nicky has her back any time, any where. I respect that and I know deep down, any girl who can inspire that type of loyalty is a keeper.

Was it just Tessie or you think that each and every girl out there is beautiful no matter what she weights..?

Cole: I didn't fall in love with Tessa because of how she looked believe it or not. When you're in kindergarten you're not really aware of what constitutes as beautiful or hot. I felt attracted towards her because even then she radiated this amazing kind of happiness that made everyone around her want to be happy. I'd lost my mom *shrugs* I wasn't in a good place and didn't really understand a lot of what was going on except that I was always sad, that my dad didn't smile anymore. Tessa changed that, she made things a little better everyday. And for that reason I think every girl out there is beautiful no matter how she looks if only she remembers that it's your heart that matters and your strength. The right guy will look for the right things in you trust me.

Does you feel more for Keeley than what you did for Claire?

Talon: *shakes his head* It's like you want me to get in trouble with Keeley. I really cared about Claire. I won't deny that. She's the first girl I saw myself falling in love with, but I've grown to be a different person. What happened with her changed me and I don't think who I am now would work with anyone but Keeley. She gets me. I don't need to hold back with her. She's just as intense as I am and I adore that.

Are you and Talon friends or is this going to become a rivalry between the both of you?

Cole: I think we'll be friends, our girls get along great. There's enough room here for two guys who both love football right? Yeah we'd be friends

*Looks at Talon*

Talon: Agreed. Cole's a cool guy to hang out and chill with. Besides, Keeley and Tessa would have our heads if we didn't get along. They're already planning a double date for us. *looks at Cole* I was walking past the dressing room and I heard something about paint ball and battle of the sexes. After this interview we need to discuss strategy. No way am I letting them win. Keeley would rub it in my face for weeks.

Hi! Well, my question is.. Hmm, since Cole and Talon came from being a "bad boy" type of guy and now that they are both pretty much "whipped" right now, how do they feel about it? The changes I mean?

Cole: Being 'whipped' as some people like to call it has a bad rep, right? *Looks at Talon*. The way I see it I'm at a really good place in life for the first time in a seriously long time. I've got the girl I've always wanted, I'm at a good school playing the sport I love and the future looks good. Being a player or a bad boy isn't going to get you these things. If you know there's a girl you'd do anything to keep you're going to have to make a few changes in the uh lifestyle you're used to. So what if I don't stay out the entire night partying or drinking, those things get boring but I'd never call what I have with Tessa boring. Don't you agree Talon?

Talon: Completely. I hate that term. Whipped. It makes you seem weak when you're everything but. I'm not weak because I choose to respect my girlfriend. And that's what it ultimately comes down to...respect. If I really wanted to go to a party, Keeley wouldn't tell me no. She trusts me enough to know that I won't flirt or cheat on her. But in return for that complete show of faith, I choose not to give her a reason to worry. We're a team and no team can function properly when you're only thinking of yourself.

Well this is my question. We know that girls nowadays sometimes make the first move. Since Cole and Talon are both alpha and romantic males, is it okay for them that their girls would make the first move? I meant about first move is like courting first or etc.

Cole: Hell yeah I'd be okay with a girl making the first move, it makes my day when Tessie initiates something between us. For guys it's all about confidence. We're not mind readers and women do tend to send out mixed signals so if hypothetically a girl comes up to me and tells me she's interested, I'll more than welcome the advance. If Tessie had made it even a little obvious in the beginning of our relationship that she felt something for me or at least that she didn't hate me I wouldn't have gone through the hell I did but all's well that end's well right?

Talon: I love it when girls make the first move. Shows me she's confident and comfortable in her own skin. There's nothing sexier than a girl who knows who she is and what she wants. However, for me personally, I don't like over aggressive know the girls who practically throw themselves at you when you don't even know them. That's a turn off. I think one of the reasons I fell for Keeley so hard is because she's bold yet modest. Our first kiss? Shocked the hell out of me when she made the first move to deepen it. She made no qualms that she wanted more and I love that.

What are your plans for Valentines Day with your girl ? Anything special planned ? A date ?

Cole: I've been planning something for a while, *fingers crossed* that it works out. Tessa's usually really stressed about school and busy with her classes that we haven't gotten to spend a lot of time together. I'm whisking her away for the weekend to this perfect little bed and breakfast I found just outside of town. We'll be alone for almost three days and there's something that's been in the works for a while. I can't give it away now but you'll definitely hear more about it from her. We've been together for almost a year and a half now, it's time to get a little serious right?

Talon: *looks at Cole and shakes head* Dude, you're making me look bad. I should have answered first. *leans back in chair* I won't lie...I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day. I don't like being told when to woo my girl. Before you get upset, hear me out. Despite my feelings on the holiday I planned something for the two us. It was going to be this romantic picnic at the beach like the night we had a bonfire in Santa Barbara. So I go and tell her I'll be picking her up around five and she gives me this weird look and tells me she can't because she already has plans with Nicky! *glares at Cole who is laughing his head off* This is not funny! My girlfriend is ditching me for her best friend on Valentine's Day. I feel like I'm the third wheel of their relationship!

For Both: Who taught them how to treat their girls right? And to what lengths would they go to make their girls happy (makeovers, giving up peeps, etc)?

Cole: My stepmom's pretty badass, she's a neurosurgeon if you want more details. When my brother and I started dating she made it pretty clear how she wanted us to treat the girls we went out with. She knows teenage boys can be the biggest assholes and it was drilled into our heads to never be disrespectful to them. Of course I never listened until I actually fell in love but I've always tried to be honest with whoever I was involved with, they knew what to expect. I was never looking for anything long term well until Shortcake, sorry I mean Tessa.

As for the second part of the question, I'd do anything for that girl and she knows it. I've done some pretty crazy things to convince her to not give up on a douche bag like me but she said something about never being friends with someone called Yolanda or who vaguely even looked like one. So now I have to stay clear of girls who Tessa thinks looks like a Yolanda, it's a pretty tricky business.

Talon: My grandpa and mom pounded into my head that girls were to be treated with respect. I know I haven't always listened to them aka the incident with Claire. I'm ashamed and embarrassed of what happened. Letting my temper get the best of me is no excuse. I'm just thankful Keeley has given me another chance to prove myself. I won't let her down.

As for making Keeley happy, it depends on what I had to do. I don't believe in changing who you are for another person, but I do believe in compromise. And if that means giving up Peeps? Well, thank goodness that situation hasn't come up yet.

Some Rapid Fire Questions:

What is your guilty pleasure? ( non- Tessa/Keeley related!)

Cole: Beyonce, let me guess this other guy's going to say Peeps?

Talon: I mean it's not really a guilty pleasure...I feel no guilt for consuming something so sweet and so perfect. Although, I should mention that if you're going to try and roast a Peep like I did with Keeley, you need to let it cool before you touch it because the sugar can burn you as a fan pointed out to me recently.

When did you first realize that you had fallen for Tessa/Keeley?

Cole: It was our first day at kindergarten, I pushed her into a knee deep mud puddle and she cried. I think I fell pretty hard then.

Talon: When I found out she was Zach's twin sister and I didn't care. All I could see was her.

What is your favorite pass time? (non Tessa/Keeley related)

Cole: I like to cook which is a good thing because Tessie considers making a cold cut sandwich something a TopChef would do. If my friends are in town I'll hangout with them or I'll work out but we're in college so really that's the wrong question to ask me.

Talon: Being awesome...and beating Zach Brewer.

Who is your favorite relative and why?

Cole: Nana Stone because why wouldn't she be my favourite relative?

Talon: My grandpa. He's the only one who really understood me.

Bonus Question for Cole

How did you feel when Jay told you that Tessa thought you were hot?

How do you even begin to describe that one life changing moment? We'd been skirting around our feelings for a long time. I was a nervous wreck, I'd done everything I could to make her feel something for me and I felt like I could never beat Jay. But then well she somehow started liking me and yeah the asshole part of me appreciates that Jay found out the way he did. It was his loss, he didn't recognise what could've been the best thing in his life.

Bonus Question for Talon

If stuck on a deserted island, which would you rather have-Keeley or an unlimited amount of Peeps?

Talon: Uh... *looks around the room* Are there other questions? Anyone? Please?

Lastly, any message for all the ladies out there who love you two?

Cole: Wow, you guys really like me huh? I've been reading some of your messages and I gotta say it's a little overwhelming and I'm speechless. I guess the most I can do is thank each and every one of you for showing me so much love and standing by me even when I made stupid mistakes, which have been a lot. I'm not perfect in any way but I'm bowled over how you guys see me. I hope I keep making my girl happy and all you guys happy too, you've supported me and my relationship so much through the past year and I have nothing but love for you all. And remember ladies the real guy for you isn't on Ebay, he's out there somewhere and maybe like Tessa you'll have to look a little harder to see who he really is.

Talon: I just want to thank all you beautiful ladies who rooted for me when Keeley and I broke up. It was a hard time to go through but your comments gave me hope. I especially appreciate the Peeps-O-Ramas you keep sending me via Twitter. Not only do they make me laugh but they've also inspired me to create my own Peep art. I'd show it to you, but unfortunately it's being my stomach. *winks* Happy Valentine's Day!

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