knightsrachel Presents: Favorite Completed Wattpad Books

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Hi y'all! (I still believe it's spelled ya'll, tbh.)

Thanks for dropping by my Block Party post. I don't know what expectations you may have, but this post will be much different than the ones I've done in the past. That's right, no sneak peeks, no character interviews, a completely different take this year.

But first let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Rachel, and I go by knightsrachel here in the inter webs. I've been around Wattpad since 2011, and you might know me for my book My Brother's Best Friend, which hit 100 million reads in early 2017.

(That's way too many reads for me to comprehend, but thank you to each and every one of you that decided my book was worthy of your time.)

Enough with the boring, intro stuff, that's not what you guys came to see. You're here to see some CONTENT.

As I'm sure you've already guessed by the title, I'm going to be giving you a list of my favorite Wattpad reads. As I mentioned before, I've been around since 2011, so I've had ample amounts of time to devour the works here on Wattpad, by a multitude of authors.

The one genre you'll see blatantly missing from my list, however, is horror. I've tried, and I just can't do it. (Sorry KellyAnneBlount, I still love you.)

Favorite Completed Wattpad Books

1: No Capes by joecool123

-Let me start by saying that this isn't a book I'd normally read. Adventure isn't my go-to genre, and I've never found a book that I can connect with. However, No Capes changed that for me. Hyperion Gold & Dark Static changed my heart, and I'm forever grateful. I really liked this book because of the constant mystery that surrounded the action. You could never guess who the good and bad guys were, and every time you thought you had it figured out, a plot twist through you off again. The ending was a wild ride and completely unpredictable, and I loved every moment of reading this novel. (Hence why I stayed up until 3 AM reading it.)

2: Surviving Adam Meade by liveandlove10

-I remember reading this book on Wattpad when it was still an undiscovered gem, and I fell in love with it then. And I feel like a proud mom when I say that it's been picked up for a publishing contract and is coming out THIS SUMMER! (Pre-order it if you haven't already, it's totally worth it.) When I started this book, I expected your typical high school QB and quiet girl love scenario, the trope I've read one too many times (and still love). But Shannon took me by surprise. Adam is cocky, arrogant, and everything you'd expect from a high school Quarterback, but Claire gives it right back to him. She is sassy and stands her ground, and she doesn't let anyone, especially a jock, run her over. And I just loved the dynamic between the two of them.

Their banter was truly a work of art, and once again, the ending took me by total surprise. I felt like I went on a journey with #Adaire, and I'm so excited to go on it again through the published version.

3: Animal Instinct by hepburnettes

-Again, this isn't a genre I'd normally pick up. Werewolf has never intrigued me, and I probably wouldn't have read it if I hadn't seen all of the hype on Noelle's Ask FM. But her fans were so incredibly excited about the release of the novel that I had to dive in. And I wasn't disappointed. This isn't your typical alpha-luna love story, this is so much more. Jedd is a mysterious, quiet, brooding werewolf who communicates solely through body language and facial expressions. And Quinn is a badass herself, unwilling to succumb to the pressures that are placed on her as a luna, but instead to rise above and accept the challenge. Their love story is truly a work of art, but again, the story is so much more. There's a heartbreaking backstory, unpredictable twist and turns, and a shocking ending, one that I was wholly unprepared for. This book is available as an ebook on Smashwords, and it's totally worth the $4.99 if you ask me.

4: Four Realizations by dougmcquaid

-This book has a trigger warning for suicidal ideations and depression, at least on my end. But if you aren't triggered by those things, this book is a true eye-opener. It's told through the POV of Derek Rivers, a teenage boy who realizes that after a suicide attempt, he's not quite ready to die. He checks himself into a mental hospital, and goes on a journey to save his own life. For those that know me, I truly enjoy thought-provoking works based on mental illness, and Derek provided this to the full extent. His friendship with Jake takes this book to another level, the two of them broken in their own ways. This book is heart wrenching but worth the read in my opinion, as it shows you just how fragile human life can be.

5: Saving Sawyer by millie_

-This was one of the first books I read on Wattpad, and I've loved it ever since. Sawyer is strong, resilient, and broken at the same time. After suffering at traumatic incident, the last thing on her radar is Graham Cambridge, the new football, party boy that transfers to her school. Graham, though, is actually a total sweetheart and the complete opposite of his stereotype. Their love story alone was enough incentive for me to read the book, but it's the trials and tribulations they face together that truly make this one a stand-out. I loved every moment of #Grawyer and the sequel is just as exhilarating.

6: Love and the Sea and Everything in Between by BrianMcBride

-This book has another set of trigger warnings, as it deals with suicidal ideations and depression. Adam West is a college student who's tired of fighting. And Liz is a spontaneous enigma that shows herself at just the right moment. Together they go on a set of adventures, and as broken as Adam is, he's reminded of the happiness in the small things. What I enjoyed most about this story is that it was raw and real. It didn't sugarcoat the pain that Adam was going through, and it didn't romanticize it either. Liz isn't here to save Adam, and I think that's important to address. They exist together. This story was heart-wrenchingly beautiful, and it's one that I often go back to for inspiration.

7: Bad Boy Bakers by tahliepurvis

-The #PassTheFuckingFlour movement changed my life for the better when I met Nick through this hilarious novel. This follows the story of Maisie, a college student who's about to lose her grandmother's bakery. Four delinquent boys, in danger of facing jail time, are instead forced to serve their community service hours at the bakery. This book is a light-hearted read, though it does involve slight drug usage. I laughed with every chapter, and fell more and more in love with Nick as the story progressed (though he may not be the main love story being portrayed, he's the love story in my heart). This book was everything I could hope for in a comedy and so much more.

8: Cheater. Faker. Troublemaker. by jr0127

-If you follow me on social media, no doubt you've seen me post multiple quotes from this beautifully written novel. This book comes with trigger warnings, as it deals with alcohol and drug usage, mentions of sexual assault, depression, and suicidal ideations. Elias King lives up to his last name, and Alex Summers is trying to escape hers. These two broken souls come together for a summer, and the romance that follows is far from perfect. This isn't your typical, summer romance novel, as it deals with a much deeper and darker theme. They make a bet that extends throughout the novel, one that may just save Elias's life. But the ending is an unpredictable heart wrench, which spirals into the beautifully written sequel (Find Her, Keep Her). This book is also available as an audiobook, and I'd totally recommend listening to it, because it's much more surreal to hear Elias and Alex speaking to you.

9: The One Without Words by destacia

-Romy's home life is falling apart, her escape being the small shop in which she sells flowers. What she doesn't expect is the sudden appearance of Jack Michaels, a selective mute. Romy's friend group is known for terrorizing Jack and giving him a hard time, and although Romy never participates, she's a bystander in the bullying process. Jack and Romy start off on a bad foot, and continue to fall in each other's bad graces throughout the novel. Again, this isn't your typical romance novel, as they both have issues of their own they need to address. The angst alone is what makes this worth the read, watching and Romy and Jack try to find a middle ground throughout the hell known as high school. And watching as it may just blossom into something more.

10: Trigger by dougmcquaid

-I'll admit that I picked up this novel simply because I love the author's work, as mystery isn't my go-to novel choice. However, this turned out to be one of my Wattpad favorites. Kinsley Adams escapes to her family's cottage for the summer, only to be greeted by two new neighbors, Finn Allen and Levi Collins. They seem like all-around good boys, until Kinsley is met by gun shots in the middle of the night. Levi is plagued by the demons within his mind, and the novel spirals as the mystery of Levi Collins begins to unfold. This novel had me guessing the entire time, and the twists and turns were so unexpected that at times I'd have to reread certain parts to pick up the clues I'd missed. And when the dots connect at the end... well it's one hell of a surprise.

11: Not A Jersey Kind Of Guy by everytimeiseeyou143

-This was one of my throwback Wattpad novels, and it still remains one of my favorites to this day. Beckham O'Neil is a foster kid, stereotyped by simply that title alone. And "Beck" as he likes to be called lives up to it through his cold exterior and quiet personality. This book takes you on the journey of a teenage boy who's been shifted from home to home, and feels the weight of being unwelcomed and unloved. Beck's journey isn't always a pretty one, but it's real. And I thoroughly enjoyed going on that journey with him.

12: Dark Corners by bradmcquaid

-Another thriller that I didn't expect to like, but one that took me by complete surprise. As I don't read mysteries that often, it's difficult for me to pinpoint the plot twists that come along with them, and this book was no exception. Emmy moves in next to-door to a young man by the name of Griffin Cutkosky, and she's quick to meet him when he has a panic attack in their apartment building hallway. Emmy soon finds out that the murder case of Griffin's mother has been reopened, and that he's trying to connect the dots himself. I'll tell you now that the identity of the murderer took me by complete surprise, so much in fact that I had to reread the book to catch the subtly placed hints. Another heart-wrenchingly beautiful story that shows the stronghold of family and trust, two things you should be able to rely on.

13: Puck You by PeytonNovak

-Another Wattpad throwback that I still go back and reread. Grace Gillman loves to play hockey, much like Sebastian Evans, but that's where their similarities stop. Grace despises Sebastian, as he treats her like she's unworthy of being on the male hockey team despite her proving otherwise at tryouts. Sebastian is arrogant, rude, and everything you've come to dislike in a male lead. But they always say there's a fine line between love and hate, and these two are the prime example of that. These two are a mess of hormones and competitive personalities, and I loved every minute of it, as I'm sure you will too.

14: Cry Until You Bleed by writerbug44

-This is a beautifully written story that deals with suicidal ideations, sexual assault, and depression. It centers around Ana Shaw, a broken girl who doesn't want to continue to relive the trauma she experienced three years ago. After another unsuccessful suicide attempt, she finds herself back at a mental hospital, only she's not ready to fight to stay alive. Ana is done with the false pretense of finding true happiness, and instead wants her family to finally let her go. I really, really loved this book because there's no boy saves the girl romance happening. Ana is struggling to identify a list of reasons to live, a list of things that make her happy, and she realizes that she has to tackle this on her own. Only she can save her life. I think that's a beautiful storyline to go off of, as it doesn't fall into romanticizing mental illness, something that's seen all too often through these types of works.

15: Three And A Half Good Legs by -southampton

-This was one of my most recent reads on Wattpad, and I was taken by surprise at just how much I loved it. Jonas is an amputee, and a bitter one at that. Brennan suffers from severe social anxiety, and she'd much rather stay home than have to interact with other human beings. They meet by chance, and continually run into each other as the summer progresses. Brennan is determined to let their summer fling stay in summer, but Jonas has other plans as the cloud of gray is lifted from his vision. He finds reason to walk again, reason to smile again, and he wants to share that with Brennan. This book is frustrating at times, I will admit, but it shows the true struggle of someone suffering from social anxiety. As someone who suffers from it, I was able to see myself in Brennan, and that was truly eye-opening for me, as social anxiety isn't often portrayed in novels. Jonas, however, stole my heart with his bitter personality and pessimistic outlook on life, much like he stole Brennan's after just one summer.

16: Finding Love in a Coffee Shop by XxSkater2Girl16xX

-I had to look up that username twice, thanks Jordan. I've been reading Jordan's work for several years, but this one truly captured my heart. Katie Holmes is the financial supporter of her household, and she tends to drink her stress in caffeine. William Cerak is the barista that often serves her and has a peculiar scar on his wrist. The two of them get to know one another through Katie's frequent coffee trips and Will's ability to charm her every time. It's not your typical love story, however, as there's a much more complex story behind William's scar than Katie could've imagined, one that William is unwilling to talk about. And that alone will drive you crazy, as it did me.

17: Of Unsound Mind by katrocks247

-Let me preface this one by saying that Death Is My BFF should be on this list and you should totally read that too. However, as someone who is intrigued by the inner workings of the mind, I was drawn to this screenplay that Kat wrote for class. In this, Ren is a therapist and Seth is her client. It's a simple, one chapter short story, but you're taken on a whirlwind of an adventure throughout it. It's unclear as to why Seth is in-session with Ren, what demons he's facing. As the short story progresses, Seth begins to open up more, and the ending sent me in a tailspin. If you're in the mood for dark and sinister, this is the screenplay for you.

18: Sleep Deprived by thepurplerose

-Ever heard of the old Wattpad novel, The Teddy Bear Agreement? Well she's back again, only this time giving us the rewrite that changes the story entirely. This book contains mentions of suicide, PTSD, death, and drug usage, something to be forewarned if you're triggered by these things. Elizabeth Hale is a caffeine addict who suffers from insomnia, and so it seems does her new roommate, William Anderson. Will is a charmer, and a damn good one at that, which is probably why Elizabeth agrees to sleep with him. Not in a sexual way, of course, just a casual buddy system, with the occasional spooning. Elizabeth comes from a dark past, one filled with her mother's depression and suicide attempt, so it doesn't help when she walks in on Will chugging a bottle of sleeping pills in the middle of the night. The two of them begin a friendship that's intermixed with flirting and charming smiles, one filled with dark secrets and unspoken pasts. This book has a darker, underlying theme, and I love the way that the author portrayed this through subtle hints and gentle reminders. This was a beautifully written story that tackles mental health through subtly and fragmented stories, and I'm so glad that the author decided to take the time to give it the rewrite it deserved.

Before I go, however, I did have some honorable mentions. Although they didn't exactly make the top 18 list, they will still always have a place in my heart.

-Scrawls by sterileskies

-A and D by fallenbabybubu (it's been published, you should totally check it out)

-Love Scene, Take Two by nonfictionalex (available for pre-order now, just saying)

-Underdogs by floats

-Fading by bradmcquaid

-America's Bad Boy And His Bodyguard by KarlaMonster

-The Boy Who Wore Boat Shoes by sophieanna

-Drunkards by Healers

-Stolen Jerseys by bradmcquaid

-Death Is My BFF by katrocks247

And that completes my list of My Favorite Completed Books on Wattpad. There will be a Part Two to this, where I discuss my favorite incomplete books on Wattpad. So stay on the lookout for that!

Quick shoutout to Wattpad user @takeeatrip for creating the collage used in the beginning of my post. She made it for the last Wattpad Block Party, and I'm forever grateful for it.

I'm also hosting a giveaway this time around, so be sure to check that out as well. If you're a fan of My Brother's Best Friend, you'll surely like it!

And while you're at it, check out the other giveaways being hosted this time around. There are plenty of good ones to choose from. And don't shy away from other posts coming to you this February, there's some stuff you definitely won't want to miss ;)

Thanks for hanging out with me. See you guys on the Internet, I'm sure.

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