Jin Kisaragi vs Iceman

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Ann: This battle is brought to you by Cronos096! Today we have two extremely powerful ice users!

Name: Jin Kisaragi, "Hero of Ikaruga", "Endbringer"

Origin: BlazBlue

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown. Possibly early to mid twenties

Classification: Human, Knight of the N.O.L., Wielder of the Power of Order

Ann: First we have Jin Kisaragi! A hero with a deadly sword that can make ice at absolute zero degrees! It can even damage your soul!

(Jin: I am the cold steel... the blade that will restore balance to this world! Nox Nyctores, Yukianesa, activate!!)

Name: Iceman, Robert "Bobby" Louis Drake

Origin: Marvel Comics

Gender: Male

Age: Likely in his 20s or 30s

Classification: Omega Level Human Mutant

Ann: Next we have Iceman, a mutant that is just covered with nothing but ice! He can make weapons of ice and even ice clones! Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he froze an entire civilization!

(Iceman: Unless you people think I need to embarrass myself some more... I've got someone's ass to kick.)

Ann: And now that everyone's ready, it's time for D-B-X!

Jin was walking through a large museum when Iceman approached him from behind.

Iceman: Hey you. This place is reserved. A bunch of really bad people are gonna be here soon so I advise you leave so I can take care of them.

Jin turned to look at him.

Jin: And you are?

Iceman: Robert Drake. But you can call me Iceman. Who are you?

Jin: ... pest control.

Jin dashed at Iceman and swung his sword, but Iceman turned his arm into a blade and blocked it before knocking him back. Jin quickly summoned a bunch of icicles and shot them at him but Iceman summoned an ice shield to block it.

Iceman: That all you got?!

He froze the ground and sent a giant glacier at Jin, who swung his sword and sent one back in return. The two glaciers clashed as Jin jumped over them and towards Iceman. He went for a downward swing and Iceman quickly dodged it and ted a hammer out of ice. He swung the hammer and Jin blocked it with his sword.

Jin: Of course not. After all, I'm far superior to you. Wolfhead!

Jin unleashed a wolf head made of ice and Iceman quickly got back. Jin then shot out a blade made of ice and Iceman swatted it away before Jin dashed him and swung his sword, cutting his chest wide open. Jin then watched as Iceman froze the wound.

Iceman: Sorry, that's not gonna work on me.

He made his fist grow with ice and punched Jn back hard before making a bunch of ice clones. Jin saw this and got up.

Jin: Hmph, pathetic.

Jin stabbed his blade to the ground and a bunch of ice tombstones emerged, shattering the clones as Iceman jumped u and road an ice slide to slide towards Jin. He then jumped off the slide and went for a downward punch but Jin rolled out the way to dodge it. Iceman fired an ice beam at him but Jin was quick to dodge. Jin made a bow and arrow out of ice and shot it at him, but Iceman was quick to dodge that as well. Iceman then dashed at him and red to grab him but Jin stabbed his blade to the ground, trapping him in ice. He turned around, his back facing toward Iceman as he sheathed his blade. As soon as he did, Iceman shattered into nothing but water vapor.

Jin: Pathetic.

Ann: Now we know whose the superior user! At least if this were actually a Death Battle and not decided by a coin flip. Anyway, whose next on the Wheel of DBX?!

Terumi vs Shinnok

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