Monkey vs Sun Wukong

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Ann: This battle is brought to you by DevilNorthStar13! Today we have two kung fu monkeys with neat skills and a staff!

Name: Master Monkey

Origin: Kung Fu Panda

Gender: Male

Age: Likely in his 20's

Classification: Golden snub-nosed monkey, Kung Fu Master

Ann: First we have Monkey! A fun loving... well... monkey that is very skilled at kung-fu! He also has a bo staff and is not afraid to use it!

(Monkey: If you beat me, I will go. If not, then it is you who must leave—without your pants!)

Name: Sun Wukong

Origin: RWBY

Gender: Male

Age: 17 | 18 | 19

Classification: Faunus (Monkey), Huntsman in training

Ann: Next up we have Sun Wukong! A huntsman with an aura and a semblance! His semblance is Via Sun and let's him create clones to fight for him instead of ones that take the hit! But he's gotta be careful cause this can rapidly deplete his aura! Oh, he also has a staff that can turn into nunchucks! Which in turn work as a gun! Man, I think I know someone who could really use one of those.

(Sun: A no-good stowaway would have been caught. I'm a great stowaway!)

Ann: And now that we're all finished here... it's time for D-B-X!

In the Valley of Peace, Sun was jumping from roof to roof as people were chasing after him from below.

???: Stop that Faunus!

Sun stopped and looked down at them with a smile.

Sun: Oh come on, it was just a banana. No harm done right?

Monkey: I got him.

Sun: Hm?

Sun turned around to see Monkey landing behind him.

Sun: Huh, never seen a Faunus like you before. Mommy finally let you out the cage?

Monkey: I don't know what you're talking about, but I won't let you get away.

Both of them swung their staffs and clashed. Monkey quickly jumped up and drop kicked Sun in the face, knocking him back. Sun quickly recovered as Monkey ran at him. Sun quickly turned his staff into two nunchucks and started swinging them, firing bullets as he did. Monkey started to quickly dodge his attacks.

Sun: What's wrong? Too slow?

Monkey: I could say the same to you!

Monkey used his tail to grab Sun by the leg and flip him upside down.

Sun: Woah!

Monkey then hit him with his staff, causing him to nearly fall off the building, but Sun quickly recovered and backflipped himself onto the next building over. Monkey quickly jumped high into the air as he was coming down after him. Sun saw this and quickly sent two clones flying upward. One of them kicked Monkey square in the face as the other took his bo-staff.

Sun: Bullseye.

Sun started swinging his nunchucks, firing holes straight through Monkey's body.

Sun: And now for the grand finale!

Sun turned his nunchucks back into a staff and right before Monkey could hit the ground, Sun swung his staff hard enough to split Monkey in two.

Sun: Snooze you loose. Cya!

Sun went to run off.

Ann: Jeez, Sun really got the job done there! Well, let's see who's next with the Wheel of DBX!

Jin Kisaragi vs Iceman

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