Ryuko Matoi vs Ragna the Bloodedge

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Ann: Alright, now it's time we enter one of our suggested ones! This battle was suggested by MLPFan001 and it is of two emos with the worst luck imaginable!

Name: Ryūko Matoi

Origin: Kill la Kill

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Classification: Life Fibers-Infused Human, Honnōji Academy Student

Ann: First we have Ryuko Matoi! A girl who just so happened to be a life fiber infused human with the most disgusting mother of them all! Thinks to her birth she has a healing factor that lets her survive almost any injury, even getting her heart ripped out of her! She also has a living Goku uniform called Senketsu that turns her into a half-naked powerhouse with a giant scissor blade!

(Ryuko: To hell with your opinion. I'll take my own path no matter what anyone else says!)

Name: Ragna the Bloodedge, "Grim Reaper", "Good Guy", "Bloodedge"

Origin: BlazBlue

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (Likely in his early 20s)

Classification: Dhampir (Human-Vampire Hybrid), Wanted Criminal

Ann: After her is the wanted criminal, Ragna the Bloodedge! The guy who lost his arm to his brother and replaced it with a cooler one that can take your very soul! He also has a scythe that can turn into a sword. And if he's not careful, he could turn into the Black Beast! Wait, isn't he technically Celica's son? Doesn't that mean he's Kokonoe's... ... ... nevermind, I should probably keep my mouth shut...

(Ragna: But, because I lost that power, my head had cleared a little... now, I've had time to reevaluate that power. So I'm thankful, actually. Lately, whenever something happened, I would use the Azure Grimoire right away... I was relying on that power. Not my own- someone else's. So, what's MY power then? What can I be proud of and say 'this is my power' about?)

Ann: Alright! Everyone's ready and the battle is about to start! It's time for D-B-X!

Ryuko was walking in a small town. It was the same town Ragna was walking in as the two bumped into each other.

Ryuko: Gah! Hey, watch where you're going!

Ragna: Tch! I should be saying the same to you little brat!

Ryuko: Hm? Hold on a second, I think I recognize you from somewhere.

Senketsu: "He's the guy in that wanted poster we saw not too long ago."

Ryuko: Wait Really?

Ragna: Hm? Hey kid, who are you talking to?

Ryuko: Heh. Looks like today's our lucky day!

Ryuko uses her Seki Tesso glove to give Senketsu blood and have him turn to Kamui Senketsu.

Ryuko: Let's do this!

Ryuko dashed at him first and swung her blade as Ragna quickly went to block it with his own sword. 

Ragna: What the hell is with all these half-naked chicks?!

Ryuko: Oh shut it!

Ragna pushed her back and went for an upward slash that unleashed a huge burst of sethir. Ryuko quickly got back.

Ryuko: The hell was that?!

Senketsu: "Careful Ryuko, there's something off about this guy"

Ryuko: You don't say!

Ragna: I'd stop talking to myself if I were you!

Ragna went for a seithr infused roundhouse kick, but Ryuko quickly dodged it. She swung her sword and Ragna blocked her blade before going for a punch. Ryuko went to dodge that as well and Ragna swung his sword again. Ryuko blocked the strike as she was sent back again. She immediately dashed at him as she swung her sword at the same time as him and the two clashed.

Ryuko: Dame! I'm just on defense with this guy!

Ragna pushed her back again.

Ryuko: That's it! Let's go Senketsu!

Senketsu: "Right!"

Senketsu went into his Senjin transformation and grew a bunch of spikes. Ragna jumped up and went for a downward slash but Ryuko blocked it.

Ragna: The hell?!

Ryuko: Heh!

She pushed him back and dashed at him. She swung her sword but Ragna dodged it and swung his own. Ryuko dodged his strike as they both swung their blades and clashed again, sending each other back. Ragna turned his sword into a scythe and infused it with seithr as he swung it. Ryuko jumped up to dodge as she swung her blade at his head. Ragna dodged it and grabbed her by the shirt before slamming her to the ground.

Ragna: This is gonna hurt!

Ragna went to turn his scythe back into a blade and stab her in the neck, but his blade barely pierced her skin.

Ragna: What the?!

Ryuko: Get off me!

Ryuko kicked him off and got up. She immediately dashed at him and went for multiple slashes. Ragna was blocking them with her sword.

Ragna: Dammit!

Ragna pushed her back.

Ragna: Blazblue, activate!

Ragna's power skyrocketed as he turned his blade into a scythe and once again infused it with seithr before swinging it. The two of them clashed blades again and went for multiple strikes, clashing each time and making multiple shockwaves. 

Ragna: I will show you darkness!

Ragna went into his Unlimited Mode as he was surrounded by darkness. The power it was emitting pushed Ryuko back, but Sanketsu turned into his Shippu transformation, allowing Ryuko to fly straight towards Ragna with two swords as she went to swing them. Ragna swung his blade and stabbed her in the chest, but Ryuko took it and stabbed him right back. She flew him straight into multiple buildings.

Ryuko: Whatever you throw at me I'll throw right back!

Ragna: Go to Hell!

Ragna grabbed her and threw her off him as she was sent flying.

Ragna: Geh!

Ragna grabbed his arm as it started acting up. He rose and emerged as the Black Beast. Ryuko got up from all the rubble. She looked up and saw the Black Beast.

Ryuko: What the?!

Senketsu: It looks like that guy turned into some kind of beast!

Ryuko: Heh, fine by me! 

Ryuko went to absorb all the life fibers on earth as they turned to their Kisaragi transformation. Ryuko flew up as the Black Beast fired multiple blast of darkness at her. She swung her blade at one of the heads as it went to ram into her. The clash from its head and her blade caused a huge explosion... and once the explosion cleared, Ryuko landed on the ground as the beast was annihilated.

Ryuko: Welp... there goes that bounty.

Ann: And there we go! Another massive Death Battle! Hmm... Alright, now to spin the wheel of DBX!

*Ann spins a wheel*

Ann: And the next one is...

Vergil vs Adam Taurus

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