Vergil vs Adam Taurus

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Ann: This chapter of DBX is brought to you by dominickarmstrong! These two ruthless swordsmen will pave the road to Hell!

Name: Vergil, Dark Slayer, Son of Sparda, The Alpha and the Omega, Nelo Angelo, Gilver

Origin: Devil May Cry

Gender: Male

Age: 19 (Devil May Cry 3) | 28 (Devil May Cry 1) | 41-43 (Devil May Cry 5)

Classification: Half-Demon, Half-Human, Dark Slayer

Ann: First we have Vergil! The half demon with plenty of weapons, including a sword that can cut through almost anything! He also has a badass transformation and he himself is a badass!

(Vergil: Well, I can't exactly call them misguided. But soon, they shall know this devil's power. A power greater than they ever imagined. The power of a son of Sparda.)

Name: Adam Taurus

Origin: RWBY

Gender: Male

Age: Estimated to be around 23

Classification: Faunus (Bull), Former Leader of the White Fang

Ann: Next up is Adam Taurus! A Faunus whose death split his fanbase! He has a badass sword that can turn into a rifle! He also has an aura for protection and a semblance that let's him block or absorb attacks and emit it back at his opponent's! Be careful though, because this guy really hates humans!

(Adam: We can win a war against the humans. Not only because we have the support of Hazel's master, but because the Faunus are the dominant species of this planet. We're better than humans. We have everything humans have and more. Humans shouldn't just fear the Faunus, they should serve the Faunus!)

Ann: Alright is everyone ready?! Great! It's time for D-B-X!

Vergil was walking through an abandoned castle as Adam was watching from above.

Adam: Hmph. Another human... I'll end this swiftly.

Adam took out his sword, jumped high into the air and swung his blade at Vergil, who immediately saw this and blocked it with his own sword. They both got back.

Adam: Well... this may take longer than I thought.

Vergil: And who are you?

Adam: Me? Just the one who will watch you gravel beneath my feet!

They both swung their blades and clashed. Adam quickly turned his sheath into a rifle and went to shoot at him, but Vergil teleported above Adam and went for a downward slash. Adam saw this and went to swing upward as they clashed again. Adam went to try shooting him again but Vergil teleported behind him and summoned multiple Phantom blades above him.

Vergil: Too slow.

Vergil sent all the blades down and Adam quickly jumped back to dodge them. Vergil then threw his sword like a boomerang before summoning a pair of gauntlets and boots. Adam swatted the blade away as Vergil dashed at him. He went for multiple lightning fast strikes and Adam dodged all of them. Vergil then went for a heavy punch that knocked Adam back. Vergil followed it up by firing a large ball of light at Adam, who saw it and quickly absorbed it with his sword.

Adam: That all you got?

Vergil retrieved his sword and started going for rapid strikes with it. Adam dodged all of them and swung his sword once more, this time unleashing a giant burst of energy. Vergil dodged it and fired more swords to strike at him but Adam swatted them all away. Vergil then summoned two more blades and used them to unleash a heavy burst of electricity at him. Adam quickly used his sword to absorb it once again.

Adam: Take this!

He swung his sword his sword again, unleashing another burst of energy. But this time Vergil transformed and counered it with a swing of his own as he was in his Devil Trigger form.

Vergil: Hmph. Pathetic.

Adam: Tch! Die!

Adam dashed at him as they both swung their swords straight through each other. Vergil sheathed his blade as his body healed immediately. He had broke straight through Adam's aura as Adam had been cut in half and collapsed.

Vergil: What a waste of my time.

Ann: But not a waste of ours! That was probably my best DBX yet! For now at least. Now let's see who's next on the wheel of DBX!

Jonah Hex vs Cod Bane

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