Shadow the Hedgehog vs Doomsday

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Ann: This chapter of DBX is brought to you by theanimeyandere123! And today we have two Ultimate Lifeforms battling it out!

Name: Shadow the Hedgehog

Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Adventure 2)

Gender: Male

Age: Over 50 (17 physically)

Classification: The Ultimate Lifeform, Genetically modified artificial anthropomorphic hedgehog, Black Arm sample

Ann: First up we have Shadow the Hedgehog himself! Coming straight from space after being blasted to Earth, this guy is extremely fast, extremely powerful, and has a boatload of guns, swords,  and even a motorcycle! He can control Chaos Energy and fire deadly Chaos Blasts all from the palm of his hands! He's so strong, he needs to wear rings just to maintain his powers! Once he takes those off, his powers increase even more! Oh, and let's not forget about Chaos Control! With a Chaos Emerald, he can teleport, freeze time, and more! And with all seven he can turn Super Shadow! There's a lot more he can do, but that will be saved for a future Death Battle! Right now this is DBX and we use no research!

(Shadow: My name is Shadow. I'm the world's ultimate life form. There's no time for games... farewell)

Name: Doomsday

Origin: DC Comics

Gender: Male

Age: Thousands of years old at the least

Classification: Alien

Ann: Another powerful alien coming straight from space, we have Doomsday! This guy "killed" Superman and is practically immortal! Literally! Every time he dies he comes back immune to whatever killed him! He can adapt to his environment and has poisonous extendable claws that come straight out his knuckles! Oh, he's also got a healing factor and can emit a toxin so strong it can harm Superman himself! Oh yeah, did I mention he can teleport too?

(Lex Luthor: If Man won't kill God, the Devil will do it! Ancient Kryptonian deformity! Blood of my blood! Born to destroy you! Your Doomsday! And now God... is good... as dead!)

Ann: And now everyone is ready! It's time for D-B-X!

In Emerald City, everything was fine and the civilizations were having a peaceful time without Eggman ruining the place.

As everyone was enjoying themselves, a portal suddenly opened in the middle of the city as out popped Doomsday.

Doomsday: Grrr... RAAAAGH!

Doomsday let out a chilling roar that caused everyone to scream, panic, and run away.

As everyone ran, Shadow was driving his motorcycle through the city. He could hear the Commander speak through his earpiece.

Commander: "Witnesses are reporting a giant monster rampaging through the city. Reports suggest it might be one of Eggman's creations."

Shadow: Hmph. Send Rouge and Omega to evacuate the civilizations... I'll handle this one.

Commander: "Very well. Good luck out there."

The Commander hung up as Shadow saw Doomsday rampaging through Emerald City. He went to drive his motorcycle straight towards him.

Shadow ran his motorcycle straight into Doomsday and it caused a huge explosion. He jumped out the flames with a gun as Doomsday stomped out the flames unphased. He dashed towards Shadow who began firing the gun at Doomsday, who wasn't even phased by the bullets.

Doomsday: Doom!

Doomsday went to punch Shadow, who teleported behind him and kicked him in the back of the head. Doomsday turned around for another punch, but Shadow teleported again. Doomsday kept trying to punch him, but Shadow kept teleporting around him.

Doomsday: GRRAAAH

Doomsday smashed both his fist into the ground, creating a huge shockwave around him that knocked Shadow back. 

Shadow: Geh! Chaos Spear!

Shadow fired a blast of Chaos Energy from his hand and it sent Doomsday flying through multiple buildings, the last one of which collapsed on top of him. 

The music stopped playing as Doomsday began to get up. Shadow appeared above him but Doomsday saw it coming as he grabbed Shadow by the leg and slammed him to the ground. He got on top of him and started punching him square in the face over and over again.

Doomsday: Doom!

Doomsday went for a final strike but was suddenly kicked in the face and blasted away by Rouge the Bat as she and E-123 Omega got to Shadow's side.

Rouge: Hey Shadow, you alright?

Shadow: Hmph... I thought you were going to evacuate the citizens.

Omega: Original objective... complete. New objective... help Shadow the Hedgehog.

Shadow watched as Doomsday was quickly recovering.

Shadow: ... Fine then... let's do this!

Doomsday: RAAAGH!

Doomsday dashed at them and Omega fired a bunch of missiles at him. Doomsday went to block them with his arms and Rouge dashed at him, kicking him in the face. Doomsday went for another punch but Rouge dodged it and kicked him again. She then flew back as Shadow hit Doomsday with a huge boost that sent him flying away. Omega flew up and caught him by the arms before slamming him straight into the ground. Rouge then spun so fast she created a massive tornado that sucked Doomsday in. As Doomsday was flying in the middle of all the wind, Shadow and Rouge flew above him as Shadow had a Chaos Emerald and Rouge had a Charm Ray.

Rouge: Let's do this!

Shadow: Chaos Control!

They both paused time as they started striking at Doomsday in every direction at incredible speeds. Once time resumed, the tornado dispersed and Doomsday felt every blow mid-air. Omega then appeared above him as his hand turned into a Laser Cannon and blasted down at him, sending Doomsday crashing into the ground. Shadow and Rouge landed on their feet and posed as the laser caused a huge explosion behind them.

Rouge: Too easy!

Shadow: Perfect as always.

Rank: S

Doomsday suddenly recovered behind them and sent three spikes up that went straight into Omega's chest. He pulled down and slammed Omega straight into the ground. Both Shadow and Rouge turned and saw this.

Shadow: Omega!

Doomsday: GRRRAAAAH!!!

Doomsday suddenly glowed bright blue as the claws went back into his fist. Omega went for an electric boost and Doomsday went for a single punch. They clashed and caused a huge explosion as Omega was sent flying back. Rouge dashed at Doomsday and hit him with a spinning kick to the back. She then flew up and dropped a bunch of bombs at him, which caused a giant explosion in his face. Doomsday wasn't phased as he went to backhand her, but she dropped down to dodge it as she sent a shockwave of jewels at Doomsday and knocked him back. She flew at him for another strike but Doomsday recovered and punched her straight in the gut. He then punched her into the round, picked her up by the leg, and slammed her right back down. Rouge rolled to her back and Doomsday grabbed her by the face. He picked her up slowly.

Doomsday: Die...

Doomsday went for a heavy punch, but before he could deliver it, Shadow kicked him in the gut and sent him flying away. Shadow's rings were off as he was glowing bright red. He had the seven Chaos Emeralds circling around him as red electricity covered the area.

Doomsday roared as Shadow absorbed the power of the Chaos Emeralds. His body turned golden as he became Super Shadow. He flew at Doomsday and charged his fist with Chaos Energy as they both went for a punch. Their clash caused an explosion that could be seen from space. Doomsday went for another punch, but Shadow caught it and punched Doomsday in the face, sending him flying back. 

Doomsday: ROOOAAAAH!!!

Doomsday caught himself, dragging his claws to the ground. Shadow teleported in front of him and Doomsday quickly punched Shadow in the gut. As Shadow coughed up blood, Doomsday punched him in the face and sent him back before jumping up at him. Shadow caught himself and saw Doomsday coming down from above.

Shadow: Chaos Lance!

Shadow threw a longer version of the Chaos Spear and it went straight through Doomsday's chest, causing him to fall right behind Shadow. Doomsday recovered and dashed at him, going for a punch as Shadow went to elbow him. They caused a huge shockwave around them and knocked each other back. Shadow summoned spears of light that stabbed straight through Doomsdays body. He then teleported behind Doomsday and snapped his finger, causing a temporal rift that blew up in Doomsday's face. Doomsday recovered quickly and hit Shadow with a backhand so hard it knocked him away.

Shadow: Damn, just what the hell are you?!

Doomsday went for a downward punch at him but Shadow blocked it with his arms.

Doomsday: Doom!

Doomsday went for another punch but Shadow dodged it, grabbed his arm, picked him up, and slammed him to the ground.

Shadow: Chaos... Blast!

Shadow unleashed a humongous explosion that covered half the city. Once the dust was settled, Shadow had sent Doomsday flying high into the air. He followed him up and kept punching Doomsday until they reached outer space. Doomsday tried to punch him back but Shadow teleported behind him and kicked him hard, sending him falling back to Earth.

Shadow: Behold the power of the Ultimate Lifeform! Chaos Spear!

As Doomsday fell, Shadow unleashed even more blasts of Chaos energy at him. He then went for a homing attack and spin straight into Doomsdays chest, sending him crashing into the ground and creating a humongous crater. Shadow then flew up above him.

Shadow: Chaos Control!

Shadow made a huge rift in time and space that started sucking Doomsday in. Doomsday punched his fist into the ground to hold on.

Rouge: Omega!

Doomsday looked ahead to see Omega throwing Rouge straight at him. Rouge went for a spinning kick and knocked Doomsday straight into the rift, banishing him away as it disappeared. 

The music stopped as Shadow landed. He went back to base form and fell to one knee.

Rouge: You okay Shadow?

Shadow: Yeah... mission accomplished...

Ann: And that's it for the final battle of DBX! All other requests are moved to Season 3 so I hope you enjoy! And have a nice day! Oh, and I'm still accepting requests for next season so don't worry! See you next time!

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