Mukuro Ikusaba is the 16th student hidden somewhere in Death Battle

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Name: Mukuro Ikusaba

Origin: Danganronpa

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 97 Ibs

Gender: Female

Age: 19 in Trigger Happy Havoc

Classification: Human, Ultimate Soldier, Ultimate Despair, Despair Sisters, Sister of Junko Enoshima, Savior of Makoto Naegi (IF)



- Was chosen to be the "Ultimate Soldier", far surpassing even a team of Navy Seals

- Fought in hundreds of warzones, all without sustaining a single scratch

- Fought and won against Peko Pekoyama, who is known as the "Ultimate Swordswoman"

- Fought off Sakura Oogami, the "Ultimate Martial Artist", unarmed

    *Sakura should be comparable to, if not greater than, The Great Gozu who is the "Ultimate Wrestler", and he is capable of destroying an entire hallway with only an elbow drop and he did not sustain any injury

- Easily killed all Madarai brothers, and all of them had the talent of "Ultimate Bodyguard"

- Capable of fighting off 100 Monokumas units in her "Battle Trance" state, while Sakura Oogami had some trouble with only one unit 

- Is canonically one of the strongest characters in the DR universe

- In "Killer Killer", Takumi noted that the real Mukuro is much more powerful than all the fake Mukuros combined

       *The fake Mukuros were numbering around 10 and above, meaning Mukuro is much stronger than many people combined

- Apparently has a good singing voice

Kokonoe: The Tragedy... the greatest most despair-inducing incident in human history, all created by one teenage girl.

Junko: Me! Junko Fuckin' Enoshima! But... it's not like I did it alone. There were actually two members of Ultimate Despair that sparked this incident. There's the Ultimate Perfect Human Being, in myself... and then there's the less-than-perfect, downright disgusting mistake of a living being... My sister, Mukuro Ikusaba!

Ann: That's a bit harsh don't you think?

Junko: Well just like me, there's not much known about Mukuro's past. 

Ann: Really? Because it's heavily implied that you manipulated and verbally abused her as a child.

Junko: Yeah and it's also implied we were homeless at one point. Who cares? Point is Mukuro showed a huge interest in the military since childhood. Hell, in elementary school, she won a survival game tournament and began writing for military magazines.

Kokonoe: Just before entering middle school, Mukuro disappeared while she and her family were on vacation in Europe. People thought she had been kidnapped, but she was never found.

Junko: In reality, she decided to join an elite mercenary group based out of the Middle East known as Fenrir, a fierce group of soldiers who engaged in direct combat. Despite being small for her age, she received military training and became highly proficient in both a variety of firearms and hand-to-hand combat. As a member of Fenrir, she passed through many battlefields but was never wounded. And three years later, she came back to Japan.

Kokonoe: Nobody knows why she came back, but for some reason, she wanted to see her sister, Junko again. And it was around this time that Junko had a strong desire to "paint the world in despair" and planned to start the Tragedy, the worst, most despair-inducing incident in the history of mankind.

Junko: And thus birthed the Despair Sisters! AKA the Ultimate Despair! And the first step was to enroll in Hope's Peak Academy's Class 78! With me as the Ultimate Fashionista and my sister as the Ultimate Soldier. 

Junko: Despite all my harsh words to her, I can't deny that she's impressively strong. I mean, she easily killed all Madarai brothers with brute force alone and was strong enough to match Peko and Sakura blow for blow! She should be even stronger than Genocide Jack, who can defeat The Big Bang Monokuma and cleave missiles mid-flight with ease!  The Big Bang Monokuma in particular can part clouds!

Kokonoe: She should be comparable to The Great Gozu who destroyed an entire hallway. She's even comparable to Nekomaru, who is strong enough enough to cause large explosions just by running and could create massive craters by... sigh... taking a shit...

Ann: She's also pretty durable, having taken a casual hit from Izuru, mere bruises from Sakura, and even blows from the bone-crushing Monokuma. She's even survived a chain of Monokuma explosions.

Junko: Let's not forget she's incredibly fast too. I mean, regular people like Hiro can dodge machine gun fire from a helicopter! And another regular girl named Komaru dodged program codes with electromagnetic waves! My weaker Monokuma Units are capable of doing the same and Mukuro was able to blitz 100 of them with ease!

Ann: Now do you acknowledge your sister?

Junko: Hmm... Nah, still hate her. But she is loyal!

Ann: Ugh...

Kokonoe: Being the Ultimate Soldier, Mukuro is ruthless and can kill and harm others with no remorse. She seems utterly indifferent towards other people unless it's Makoto Naegi or her sister, Junko. Unlike her sister, she doesn't take any sadistic pleasure in hurting or killing people, but at the same time, she shows little concern for other people's suffering.

Junko: Yeah, and for such a good soldier, it's left her very out-of-touch with her own emotions. She has a notable lack of social skills, acting emotionless and indifferent towards most people. She tends to have a cold, serious expression and a reserved personality. 

Ann: Hey! She at least did a decent job at pretending to be you!

Junko: Ha! Oh please! It was bland at best. And besides, even she admits that she lacks skill in negotiating with others and planning tactics in advance. 

Ann: That's only thanks to your harassment.

Junko: Puhuhuhu! That's right! Thanks to my years of verbal and physical abuse, she only knows how to take orders from me and obey me even if she doesn't agree with how I do things! She craves my praise and acceptance to the point that she finds pleasure in my attempts to harm or even kill her!

Ann: ... Wow... 

Kokonoe: Anyway, let's move on to the topic at hand. 

Ann: Yep! Her weapons!

Kokonoe: Despite her looks, she has plenty of weapons to choose from and a Ballistic Vest that protects soldiers from knives ad bullets. It has easy-to-open pockets for storing medicine, ammo, or anything else important.

Junko: She also has her panties!

Ann: I'm sorry, what?

Junko: Yep! She has underwear woven from bulletproof and blade-resistant fibers, making it extremely durable! Oh, but they aren't spear proof though.

Ann: Um... why?

Junko: Well you see, if you put a spear up through her-


Kokonoe: Let's move on to her real weapons. Starting with her signature weapons, her Military Combat Knives.

Kokonoe: They're Mukuro's favorite weapons. The exact models of them are unknown but she carries two and wields them with extreme skill and precision. They're also durable and strong enough to completely crack the sheath of Peko's katana, and can take multiple clashes against said katana. Even beating the Ultimate Swordswoman herself with them.

Ann: All of that is nice, but let's talk about the one thing I've been waiting for this whole time! That's right, her guns! And she has plenty of them, starting with her Semi-Automatic Pistol!

Ann: It's a very basic handgun, but it looks like it might be a Beretta M9, which has a muzzle velocity of 381 m/s, or at least Mach 1.1. She also has an AK-102!

Junko: An assault rifle type of firearm that weighs 6.6 pounds without the magazine. It's 23.1 inches with the stock folded and 32.4 inches with it extended!

Ann: It holds 600 rounds and has a muzzle velocity of 850 m/s!

Junko: Then there's the MP5-K!

Junko: A sub-machine gun type of firearm that is 14.5 inches with the stock folded and weighs 4.4 Ibs.

Ann: It has a muzzle velocity of 375 m/s and holds up to 900 bullets.

Junko: And finally, my favorite, the RPG7!

Junko: Despite weighing 15 pounds and being 37.4 inches in length, Mukuo can easily carry this thing on her back!

Ann: It has a 40 mm Calibur and a muzzle velocity of 115 m/s!

Kokonoe: Weren't you two arguing just a moment ago? 

Ann: I got sidetracked over guns.

Junko: Of course, Mukuro doesn't just need guns. She has a lethal taser, a Junko wig for cosplay as me, Paralyzing lipstick to paralyze anyone she kisses, and she'll even use an IV Pole if it means getting the job done!

Kokonoe: But if pushed to a certain limit or when fighting seriously and all out, Mukuro will enter a... let's call it her Battle Trance Mode.

Kokonoe: In this state, Mukuro ascends to the level of violence incarnate, breaking the boundaries of humanity, and surpassing the level of "Ultimate".

Ann: Yep! She becomes immensely faster and even more powerful, capable of obliterating Monokumas in a single shot! Her greatest feat comes from this state, where she fights off 100 Monokumas whose numbers are still increasing, dodging bullets going at speeds of Mach 3 and higher with only a sharpened pipe!

Junko: Yeah, this state is pretty much Ultra Instinct.

Ann: What? No it's not! In this state, she's capable of things like flight!

Kokonoe: Not exactly flying actually. She's really just riding explosions in mid-air. But her acrobatic skills are superhuman enough to almost be considered flight.

Junko: In other words, she can leap high enough into the air that one could mistake her as "flying".

Kokonoe: She also has something similar to time manipulation.

Kokonoe: She can basically slow down or even freeze the perception of time in front of her eyes. In addition, she also freezes the air around her, which enhances her reflexes to astounding degrees.

Junko: And then there's her Precognition.

Junko: By turning the battlefield into "a part of herself", Mukuro can easily map out the entire place and use it to her full advantage. She can "see" from the back of her head and through every corner of her body "as though her skin was covered in eyes". She could predict and avoid attacks from every angle, giving her powerful Precognition.

Ann: It even allows her to attack weak points with ease, as she expertly dodged attacks while stabbing the Monokuma!

Junko: And finally, she has instinctive reactions.

Junko: In this state, she's capable of extremely precise dodges and jumps, dodging an explosion before it even occurred.

Kokonoe: It should be noted that the narration stated a lot of time has passed, meaning Mukuro can keep this up for a very long time, as she didn't receive a single injury the entire time all the Monokumas were trying to stop her.

Junko: See? Pretty much Ultra Instinct.

Ann: Right... well she's not unstoppable. 

Kokonoe: Right. Mukuro's biggest weakness will have to be Junko Enoshima herself. She's a little too trusting and loyal to her sister, which would cause her downfall when she wasn't expecting Junko to betray her... and if you know Junko... you'll know she did, in fact, betray her.

Junko: And her Battle Trace Mode isn't unbeatable either. She can be caught off guard or even overwhelmed by faster opponents! And if she heard my voice affectionately calling for her, she'll get distracted and lose the additional abilities her Battle Trance gives her.

Ann: But she's not 100% loyal to Junko. She has had thoughts of moving on from Junko before her death and these same thoughts occurred of betraying Junko in Danganronpa S, even thinking of betraying Junko just so her sister can feel that despair.

Kokonoe: The mere thought of it even caught Monokuma off guard. And the funny thing is, Mukuro could easily do it. And she could be the biggest threat to Junko, as nobody knows Junko better than Mukuro.

Mukuro: But when you think about it, the idea of "chasing a dream" is just too vague. There's no substance to it, no clue what it even means. You just end up desperate and lost... And then everything you've done is a waste.

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