Rena Ryuugu vs Yuno Gasai: Future Tears

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Junko: Never judge a book by its cover. 

Monika: You may think someone you love is sweet and innocent on the outside, but they can easily switch to being a chaotic demon on the inside. And these two ladies know this all too well.

Junko: Rena Ryuuga, the Yangire demon of Higurashi.

Monika: And Yuno Gasai, the Yandere God of Mirai Nikki. The stage is set and the combatants are ready.

Junko: It's time for a Death Battle!

The sun was setting. Yuki and Yuno were walking around a junkyard.

Yuki: So what are we doing in the middle of a bunch of junk exactly?

Yuno: To keep you safe silly. What if another Diary user attacked you again?

Yuki: I guess...

As they spoke, a shadow passed behind them. Yuno smelt a hint of gasoline and had a suspicious look in her eyes.

Yuki: Yuno?

Her face suddenly turned into a smile as she turned to Yuki.

Yuno: It's alright Yuki. You stay here and look for a place to keep shelter. I'll be right back.

Yuki nodded as Yuno walked away. As she walked away, she heard static from her phone as her future changed.

Yuno: Hm? ... Tch!

Meanwhile, Yuki was rummaging through some of the rubble. As he did, he saw some red liquid dripping from a nearby fridge. Yuki got close to it and opened it up, only to find multiple dead arms, legs, and heads collapsing in front of him.

Yuki: Aah!

He fell on his butt looking horrified at the still fresh corpses as the color drained from his face.

Yuki: A... Are those real?!

Little did he know a dark shadow was looming behind him. Rena was walking up close scratching her neck and lifting her cleaver, ready to strike.

Yuno: YUKIIII!!!

Rena turned to see Yuno dashing towards them.

Yuno threw a flash grenade into the air, flashing a bright light that blinded Rena for a couple of seconds. As Rena was distracted, Yuno pulled out her Taser and shocked her with it.

Yuno: Yuki, hurry and go!

Yuki was quick to make a run for it and Rena was quick to headbutt Yuno, knocking her back. Rena dashed at her and swung her cleaver but Yuno rolled to the side, avoiding the cleaver and pulling out a machine gun before firing rapid shots at her. Rena was quick to start running and dodging the bullets. She ran up a hill of trash and jumped off it, swinging her cleaver. Yuno used the gun to block as Rena sliced it in half. Rena then kicked Yuno in the gut, causing her to cough up blood and get knocked into a pile of trash. She whipped the blood from her mouth as Rena ran at her laughing. Yuno acted quickly and grabbed an axe, swinging it and knocking the Cleaver out of Rena's hands. Yuno swung it again and Rena jumped out of the way.

Rena: (She's using the environment around her as a weapon. Well so can I!)

Yuno swung her axe and Rena picked up an axe from the floor. She swung it and they both clashed before both their axes broke, falling to the ground. Yuno pulled out a pistol and aimed it, but Rena threw a box cutter that stabbed Yuno's hand, forcing her to drop the gun. 

Yuno: Geh!

Rena picked up a metal bat as Yuno pulled the box cutter out of her hand. Rena swung her bat and Yuno ducked under the strike before picking up a small sledgehammer.  She swung it and smacked Rena over the head with it. Before she could recover, Yuno stabbed her in the shoulder and ran her into a pile of trash. Yuno then wrapped her hands around her neck and tried strangling her.

Yuno: Nobody hurts my Yuki! I'll send you straight to hell!

Rena grabbed whatever was close by. She managed to get ahold of a sharp piece of glass and stabbed Yuno in the eye with it. 

Yuno: Gah!

Yuno got back, pulling the glass shard out as Rena started laughing.

Rena: Ahahaha... AHAHAHAHA!!!

Yuno: Tch! What's so funny?!

Rena's face went from one with a twisted face, to one devoid of life, scratching at her neck as Magets squirmed out her wound.

Rena: Is that... gasoline I smell?

Yuno's eyes widened as she heard static coming from her phone. She opened it and read.

Yuki is hiding behind the Colonel Sanders manikin. 

It blew up!!!


As soon as she saw this she panicked. She looked around and saw a Colonel Sanders manikin in the distance. She ran towards it.

Yuno: Yuki, get out of there!

It was too late. Before she could even come close to it, the manikin blew up. The flames from the junkyard hit the gasoline and caused the entire junkyard to burst into flames. Yuno fell to her knees with tears streaming down her eyes. Her sadness turned to pure rage once she turned around to hear Rena laughing.


Yuno grits her teeth. The blood around her formed a cloak as Yuno lifted her arm and dropped a giant orb down above Rena. Rena sees this and her eyes widen as she makes a quick dash for it, dodging the orb and grabbing a shovel. She swung it at Yuno, who summoned a machete and blocked her strike.

Rena: Alright, what the hell are you?! Some sort of God?!

Yuno kicked her away as the giant orb opened up.

Yuno: No... your despair.

It closed and trapped Rena inside as it was now Yuno who was laughing maniacally.

Rena opened her eyes. She was in the middle of town covered in blood but nobody was around. Nobody but a small puppy. She leaned down to pet the puppy with a smile.

Rena: So... Cuuute~

Meanwhile, outside of the illusion, Yuno was looking at her phone.

Yuki had escaped the explosion.

 Thank goodness~


Yuno: Yuki~... Wait... it still says Dead End?

Just then, the Orb behind her blew up and out came a giant Rena.

Rena: I'm gonna take you home with me!!!

She goes for a massive punch and Yuno quickly flies into the air in order to avoid it. She summoned two more orbs and sent them flying into the massive Rena, who was knocked back before returning to her normal size and grabbing a saw from the trash. She flew up at Yuno who gripped her machete. They both swung their blades and clashed, flying above the burning junkyard. They clashed 5 more times before Yuno knocked the saw out of Rena's hand and kicked her back into the ground hard enough to make a crater. 

Rena coughed up blood and looked up to see Yuno coming down with her machete. She got out of the way as Yuno stabbed the ground. 

Rena smiled and picked up a much larger Japanese Nata than she had before. Yuno saw this and tossed her machete away, taking out her katana instead. They both dashed at each other and Yuno swung the katana. Rena jumped out the way and swung her cleaver, which Yuno quickly tried to block. However, Rena managed to cut through the Katana and slice off a large chunk of her shoulder.


She grabbed a piece of the broken Katana and stabbed Rena in the neck. Blood gushed everywhere as she shoved her into the ground. She got on top of her and ripped the blade out violently.

Yuno: DIE!

She stabbed her in the chest.

Yuno: DIE!

Then she stabbed her in the head.


She stabbed her over and over and over again until Rena was nothing but a bloody mess. Her corpse wasn't even recognizable as it was stabbed all over and Yuno kept going nonstop.


She slowly started to calm down, blood all over her. She looked over her shoulder to see Yuki, on the floor looking horrified at the scene. Yuno smiled down at him.

Yuno: ...

She had a nightmarish grin on her face as static came from her phone.

Yuki came crawling towards me. 

His legs are broken. 

He's all mine.

 I'm going to take him home with me~

[Happy End]

Junko: Aw, what a happy ending~

Monika: I think I'm going to have nightmares after that...

Junko: Oh please, it wasn't that bad!

Monika: Anyway, this was quite an interesting match. Both foes were highly intelligent with a very high pain tolerance. Taking either of them down was not going to be easy.  

Junko: In her base form, Rena was much stronger but way slower. Luckily her Cuuute Mode evened the playing field in terms of speed. It also made her more durable and way stronger... just not to the extent that Yuno had no way to kill her.

Monika: It's true that Rena had ways to catch up and even surpass Yuno physically, but Yuno's much larger arsenal would eventually overwhelm her.

Junko: This includes projectile weapons like guns and crossbows, which Rena herself lacks. Not to mention that her Cuuute Mode has no answers to any of Yuno's abilities as a Time God. Sure Rena can increase her physical stats and grow huge, but Yuno can easily shrink her to size, rewrite her memories, or even erase her from existence entirely. 

Monika: Still, this is Yuno. There's no way she wouldn't make her death as painful as possible.

Junko: Cry me a river. Rena's future was bleak from the start.

Monika: The winner is Yuno Gasai.

Winner: Yuno Gasai

+Faster than base

+Larger arsenal

+Better range with guns

+More experience

+Better hax


=Pain Tolerance

-Weaker physically

-Much more reckless

-Too obsessed with Yuki

Looser: Rena Ryuugu


+More durable with Cuuute Mode

+Physically superior


=Pain tolerance

-Slower in base

-Less arsenal

-No ranged options

-No big hax

Monika: And with that the Halloween Special of 2023 is over! Actually, this one was a lot better than the last two. It does suck that I only get to host three times a month but what can you do?

Junko: Well, we can't do anything about that... at least not for now.

Monika: What do you mean?

Junko: Puhuhu... Next time on Death Battle!

Kasumi Yoshizawa vs Hibiki Tachibana

(Persona vs Symphogear)

Neptune Trivia: Battle #168:

-Connections: The connections between Rena Ryuuguu and Yuno Gasai are that both are young, psychopathic school girls who have an unhealthy obsession with their crushes (Yuno's being Yukiteru and Rena's being Keiichi), and they even go to the point of murder with their weapons (Rena with her hatchet and Yuno with her axe), and both despite being insane are pretty smart and despite being the "Protagonists", both are considered antagonists due to the sheer people they killed and both have different forms (Kyute Form and Goddess, respectively)

-The scene with Rena stabbing Yuno in the eye with glass was originally going to be Rena throwing the Box Cutter in reference to Yuki throwing a dart at Minene's eye, but stabbing it with glass was an additional reference to when Rena stabbed Rina with glass

-We were originally not going to give Yuno her God powers until we learned Rena had her Cuuute Mode to even out the playing field

-Yuno was originally going to fight either Toko Fukawa or Ayano Aishi. We decided to save Toko for someone else and not to do Ayano due to recent controversy. 

-This battle has two thumbnails, with the first one made by SandraOsborne1.

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