Springtrap vs Junko Enoshima: Five Nights of Despair

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Akame: There are many types of Despair and many ways to inflict it...

Ann: And these two know every single one, creating a world of despair!

Neptune: Sprigtrap, the Man behind Five Nights at Freddy's!

Mukuro: And Junko Enoshima, the Mastermind of Danganronpa

Kokonoe: The stage is set and the combatants are ready...

Dizzy: It's time for a Death Battle!

In a dark room within a Pizzaria restaurant, Monokuma entered to see Springtrap lying on the ground, leaning up against a wall.

Monokuma: How disappointing. I thought I'd head in here and see something terrifying. But all I see is another piece of animatronic junk. Major bummer. And here I was about to have my killing game here.

He approached Springtrap and started knocking on his head.

Monokuma: What are you anyway? Some kinda bunny mascot? You'd be better as a bear. Oh well... time to rip you to-

Suddenly, Springtrap woke up and grabbed Monokuma by the head, slamming him into the wall behind him.

Springtrap: And who are you?

Monokuma: ... Puhuhuhuhuhu... your despair...


Monokuma stabbed him in the arm with his claws, forcing him to let go. Springtrap went for a backhand and Monokuma dodged it before swinging his claws. Springtrap dodged them and swatted Monokuma away, sending him flying. Monokuma caught himself and dashed back at Springtrap, hitting him with a dropkick and knocking him into an arcade machine. Springtrap recovered almost instantly, grabbing the arcade machine and throwing it at Monokuma, who sliced it to pieces and dashed back at Springtrap, swinging his claws again. Springtrap caught Monokuma by the arm and leg before taking a bite out of the bear's neck and ripping off its head. As soon as he did, Monokuma blew up in his face and sent Springtrap flying back into the wall. The Animatronic sat up on his feet and looked at the camera on the side of the room as the area around him was on fire.

Springtrap: Did you really think you could get rid of me with such a cheap toy? 

As he began to walk towards the halls, a TV turned on from the corner of his eye. Junko Enoshima was on the screen.

Junko: Checking... checking... one two! Hello? Am I on? Can you hear me? You did a pretty good job handling that Monokuma. I'm almost so shocked I could blow myself up right now! Puhuhuhu!

Springtrap glared at the screen, unamused by Junko's humor.

Junko: Aw... what's with the grumpy face? Don't worry, you'll be seeing something really nice in just about... now.

The TV suddenly played a Despair Video and just like that, Springtrap was having visions of his son and daughter.

Elizabeth: Daddy? Why won't you let me play with her?

Crying Child: AAAAAAH!!!

Springtrap: GRRAAAH!!!

Springtrap saw visions of their deaths and quickly yanked the TV off the wall before ripping it in two and smashing it into the ground.

Springtrap: Once I find you... I will tear out your nerves...

As he said that, he looked through the door in front of him as several Monokuma units peeked through it. A Guard Monokuma ran at him. He immediately took the Monokuma's shield and smashed it into its head before a Junk Monokuma jumped at him. He smashed it to the ground and ripped off its arms as he went to face the other Monokuma units.

As this was happening, Junko was looking through the cameras in the security room, eating popcorn, and enjoying the show. She looked at the other cameras and noticed that they were starting to flicker. Her grin widened as she knew that the Twisted Animatronics were all already right behind her.

Junko: Well now... what took you so long...

Twisted Wolf went to grab her but she quickly grabbed an ice pick and stabbed it in the eye before grabbing its head and smashing it into the control panel. Chica then went in for a bite but Junko ducked under it as Twisted Bonnie and Foxy tried to claw at her from behind. Junko dodged them too and tossed her wallet into Twisted Freddy's hands.

Junko: Here! Keep the change!

She quickly grabbed her baseball bat and ran out of the room, closing and locking the door behind her. She then sat beside the room and covered her ears only for nothing to happen.

Junko: Hm?

She looked towards the room and a giant explosion erupted, blasting the poor open as Freddy's head and other pieces of the Animatronic had come apart and fell out of the room.

Junko: Well that timing was late.

She stood up and brushed herself off as Springtrap's eyes glowed behind her. He swung a mallet and smashed her into the wall beside her. He went for another one, this time aiming for her head but she quickly dodged it and swung her bat, hitting him in the back of the head with it. He swung his mallet again and she dodged it, swinging her bat and smacking him in the face. She then continued to smash the bat into his head until he fell to one knee. She hit him in the head again, this time so hard that the bat broke.

Junko: Whoops.


Springtrap swung his mallet and Junko dodged it before throwing a grenade. Springtrap used the shield he got from the Guard Monkuma to block the explosion caused by it as the impact knocked them both back. Junko had been sent flying into a wall. She looked up to see Springtrap already dashing at her and swinging his mallet. Right before he could hit her, a Beast Monokuma ran into him, knocking the mallet and shield out of his hand. 

Junko: Puhuhuhu... can't you see? No matter what you do to me... in the end you'll just be overwhelmed by Monokuma.

The Beast Monokuma dashed at him but Springtrap swatted it away. He looked up at Junko to see her right behind a Siren Monokuma that alerted two Destroyer Monokuma that fired their flamethrowers while hovering in the air, setting the entire hall on fire as three Bomber Monokuma came throwing bombs.

Junko: Hmm... maybe I went a little too far. By this point, the whole building will be on fire... Ha! like I give a shit!

She picked up a Bomber Monokuma and threw it into the flames before sticking her middle finger up in that direction. The flames were now so intense you could no longer see Springtrap.

Junko: This place could burn in hell for all I care! Ahahaha!

Junko laughed out loud before walking away. She then stopped after the four Monkuma behind her suddenly blew up. She didn't bother turning around though as she was starting to see visions of random Phantom Animatronics. She had a wide grin on her face.

Junko: Using sound to trick my brain into seeing things that aren't really there. Clever... I should use that sometime.

Just then, Springtrap burst out of the vents covered in shadows as he swung a Springlock Crank. Junko jumped back and dodged it as Springtrap hit the ground instead, creating a massive crater. Junko stepped on the crank and pulled out a knife, looking to stab him in the head with it. Springtrap pulled out a knife of his own and blocked her blow before pushing her back. 

Springtrap: You're starting to become one annoying brat.

Junko: I get that a lot.

As she said that, she bowed and a Ball Monokuma jumped out from above her and threw junk in Springtrap's face.

Springtrap: Gah!

The Ball Monokuma rolled into Springtrap, knocking him through several walls before they got to the entrance hall and slammed into a giant metal hatch. Springtrap struggled a bit but managed to pull himself out from behind it, ripping his arm off in the process as a sharp bone was hanging out.

Springtrap: Gah!

Junko: Ouch. That's gotta hurt.

He looked up to see Junko standing before him. Enraged, he lunged at Junko with his knife. Junko dodge it and swung her knife as well. Springtrap swung his knife again and the two clashed, knocking each other's arms back. Springtrap used the bone from his other arm as a blade and swung it. Junko immediately dodged as they both swung their knives again. This tie Junko managed to knock the knife out of his hand but he immediately used his now free arm to grab her by the neck and slam her into the ground. He then lifted his foot and stomped on her face.



Junko suddenly started bursting out laughing which confused Springtrap.

Springtrap: You are about to meet your end... and yet you decide to laugh?

Junko: You know... we're pretty much the same right? There's a special place in Hell for people like us... so let's not keep the Devil waiting shall we?! Come to me, Spears of Gungnir!

Several spears suddenly shot out all at once and stabbed Springtrap all over his body. He got back as Junko sat up with a bunch of Monokuma coming to her aid. She walked towards him as her head dripped with blood and stabbed him in the chest with her knife. But as soon as she did, she was pierced by the blade of his bone in return. She coughed up blood and was tossed right in front of her Monokuma units. She was bleeding heavily as she looked up at Springtrap

Springtrap: Your movements... and all the mistakes you've made thus far... I can tell your doing it on purpose. Do you wish for the despair of death so badly? Then I shall grant it to you... with your own creations...

The Monokuma's then started to act up as Springtrap had taken full control over all of them. They got closer to Junko and started tearing her apart, limb by bloody limb. Some were even eating her up. She was in constant pain until her body finally went limp.

Springtrap: You were an interesting human while you lasted... but you were no match for me.

After he said that, however, he saw that the Monokuma had stopped eating Junko as he had lost control over them. They all turned to stare at him as one of the Monokuma stepped up.

Kurokuma: Ay yo yo yo! How ya doin'? It's Kurokuma in the house! 

Springtrap glared at the Monokuma.

Kurokuma: Hey hey! Relax my guy! I'm just here to tell ya that you probably ain't makin' it out of here alive!

Not taking his words very lightly, Springtrap grabbed him by the neck and threw him into a wall.

Kurokuma: After all, I already said it before...

Kurokuma went limp as he started to sound different as his voice finally turned into Junko's.

Junko: No matter how hard you try... you'll always get overwhelmed by my Monokuma.

Suddenly, a burst of lightning struck the building, causing the whole thing to blow up. As the smoke cleared and the place was nothing but rubble, Springtrap managed to stand up and look to see what caused it. As he did, he saw Big Bang Monokuma staring down at him. Kurokuma fell behind him as just a head.

Junko: Puuhuhu! Ready to give up yet? Even if you were, I wouldn't let you. 

Big Bang Monokuma fired three Monokuma balls that blew up in Springtrap's face. Springtrap recovered and threw a huge chunk of rubble at it but that did nothing.

Junko: Puhuhuhu! I've prepared a very special punishment for William Afton!

Springtrap: Punishment? How naive. A girl like you should have already figured it out.

Big Bang Monokuma swung its staff at the ground, creating a shockwave that sent Springtrap flying upward.

Springtrap: I always come back.

The giant Monokuma hit him with another wing that smashed him to the ground, causing his body to splatter into nothing but blood and guts. But as he did, he hacked into the AI within Kurokuma and entered the virtual world as Glitchtrap.


He stepped foot into a digital space that had suddenly taken the form of a courtroom. 

Glitchtrap: What's this?

Monokuma: Puhuhuhu!

He looked up to see Monokuma sitting on a throne.

Monokuma: Sorry to keep you waiting! I had to do a little bit of... redecorating around the house.

Just then, the Monobeast appeared behind Monokuma. Glitchtrap was unimpressed as he summoned a battling gun and shot down all the Monobeast in mere moments. Monkuma jumped up to dodge the bullets and went to swing his claws. Glitchtrap used the gun to block his strike and the gun was cut in half. Glitchtrap then summoned a golf stick and swung it, knocking Monokuma back on his thrown. Monokuma didn't give up though as he summoned 10^60 other Monokuma that all surrounded Glitchtrap.

Glitchtrap: Enough!

Glitchtrap unleashed a purple shockwave that caused everything, including the Monokuma, to glitch out.

Monokuma: AAAAAYYyyyAAaaaYYYAAAaahH!!!

Glitchtrap: I've had enough of your games. Now... disappear.

Glitchtrap snapped his finger, but as soon as he did, Junko's massive hand smashed Monkuma to pieces as her massive body stood before him. She pulled out a phone and sat it down to reveal a smaller version that spoke to him.

Junko: Hey hey hey! I've got to say, I died so many times in these things and turned into an AI that I've become quite surprised that someone would actually strike the AI itself. But then again, this battle was never about who was the better fighter, was it?

Glitchtrap: Regardless you will fall like all the rest.

Glitchtrap tried to infect Alter Ego Junko with his virus, but he instead found himself turned back into William Afton.

Afton: What? Impossible!

Even after saying this, he suddenly got clawed from behind by a Monokuma.

Junko: Puhuhuhuhu! Let's give it everything we've got! It's Punishment Time!

All the other Monokuma started dancing around them as Afton turned around only for another Monokuma to jumpscare him. He jumped back and a Monokuma struck him from behind and ripped off his arm. Another bit off his legs as he fell to the ground. He looked up to see his daughter with the face of Circus Baby. She was holding a knife and preceded to stab him in the face over and over again until you could no longer recognize him. The rest of the Monokuma's started munching on his body before Junko finally deleted the virus and erased it from existence entirely.

Junko: Puhuhuhu... puhuhuhu... AHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Mukuro: Oh Junko... this might just be my favorite fight we've put you in!

Neptune: Because you don't die? Or um... something else? It better not be something else...

Mukuro: It's both.

Dizzy: This was an interesting fight. Springtrap was certainly the superior fighter and stronger opponent, but Junko was surprisingly much faster and more durable.

Ann: Springtrap also had more experience though Junko's Ultimate Talent meant she was much smarter.

Akame: Along with that, Junko's Monokuma meant she had a far greater army to fight off Springtrap than he did with his Animatronics. But at the same time, he could easily take control of them and turn them against her albeit for a short amount of time before they resist his effects.

Kokonoe: Regardless, this was never a battle of who would win in their own physical bodies. No matter how you look at it, this battle would end with one dying and coming back as an AI to kill the other. So instead the fight would determine who was the better Ai. Glitchtrap or Alter Ego Junko?

Dizzy: While they both have complete control over the Virtual World, Junko has shown more feats as an AI than Springtrap to the point where other AI like Alter Ego Chihiro, who should have higher authority than her, wasn't able to fight back against her virus even though Junko still needed to follow the rules of the Neo World Program. And with more showings as an AI, it was obvious who was superior.

Mukuro: Oh! Junko gave me a note. *ahem* "The Hosts have achieved a win at last. Can the others Spring up some hope and get themselves a win as well? Or will they all be Trapped in Despair?"

Kokonoe: The winner is Junko Enoshima

Winner: Junko Enoshima


+More Durable


+Larger Arsenal

+Better AI

=Hard to Kill

-Physically weaker without Monokuma

-Less Experience

-No protection

-Less comebacks

Loser: Springtrap

+More experience


+Better fighter

+More protection

+Actually succeded in bringing himself back to life through an AI

=Really hard to kill

-Smart but not as smart


-Less durable

-Smaller arsenal

-Weaker virus

Neptune: Next time on Death Battle!


Aqua vs Jeanne D'Arc

(Kingdom Hearts vs Fate)

Neptune's Trivia (Battle #153): 

-The connection between Springtrap and Junko Enoshima is that they are both psychotic serial killers who show very little to no morals, who at the same time are incredibly intelligent and use their intellect to make short work of their prey.

-This battle was intended to come out on Etna's Birthday but came out late

-This marks Junko's fourth battle including the deleted one in Season 1

     *It's also her 4th win, marking her off with an Undefeated Streak against Frank West, Pheonix Wright, Joker, and Springtrap

         *Funny as Junko's the first Host to fight in Death Battle

-This is Springtraps first Death Battle and first loss

       *He's also the first FNAF character to fight in Death Battle

-Originally FNAF was never going to make an appearance. But after Etna heard of this match she just had to try it out

-This match was originally supposed to be for next week with the next time being for this week, but Junko wanted to mix things up.

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