Composite Sonic speed blitzes Death Battle! (Part 1)

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Name: Sonic the Hedgehog

Origin: SEGA

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 77 Ibs

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Classification: Sonic Prime, Mobian Hedgehog, Freedom Fighter, The Fastest Thing Alive, Embodiment of Chaos, Chosen Hero of The Multiverse, Blue Immortal (By the Azurites)


Kokonoe: We've seen plenty of incredibly fast fighters, but quite few can quite match up to Sonic the Hedgehog.

Junko: Since this is our first time we're just shoving him with everything, I don't think there's a need to go too deep into the guys backstory. He's an Anthropomorphic Hedgehog that basically saves the world from Eggman and a bunch of gods.

Ann: For once, I actually agree with Junko. All you need to know is that this blue blur is crazy fast!

Ann: He can easily run across an entire country in seconds! And once gathered 1000 Sonic's through the Cosmic Interstate, a mere fraction of which is said to be 148,000 light-years long!

Kokonoe: Assuming that it took Sonic at least a day to finish this feat, than his base speed should be at least 53 to 107 trillion times the speed of light.

Ann: And in a fight with Evil Sonic, he circled around the earth 3-4 times!

Kokonoe: According to Sally Acorn, he can go from 0 to 65 mph in just.00000000001 seconds, or 10 picoseconds. Meaning he can accelerate at a rate of 2,905,760,000,000 m/s^2, or 9692.572 c.

Junko: Come on guys, we all know there's no real line you can put at Sonic's speed! I mean, the guy can literally fight in frozen time! Hell, when Time Man froze time, not only could Sonic still move, but he was still too fast for Time Man to catch! By this point, Sonic's speed may as well be infinite!

Kokonoe: *scratches head and sighs* Fine, we'll use the infinite speed argument but only this once.

Ann: Yes! Anyway, Sonic is incredibly strong too.

Kokonoe: While he isn't exactly known for his strength, just by accelerating from 0 to 65 mph in just 10 picoseconds, the amount of force Sonic generates just by running must be 10,370,677,010.2936 metric tons.

Junko: He can go toe-to-toe with Shadow, who's strong enough to play tug-of-war with a ugly plant monster big enough to ride a planet!

Kokonoe: Sonic himself has a ton of power too.

Junko: While there's more to Sonic's speed and strength, we're gonna try to breeze through everything and stuff as much into two parts as possible. If we miss anything I'm sure you guys would tell us. Anyway, onto his powers!

Ann: He's already known for his Spindash and Homing Attack. And he can boost his speed, destroying everything in his path.

Junko: He can also breathe in space and yes he can swim, he just really hates water.

Kokonoe: Ontop of that, he can harden and soften his quills at will. They can be used to sense danger and they're sharp enough to cut through thick glass, wood, stone, clay, and solid metal. He once used it to dig to the other side of the planet in less than 12 seconds.

Junko: He can also vibrate his molecules!

Junko: By vibrating his molecules at high speeds, Sonic can quickly heal himself in battle. He can vibrate his molecules fast enough to phase through objects and once even phased out of a time barrier!

Kokonoe: He can also vibrate the air molecules to create a 360° shield.

Kokonoe: Used for both offensive and defensive purposes, it can slash at opponents while protecting Sonic from attacks and projectiles.

Ann: It's capable of blocking attacks from Knuckles, who can trigger volcanic explosions and punch hard enough to create an explosion from the moon that can be seen from space!

Junko: Sonic can create tornadoes large enough to suck the oxygen from his opponents lungs! And he can transfer his speed into the vehicles he rides!

Kokonoe: Wait, why would he need a vehicle when he can just run wherever he wants?

Junko: *places hand on Kokonoe's shoulder* You wouldn't understand.

Ann: Yeah, but still, it explains why he has a car!

Ann: Built by Tails using some of Eggman's destroyed bots, this thing can turn from a car to a boat or even a jet!

Junko: Sonic also has a hoverboard called Blue Star! Which can make tornadoes too! He has other boards, but the Blue Star is his primary one.

Kokonoe: He's fast enough to create temporal clones of himself.

Kokonoe: These clones are all from Sonic going back in time to help the present Sonic in battle. But he doesn't just know how to go back in time, he can also slow time down for at least 10 seconds.

Ann: And after absorbing fission, Sonic can tap into a Fire and Ice mode!

Ann: With the fire mode, he envelopes himself in an orange aura that burns objects and instantly melts solid ice. In his ice mode, his aura turns blue and instantly freezes anything near him, even the ground he walks on.

Junko: And it wouldn't be Sonic if we didn't talk about his Power Sneakers!

Junko: Sonic's iconic shoes that were invented by Uncle Chuck! They're friction proof and can grind on rails!

Kokonoe: They also have a button Sonic can press for either anti-gravity or magnetic features.

Junko: He's also got his power rings!

Junko: These rings can be found just about anywhere and can be used for multiple purposes. Like opening portals to other dimensions, increasing his strength and already impressive speed, or even giving him insight on whatever knowledge he desires!

Kokonoe: They can also restore lost memory, grant wishes, and even have healing properties. Some are even genetically encoded only to respond to Sonic's psychology.

Ann: Sonic also has Color Powers!

Ann: Once he absorbs a wisp, he can use their Hyper-go-on energy to temporarily grant himself new powers and abilities!

Junko: Some can let him create giant explosions, burst in flames, create shockwaves by slamming into the ground, or even turn into a living black hole!

Ann: But his best use of them is his Final Color Blaster!

Ann: The ultimate Color Power. He uses the combination of all the Wisps to strike at the enemy!

Kokonoe: He's also got a communicator.

Kokonoe: A wristwatch created by Tails. Not only can it tell time, communicate with friends, and send text messages, but it can also grant access to Sonic's Fire and Ice modes mentioned earlier. It also has an Enerbeam.

Kokonoe: An energy tether that can pull and latch onto objects and enemies. It can be used to swing around, pull enemies, disarm them, and even redirect missles.

Ann: It can also be used as a whip!

Junko: Sonic is really good at hand-to-hand combat, capable of going toe-to-toe with Knuckles and a 3000 year old Segata Sanshiro!

Ann: But that's not all he's good at. He's just as good with his hands as he is with a sword! In fact, he has two swords!

Kokonoe: The first is the Sword of Light.

Kokonoe: Originally created by the Ancient Walkers to combat dark magic, Sonic has used this sword on several occasions despite the sword requiring the use of the wielders life in order to work.

Junko: Oh, before we forget, Sonic can tap into what's known as the Chaos Force, which is basically the embodiment of all Chaos Energy, an unstable, yet incredibly powerful extra-dimensional energy that encompasses all reality. But we'll probably get more on that on part 2.

Ann: Isn't it a bit too late to mention that now?

Junko: Nope!

Ann: I see... um... well, he has a second sword called the Sword of Acorn!

Ann: An extremely powerful sword forged in the Source of All. Since Sonic isn't apart of the Acorn Family, he can't use it at full power.

Junko: But he can still use it to drain or nullify his opponents power, heal himself, cut rifts through reality, or even stun opponents infinite in strength like Enerjak!

Kokonoe: He does own a third sword too known as-

Junko: But we'll need to go over that in part two. Sorry guys but we'll have to cut this one sort due to some limitations!

(Note: after using info from multiple sources, including things I don't normally use, I had to split it in two. The same may happen with Gilgamesh's bio. But due to being sick in the middle of making this, chances are I missed things revolving around Sonic's arsenal aside from things linked to his transformations. If there is anything you think I missed or got wrong, please let me know.)

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